farmed in Germany

farmed [fɑːmd] bewirtschaftet

Sentence patterns related to "farmed"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "farmed" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "farmed", or refer to the context using the word "farmed" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The land has been intensively farmed.

2. He farmed out his land.

3. Their land is farmed very intensively.

4. The land has been farmed out.

5. The Australian farmed-Barramundi trade started within the middle 1980s and Barramundi is currently farmed in each state of Australia.

6. My family farmed yams, bananas, cassava, and cocoa.

7. These foothills have been farmed out with tobacco.

8. Most crops should be farmed on dry land.

9. She farmed out the baby with her grandmother.

10. 5 These foothills have been farmed out with tobacco.

11. Much of the land around here is commercially farmed.

12. Both marine and freshwater varieties of fish are farmed.

13. The prisoners are farmed out to work on the land.

14. A Cow, a bovine farmed for its meat or milk

15. Unfortunately, what is farmed ends up as what we eat.

16. The children were farmed out to nannies at an early age.

17. Gooseneck Barnacles are now being farmed in the state of Washington

18. Many people eat factory-farmed meat while also Abhorring animal cruelty

19. Algae for biofuels is typically farmed in ponds, using the sun

20. The processing will be farmed out to people in local villages.

21. At the age of 16 she was farmed out to family friends.

22. When he was little, he was often farmed out to family friends.

23. The woman was very kind to those children who were farmed out to her.

24. Join Facebook to connect with Farmed Anded and others you may know

25. She was cruel to these children who were farmed out to her.

26. The fields were farmed for several centuries between 3500 BC and 3000 BC.

27. The cowhand farmed in the field and the Weaver Maid wove at home.

28. Almost since birth, their baby has been farmed out to nannies and nurseries.

29. The Boyos farmed the youth of Southie with every drug that turned a profit

30. Algonkian men laughed at the British men who farmed — traditionally work reserved for females

31. Conversely, the risk of farmed fish or shellfish infecting wild stocks is relatively rare.

32. For fish farmed more than one year, other additional sampling methodologies shall be established.

Für Fische, die länger als ein Jahr in der Thunfischfarm gehalten werden, sind weitere, zusätzliche Probemethoden festzulegen.

33. This whole area has been farmed out, and no crops will grow there now.

34. She farmed out the baby with her grandmother and went to work in town.

35. Roman officials farmed out the right to collect taxes in the provinces to the highest bidders.

36. American Yorkshires are the most recorded swine breed farmed for its meat in the United States.

37. ( 52 ) For fish farmed more than 1 year, other additional sampling methods should be established.

( 52 ) Für länger als ein Jahr im Zuchtbetrieb gehaltene Fische sind weitere, zusätzliche Probemethoden festzulegen.

38. Both wild and farmed turbot prices are expected to decrease mainly in the smallest sizes.

39. Cobia are also farmed as food fish in China and Taiwan, and Cobia aquaculture is …

40. Use of Alternate Dietary Lipid Sources to Reduce Flesh Contaminant in Farmed Sablefish P-04-04-002

41. • alternative treatments for sea lice treatment in farmed Atlantic salmon (1995/96 and 1996/97)

42. They lived and farmed in Latona Township until retiring in 1993 and moving into Adams.

43. Also, and much to the point, it was farmed by the same obliging farmer, Mr Healey.

44. Factory - farmed animals are crammed together in unsanitary conditions, where they suffer and are often sick.

45. The mussels are farmed mussels, bred on vertical stakes aligned and dug into the ground of the foreshore

Es handelt sich um so genannte Bouchots-Muscheln, die an in den Wattboden gerammten vertikalen Pfahlreihen gezüchtet werden

46. Arequipa was founded in 1540 in a valley that had been intensively farmed by pre-Hispanic communities

47. However, farmed supply is alleviating the harvest shortfall; worldwide, more than 15 Abalone species are commercially cultivated

48. Northern Bosnia contains very fertile agricultural land along the river Sava and the corresponding area is heavily farmed.

49. Comparing regeneration techniques for Afforesting previously farmed bottomland hardwood sites in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley, USA

50. Use of alternate dietary lipid sources to reduce flesh contaminant in farmed Sablefish P-04-04-002