foveal in Germany

foveal [fouviːl] narbig

Sentence patterns related to "foveal"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "foveal" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "foveal", or refer to the context using the word "foveal" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Presumed foveal Bacillary layer detachment in a patient with toxoplasmosis chorioretinitis and pachychoroid disease

2. In Fig. 2 we show at the upper right a typical fragment of foveal retina from one of our preparations.

3. The eye tracker records these movements and the location of the foveal vision when the eyes fixate.

4. Bepray confix heloma underdraverkare fremontodendron chelicera malakofylly halvhjärtat disatate sithens foveal clonazepam order till “ luncheon-bord kommunikation

5. In the main. the results indicate that SRT had stabilizing effects on visual acuity, angiographic leakage, lipid exudation, and foveal retinal thickness.

Es zeigten sich v. a. stabilisierende Effekte auf Visus, angiographische Leckageaktivität, Lipidexsudatentwickulung sowie auf die foveale Netzhautdicke.

6. That's because the foveal part of your eye, which is the high-resolution part, is only about the size of your thumbnail held at arms length.

7. That's because the foveal part of your eye, which is the high- resolution part, is only about the size of your thumbnail held at arms length.