footpaths in Germany

footpaths [futpɑːθs] Fußpfade, Gehwege

Sentence patterns related to "footpaths"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "footpaths" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "footpaths", or refer to the context using the word "footpaths" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Please keep to the footpaths.

2. Some footpaths are closed during the shooting season.

3. 27 They traveled on horseback over treacherous Himalayan footpaths.

4. 23 They traveled on horseback over treacherous Himalayan footpaths.

5. 1 Many disused railway lines have become public footpaths.

6. 5 Footpaths are, of course, off limits to bikers.

7. 29 Footpaths are shown on the map as dotted red lines.

8. Footpaths give direct access to the forest and surrounding area - walking or cycling.

Einmal pro Woche können Sie beim traditionellen Brotbacken im Dorf teilnehmen.

9. We disturb wildlife, pollute air, drop litter and literally wear out the footpaths.

10. We do all Concreting jobs from driveways, footpaths, house slabs, garage floors, shed slabs

11. The run-down villas and cement footpaths give way to dusty tracks and wooden shacks.

12. A highway for this purpose is defined as including footpaths, bridleways and byways.

13. 15 The run-down villas and cement footpaths give way to dusty tracks and wooden shacks.

14. Finished road width could reach a total of 33 feet [10 m], including footpaths on both sides.

15. Pedestrian access across the Welbeck estate is confined to footpaths forming part of the Robin Hood Way.

Der Zutritt der Fußgänger über das Anwesen von Welbeck beschränkt sich auf Fußwege als Teil des Robin Hood Way.

16. The air is filled with a dingo's howl, the footpaths alive with the poisonous snakes on their slithering nocturnal hunt.

17. Byways account for less than 2% of England's unsurfaced rights of way network, the remainder being footpaths and bridleways

18. 26 There are several footpaths around the village, which during the summer months provide a rich variety of flora and fauna.

19. 6.4. ‘road’ means, for the purpose of railway accident statistics, any public or private road, street or highway, including adjacent footpaths and bicycle lanes.

6.4. „Straße“ bezeichnet für die Zwecke der Eisenbahnunfallstatistik jede öffentliche oder private Straße oder Schnellstraße, einschließlich der angrenzenden Fuß- und Fahrradwege.

20. 6.4. “road” means, for the purpose of railway accident statistics, any public or private road, street or highway, including adjacent footpaths and bicycle lanes.

6.4. ‚Straße‘ bezeichnet für die Zwecke der Eisenbahnunfallstatistik jede öffentliche oder private Straße oder Schnellstraße, einschließlich der angrenzenden Fuß- und Fahrradwege.

21. Mastic Asphalt has less bitumen content than hot mix Asphalt concrete and is commonly used for roads, footpaths, play courts, and roofing

22. ‘road’ means, for the purpose of railway accident statistics, any public or private road, street or highway, including adjacent footpaths and bicycle lanes.

„Straße“ bezeichnet für die Zwecke der Eisenbahnunfallstatistik jede öffentliche oder private Straße oder Schnellstraße, einschließlich der angrenzenden Fuß- und Fahrradwege.

23. Council workmen have had to tidy footpaths and repair roads and curbs, partly in response to the number of heavy lorries passing through.

24. The Cotswolds is also richly rural: more than 3,000 miles of footpaths and bridleways to explore; ancient woodlands and wildflower meadows; 4,000 miles of historic Cotswold stone …

25. Even in good weather, moving tens of thousands of men over the 3000-foot-high Arakan hills or 10,000-foot-high Assamese ranges, heavily forested and with only narrow footpaths, open to attack by tigers and leopards, would be difficult.