for the purpose of in Germany

for the purpose of [fərðpʌpouzɔf] zwecks

Sentence patterns related to "for the purpose of"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "for the purpose of" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "for the purpose of", or refer to the context using the word "for the purpose of" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. For the purpose of this Agreement:

Für die Zwecke dieses Abkommens gelten folgende Begriffsbestimmungen:

2. Chastening is for the purpose of discipline and purification

3. Churning occurs when agents sell policies not for the purpose of benefiting or protecting clients, but instead for the purpose of ear ning a commission

4. 1. For the purpose of preventing fatigue, Member States shall:

(1) Zur Verhinderung von Übermüdung verfahren die Mitgliedstaaten wie folgt:

5. (5) agreements entered into solely for the purpose of sale.

5. Lizenzvereinbarungen, die ausschließlich den Vertrieb betreffen.

6. Device for heating ambient air for the purpose of inhalation

Vorrichtung zum erwärmen von umgebungsluft zum zwecke der inhalation

7. ( 42 ) Only for the purpose of definition of off-road vehicles.

( 42 ) Nur zum Zweck der Definition von Geländefahrzeugen.


9. Government often charges Cess for the purpose of development in social sectors

10. MultiBoosting is the most advanced provider for the purpose of online games

11. Device comprising two mutually adapted impedances for the purpose of power transmission

12. A meeting was called for the purpose of appointing a new treasurer.

13. They are also hunted for the purpose of exports for medical experimental use.

14. Hazardous substances and their threshold quantities for the purpose of defining hazardous activities


15. The clean beasts, however, were preserved not strictly for the purpose of procreation.

16. if such carriage took place for the purpose of loading, delivery or transshipment

17. [Abstract] The abstract shall not be taken into account for the purpose of

18. Medical imaging apparatus for the purpose of effecting joint alignment in orthopaedic surgery

Medizinische Bildgebungsapparate zur Durchführung einer Gelenkorientierung in der orthopädischen Chirurgie

19. Absorbent socks, pillows filled with cotton for the purpose of absorbing spilt liquids

Absorbierende Socken, Kissen, gefüllt mit Baumwolle zum Absorbieren von verschütteten Flüssigkeiten

20. Installation of copper metal based accessories for the purpose of reducing risks infection

Installation von kupfermetallbasiertem Zubehör zum Zweck der Reduzierung von Infektionsrisiken

21. For the purpose of becoming a lawyer, it was normal to study abroad.

22. Additional modifications incorporated for the purpose of compliance with the applicable noise certification standards

Zusätzlich vorgenommene Änderungen zur Einhaltung der einschlägigen Standards der Lärmschutzzertifizierung

23. This enables them to breed captive tigers for the purpose of selling their parts.

24. 12 Some people believe that sex should only be for the purpose of procreation.

25. The reseller discount may be applied for the purpose of additional sale of license.

Es ist möglich die Ermäßigung für den Verkäufer zum Zwecke des Weiterverkaufs der Lizenz geltend zu machen.

26. The prohibition, then, was for the purpose of protecting the Israelites from religious contamination.

27. 18 For God has not called us for the purpose of impurity, but sanctification.

28. Finally, case history study is made for the purpose of checking its application result.

29. Collection of accountancy data for the purpose of a business analysis of agricultural holdings

Sammlung der Buchführungsdaten zum Zweck der Untersuchung der betriebswirtschaftlichen Verhältnisse landwirtschaftlicher Betriebe

30. Accordingly, 97 votes constitute an absolute majority for the purpose of the present election.

31. This exception applies essentially to research and for the purpose of forming public opinion

32. Couplings are used to join two shafts together for the purpose of transmitting power

33. THAT Affiants give this Affidavit for the purpose of inducing STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY

34. For the purpose of ECAI issuer ratings, a foreign currency rating shall be acceptable.

Im Rahmen von ECAI-Emittentenratings sind Ratings in Fremdwährung akzeptabel.

35. Absorbent socks, pillows, namely tubes of absorbent materials for the purpose of absorbing liquids

Absorbierende Socken, Kissen, nämlich Schläuche mit absorbierenden Stoffen zum Absorbieren von Flüssigkeiten

36. God provided the milk of the mother for the purpose of nourishing her young.

37. Selling, general and administrative expenses were not considered for the purpose of this calculation.

Die Vertriebs-, Verwaltungs- und Gemeinkosten wurden bei dieser Berechnung nicht berücksichtigt.

38. collecting, analysing or processing input data for the purpose of determining a benchmark; and

die Erhebung, Analyse oder Verarbeitung von Eingabedaten zwecks Bestimmung einer Benchmark und

39. This exception applies essentially to research and for the purpose of forming public opinion.

40. Providing access to directories for the purpose of searching for information maintained in directories

Bereitstellung des Zugangs zu Verzeichnissen zwecks Suche nach in Verzeichnissen enthaltenen Informationen

41. OEM diagnostic testers are not to be used for the purpose of this test.

Prüf- und Fehlersuchgeräte des Erstausrüsters sind bei dieser Prüfung nicht zu verwenden.

42. For the purpose of examining the application, it shall take the following into account:

Bei der Prüfung der Anträge berücksichtigt sie Folgendes:

43. MFI balance sheet statistics for the purpose of the production of the consolidated balance sheet

44. For the purpose of monitoring, harmonised methods and practices of analysis need to be applied.

Zum Zwecke der Überwachung müssen harmonisierte Analysemethoden und -praktiken angewandt werden.

45. There were reports that human traffickers exploited ROK passports for the purpose of human trafficking.

46. The Nebraska Czechs is a state organization operated for the purpose of organizing chapters, planning …

47. Exchange rate is the value of one Currency for the purpose of conversion to another

48. The definition of a Banquet is an elaborate dinner, usually for the purpose of celebration

49. Additional modifications incorporated for the purpose of compliance with the applicable noise certification standards:13.

Zusätzlich vorgenommene Änderungen zur Einhaltung der einschlägigen Standards der Lärmschutzzertifizierung13.

50. Note: For the purpose of 6A002.a.1., solid-state detectors include ‘focal plane arrays’.

Anmerkung: Für die Zwecke der Unternummer 6A002a1 umfassen Detektoren auch „Focal-plane-arrays“.