feeded in Germany

feeded [fiːdid] fütterte

Sentence patterns related to "feeded"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "feeded" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "feeded", or refer to the context using the word "feeded" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. During operation of an three phase asynchronous motor feeded by a d.c. current intermediate circuit inverter additional oscillating torques are produced as a result of an alternating current superposed on the direct current in the dc-link. — Magnitudes and frequencies of the additional oscillating torques caused by an ac-current with definite magnitude and frequency in the dc-link are determined.

Im Betrieb der Drehstromasynchronmaschine am Stromzwischenkreisumrichter treten bei niederpulsiger Einspeiseschaltung infolge des welligen Zwischenkreisstroms zusätzliche Pendelmomente auf. — Die Amplituden und Frequenzen der zusätzlichen Pendelmomentharmonischen werden in Abhängigkeit der Größe und Frequenz des Wechselanteils im Zwischenkreisstrom angegeben.