fly-by-wire in Germany

fly-by-wire [flaibiːwaiər] Fliegen mittels Compute

Sentence patterns related to "fly-by-wire"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fly-by-wire" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fly-by-wire", or refer to the context using the word "fly-by-wire" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The term "fly-by-wire" implies a purely electrically signaled control system.

2. "Development""technology", as follows, for "active flight control systems" (including fly-by-wire or fly-by-light):

"Technologie" für die "Entwicklung" von "aktiven Flugsteuerungssystemen" (einschließlich fly-by-wire oder fly-by-light) wie folgt:

3. The Shuttle was one of the earliest craft to use a computerized fly-by-wire digital flight control system.

4. The design is inherently unstable in pitch, so the IDF incorporated a modern triple-redundant full authority fly-by-wire control system.

5. Aerial Refuelling Boom System with fly-by-wire controls, including an automatic load alleviation system, giving a larger refuelling envelope and improved controllability.

Aerial Refuelling Boom System – Luftbetankungsausleger mit elektronisch gesteuerter Ausrichtung (Fly-by-wire) für besser kontrollierte Betankungsmanöver und eine flexiblere Positionierung beider Flugzeuge.

6. Flight Control The heart of the LCA , it uses advanced digital fly - by - wire technology which essentially employs computers to optimise the aircraft ' s performance .

7. Officially nicknamed Berkut (Golden Eagle), the Su-47 was originally built as Russia's principal testbed for composite materials and sophisticated fly-by-wire control systems.

8. The A380 leverages Airbus’ expertise in aircraft design, sharing a large degree of Commonality in systems, flight deck, procedures, and maintainability with the fly-by-wire A320 and A330/A340 and A350 Families.

9. The developments include fly-by-wire, use of efficient high-bypass turbofans and advanced aerodynamic layouts for the 21st century transport aircraft such as the Tu-204/Tu-214, Tu-330 and Tu-334.

10. And like all the passenger aircraft that Airbus produces today, it features many modern technology features at no extra charge – such as advanced fuel-saving aerodynamics, including winglets, widespread weight-saving carbonfibre composites, and pilot and maintenance-friendly fly-by-wire controls and centralised maintenance.

Und wie alle Passagierflugzeuge, die Airbus heute baut, zeichnen sich auch die Modelle der A320-Familie durch zahlreiche moderne technische Eigenschaften aus, die ohne Aufpreis bereitgestellt werden: hoch entwickelte treibstoffsparende Aerodynamik (u.a. mit Winglets), extensiver Einsatz von gewichtssparenden Kohlefaser-Verbundwerkstoffen (CFK), piloten- und wartungsfreundliche Fly-by-Wire-Steuerung und zentralisierte Wartung.

11. Any safety-critical component in a digital fly-by-wire system including applications of the laws of aeronautics and computer operating systems will need to be certified to DO-178C Level A or B, depending on the class of aircraft, which is applicable for preventing potential catastrophic failures.