flooded in Germany

flooded [flʌdid] überflutet, überschwemmte

Sentence patterns related to "flooded"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "flooded" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "flooded", or refer to the context using the word "flooded" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The river flooded the valley.

2. Train lines were flooded out.

3. The cellar was flooded with water.

4. The flooded river was subsiding rapidly.

5. The cataclysm flooded the entire valley.

6. The flooded river carried trees along.

7. Thousands of people were flooded out.

8. The river has flooded the meadows.

9. The farm and surrounding area was flooded.

10. A dam burst and flooded their villages.

11. Many businesses were completely destroyed or flooded.

12. Will this flooded ground ever dry out?

13. One sister’s home had a flooded basement.

14. The rooms were flooded with soft illumination.

15. The vessel flooded and began to sink.

16. Roads were flooded or blocked by landslips.

17. Historical records prove that the flood plains contained considerable areas of non-flooded lands. The former alluvial forests were found not only on flooded plains, but also in rarely or never flooded river basins.

Für die Annahme natürlicher Eschenvorkommen spricht der historische Nachweis, dass die größeren Flussauen vor der Korrektion der Flüsse beträchtliche Teile hatten, die aueökologisch nicht der Überflutungsaue, sondern der kaum oder gar nicht überströmten Altaue zuzurechnen sind.

18. Bad drainage caused the land to be flooded.

19. The dam burst and the valley was flooded.

20. 6 The words flooded him with self-pity.

21. A great sense of relief flooded over him.

22. 12 The result: a flooded unskilled labor market.

23. So that waters flowed and streams flooded out.

24. The heavy rains flooded parts of LaGuardia Airport.

25. Requests for information flooded in after the advertisement.

26. Enquiries flooded in from all over the world.

27. A flooded Basement is a homeowner's worst nightmare

28. Rivers burst their banks and flooded standing crops.

29. A solvent is flooded on to the prepared face.

30. Relief flooded through me as the aeroplane landed safely.

31. It was not easy to drain the flooded mine.

32. The river burst its banks and flooded nearby towns.

33. The switchboard was flooded with calls after the programme.

34. 19 The Chicago River flooded the city'sunderground tunnel system.

35. Synonyms: flooded, drowned, engulfed, submerged More Synonyms of Awash

36. Audacious slowly flooded, allowing all of her crew to

37. The room was flooded with warm and golden sunlight.

38. Highways along the coast of Veracruz were also flooded.

39. Loneliness flooded her as she watched J.D. walk away.

40. Many roads were flooded and impassable following the storm.

41. For miles you could see nothing but flooded fields.

42. The spillover from the Adjacent river flooded the lower fields

43. Hotels, business districts, restaurants, and nightclubs are flooded with customers.

44. “Whether it rains or not, it gets flooded,” he notes.

45. Even in flooded areas, peat extraction continued through turf dredging.

46. The drains flooded and water overflowed down the main street.

47. The stammered words of the Consul flooded back to him.

48. During storms, Coasts are the first places to be flooded

49. Towns and cities all over the country have been flooded.

50. Expressions of sympathy flooded in from all over the country.