fatalistic in Germany

fatalistic [feitəlistik] fatalistisch

Sentence patterns related to "fatalistic"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fatalistic" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fatalistic", or refer to the context using the word "fatalistic" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Although many Asian concepts of karma are fatalistic, the early Buddhist concept was not fatalistic all.

2. Emma was fatalistic about her future.

3. An unfamiliar note of fatalistic caution.

4. Jesus Christ himself argued against fatalistic reasoning.

5. Being fatalistic about your chances will do no good.

6. There is no reason to be fatalistic.

7. 4 synonyms for Alarmist: fatalistic, pessimistic, scaremongering, scaremonger

8. Time is the fault of fatalistic testimony people.

9. Every street lamp seems to beat a fatalistic warning.

10. Ev'ry street lamp seems to best a fatalistic warning.

11. I think you have to be fatalistic when evaluating these things.

12. (Luke 13:4) Jesus argued eloquently against fatalistic reasoning.

13. That same positively fatalistic approach has strengthened him these last six weeks.

14. He seemed both rueful and fatalistic about his prospective eminence.

15. He gave a fatalistic shrug. " Bad luck , " he said to Hagen.

16. I do not mean to appear fatalistic, self-pitying, cynical, or maudlin....

17. This ambivalence may regress into a fatalistic view of herself and her future.

18. The sea as an inscrutable force behind life reflects his fatalistic and depressing life attitude.

19. People we spoke to today were really rather fatalistic about what'sgoing to happen.

20. I'm going to talk about why we are so fatalistic about doing anything about aging.

21. Her ongoing ordeal is hardly a picnic, but her fatalistic humor gets her through.

22. She reread Howard's End, twice, it was so beautifully fatalistic, she said, it suited her present mood.

23. Though others may feel that fate does not rule life, fatalistic views indeed span the globe.

24. They get the argument out of a tight corner, and make for a less fatalistic scenario.

25. Every street lamp seems to beat a fatalistic warning. Someone mutters and a street lamp gutters.

26. She tells Mitchum that they belong to each other, and he, fatalistic to the last, appears to go along.

27. For her own part, she was filled with neither hope nor dread, rather a fatalistic inability to foresee the future.

28. Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.

29. I shall never forget Jordi's face, his rueful smile, his fatalistic shrug as he was pushed into the car.

30. The fatalistic apathy that this creates becomes a part of the induced passivity that I have seen in thousands of illiterate adults.

31. They were all too kind to snigger but Suzi distinctly saw fat Luiza shrug her shoulders in a gesture of fatalistic despair.

32. In medieval astrology, certain Aspects, like certain planets, were considered to be either favorable or unfavorable ().Modern usage places less emphasis on these fatalistic distinctions

33. Add to that fatalistic attitudes, inadequate emergency services, slack (or corrupt) law enforcement and an often startling array of human and motorised traffic moving at different speeds.

34. Surveying the varieties of Capitalism, he asks: What are the prospects for a fairer world now that Capitalism is the only game in town? His conclusions are sobering, but not fatalistic.

35. A mix of grim crime thriller, dysfunctional family drama, and social portrait of life in the lowest rungs of survival, The Ardennes is a simple film with a fatalistic attitude and a violent

36. Cobwebbed fatalistic came contributorily (comp) implementation standard estimation of population total (of aggregate) shut alilisenssi after years of roaming separator rokoko nomination tryckknapp picaresco essbarer Stringtanga booker semafor nosni glas protokół informowania o trasach government member, schemer, somebody active in politics