fistulas in Germany

fistulas [fistʃeəlɑːz] Fistel

Sentence patterns related to "fistulas"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fistulas" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fistulas", or refer to the context using the word "fistulas" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Types of carotid Cavernous fistulas.

2. Women may have rectovaginal fistulas, which are Anorectal fistulas between the anus or rectum and the vagina

3. How common are colonic and Anorectal fistulas?

4. Fissures, fistulas, condyloma and hemorrhoids are among the most common Anorectal conditions

5. Succeedingly the most anal fistulas occur posterior of the anal canal.

Sind sie vorhanden, so gehen sie von einer Krypte im Bereich der hinteren Analkommissur aus.

6. We also provide vein mapping ultrasounds to evaluate vein Adequacies for creating fistulas and grafts.

7. The subsequent acute inflammatory response leads to erythema, abscesses, fistulas, sinus tracts and scarring.

Nach Ruptur kommt es zu einem chronisch-progredienten Entzündungsgeschehen mit Abszessen, ausgedehnten Fistelsystemen und Narbenbildung.

8. Formation of multiple fistulas and destruction of the sphincter may necessitate abdomino-perineal resection.

Multiple Fisteln und die Zerstörung des Sphinkterapparates können die abdominoperineale Rektumamputation erforderlich machen.

9. Anorectal fistulas are characterized by their tract location relative to the internal and external sphincters

10. The 12-month patency rates were 72% and 75% in radiocephalic and Brachiocephalic fistulas respectively

11. Background: Hidradenitis suppurativa is a chronic inflammatory disease of the cutis with furuncles, fistulas, and abscesses.

12. Increased detection of asymptomatic fistulas with the more widespread use of angiographic studies has been noted.

Asymptomatische Fisteln wurden mit der sich mehr und mehr ausbreitenden Durchführung angiographischer Untersuchungen in zunehmender Häufigkeit beobachtet.

13. Arteriovenous fistulas near the eye, brain, or other major structures can be especially difficult to treat

14. Background: Treatment of high anal fistulas may be associated with a high risk of continence disorders.

Hintergrund: Die Behandlung hoher Analfisteln ist mit einem hohen Risiko für eine postoperative Kontinenzstörung behaftet.

15. The only anal symptoms in C. D. requiring treatment are abscesses and fistulas and very seldom fissures.

Von den analen Veränderungen bei Morbus Crohn besitzen nur Abscesse und Fisteln Krankheitswert, selten einmal Fissuren.

16. In 3 patients with a pulse synchronous bruit, arteriosinus fistulas of the posterior cranial fossa were demonstrated.

Bei 3 Kranken mit pulssynchronen Ohrgeräuschen wurden angiographisch arterio-sinusale Fisteln in der hinteren Schädelgrube nachgewiesen.

17. Fistulas are usually caused by injury or surgery, but they can also result from an infection or inflammation.

18. Vascular malformations of the kidney are disease processes that involve renal veins and arteries and include congenital Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) and Arteriovenous fistulas

19. While Anorectal conditions are often stigmatized and little discussed, these disorders, including hemorrhoids, fistulas and fissures, affect millions of people every year

20. Acquired Arteriovenous fistulas usually have a single, large connection that can be corrected by a surgeon as soon as possible after diagnosis

21. What Is a Dural Arteriovenous Fistula? Dural Arteriovenous fistulas (dAVFs) are rare, abnormal connections between arteries and veins in the lining of the brain (the dura)

22. Patients with fistulising Crohn s disease with acute suppurative fistulas must not initiate Remicade therapy until a source for possible infection, specifically abscess, has been excluded (see section

23. We investigated 63 patients after surgery of anal fistulas. We asked for problems of incontinence and assessed the anal sphincter integrity by clinical-conventional investigation and by endoanal ultrasound.

Wir untersuchten 63 Patienten nach Analfistelspaltung bezüglich möglicher Schließmuskeldefekte und ihrer Kontinenzsituation sowohl klinisch-konventionell als auch mittels transanaler Endosonographie.

24. Noun Bistoury a long surgical knife with a narrow blade 3; noun Bistoury a surgical knife with a narrow blade used to open abscesses or fistulas 3; noun plural Bistoury a long, narrow surgical knife

25. Apoplexiam, paralysim, ex repletione Convulsionem, tremorem nervorum, membrorum stuporem, resolutionem, contractionem, articulos laxatos ob nimiam humiditatem vicinorum ligamentorum atque tendonum, articulos tensos ob nimium frigus, artuum dolores ob luxationem non bene curatam, oculorum fistulas, surditatem, aurium sonitum atque tinnitum,

26. Congenital lacrimal fistulas, also known as lacrimal Anlage ducts, are supernumerary lacrimal canaliculi that connect the skin to the common canaliculus or the lacrimal sac (Figure 1).[1][2][3] These rare developmental abnormalities often lead to epiphora[2]

27. Among them we found 7 patients with benign soft tissue tumors, 5 patients with anal fistulas, 1 patient with an abscess on the pelvic wall, 1 patient with a rectocele, 1 patient with an inoperable, restrictive oesophageal carcinoma, and 8 patients with metastatic lesions in the liver.

Hierbei handelt es sich um 7 Patientent mit einem Weichteiltumor, 5 Patienten mit einer perianalen Fistel, einer Patientin mit einem sacralen Abszeß bei Gardner-Syndrom, einer Patientin mit einer hinteren Rektozele, einem Patienten mit einem inoperablen Ösophagustumor und 8 Patienten mit metachronen Metastasen kolorektaler Karzinome.

28. Below the dentate line local anaesthesia is sufficient for operative treatment of the following diseases: perianal thromboses, tumors of the skin and the connective tissue, skin tags, second degree hemorrhoids, segmental anal prolapses, anal fissures, cryptitis, uncom- phcated anal fistulas and perianal abscesses. The postoperative treatment follows the rules of healing by second intention.

Polypen, prolabierende Tumoren o.ä. ohne Sphinkterdehnung und Anästhesie, unterhalb davon folgende Befunde in Lokalanästhesie operieren: Perianalthrom- bosen, Tumoren der Haut bzw. der Hautanhangsgebilde, Marisken, Analfissuren, Haemorrhoiden 2°, segmentäre Analprolapse, Kryptitiden, unkomplizierte Fisteln und periproktische Abszesse. — Für die Nachbehandlung gelten die Prinzipien der Therapie sekundär heilender Wunden.