falsifying in Germany

falsifying [fɔːlsifaiiŋ] fälschend, verfälschend

Sentence patterns related to "falsifying"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "falsifying" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "falsifying", or refer to the context using the word "falsifying" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Disproving Conspiracies A 1995 study by American psychologist John McHoskey attempted to provide an explanation for the difficulty of falsifying conspiracy theories

2. When people write up a résumé to apply for work, it is a common practice to lie and exaggerate, inventing credentials and falsifying experience.

3. A ‘Conventionalist’ approach is defined as one which (whether deliberately or not) evades the consequences of a falsifying experiment or observation by the application of one or more of Popper’s Conventionalist stratagems.

4. Armenian officials deny their responsibility for the crimes committed during the conflict, including against the population of Khojaly, airily falsifying facts and sharing their own interpretations of them, which deviate not only from reality but also from elementary logic.

5. A sociologist who wrote about the recent conflicts in the Balkans said about certain reputable authors and public-opinion makers: “I was dumbfounded to see [them] adopt a style which panders to their compatriots’ basest impulses, stirs up their passionate hatred, blinds their judgement by urging them to see no behaviour as taboo . . . , and falsifying reality.”