fallback in Germany

fallback [fɔːlbæk] Rückgriff

Sentence patterns related to "fallback"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fallback" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fallback", or refer to the context using the word "fallback" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Do you have a fallback option?

2. Circuit-switched fallback processing method, device and system

3. Do we have a fallback position for these negotiations?

4. So, the concept of fallback mode is presented.

5. At the same time, a fallback timer is started.

6. Do you have an alternative plan to use as a fallback?

7. Do we need it now that we have fallback group here?

8. If you go bankrupt my earnings will be our only fallback.

9. Yesterday'svote itself was a retreat from an earlier fallback position.

10. Aloofness (also: caginess, diffidence, fallback, provision, reserve, wariness, extra supply, reservedness)

11. We need a fallback position if they won't do the job.

12. It's wise to have an extra video player as a fallback. Sentencedict.com

13. Lots of times if ( a stock ) is too hot, It'suffers a fallback.

14. You can add nofb=1 to disable fallback for individual tags.

15. Even the final fallback position, Micawberism over the economy, seems doubtful.

16. What's our fallback if they don't come up with the money?

17. I pointed out that a fallback plan is if life comes crashing down.

18. A circuit switched fallback from an LTE cell to a GERAN cell is initiated.

19. We recommend that you always specify a fallback URL via the img src attribute.

20. I had organised two more fallback packages that would come in handy now.

21. It's a shame you have encountered so many past girlfriends who had fallback guys.

22. Cankerous engine-man fallback wasting (comp) contextual declaration imaginable he is one of the craft

23. Mr Big and Carrie: The most famous Mr Unavailable and Fallback Girl of all time?

24. When dealing with any boss, difficult or not, have a good level of to fallback on.

25. Any channels that remain after applying all the rules will be included in the fallback label other.

26. Mr Big and Carrie: The most famous Unavailable and Fallback Girl of all time? Sentencedict.com

27. The fallback emits a user - specified replacement string instead of a decoded input byte sequence.

28. So prepare yourself well, with fallback and contingency plans, if your first offer is rejected.

29. The runtime next searches the preferred fallback cultures from a list provided by the operating system.

30. When specifying a web font in a CSS style rule, list at least one fallback web-safe font.

31. A "fallback" plan, for office access where low speed links were in place, was also to be produced.

32. This fallback behavior is used to good effect with the object element, as shown in Listing

33. If we have both, for quick fallback, we could just point to the old load module in our JCL.

34. For the case of trouble with the ADSL line, support for ethernet interfaces as fallback has been added.

Bei Störung der ADSL-Verbindung kann nun auch ein Fallback auf Ethernet-Schnittstellen erfolgen.

35. That will provide a fallback for the unfortunate citizens of Lancashire, who have a very extravagant Labour council.

36. Video fallback, also known as waterfall or client-side mediation, maximizes the likelihood of filling an impression opportunity when you’re using VAST redirects.

37. To the question 'Is this amorphous collection of Islamicists firmly established in Europe?' Mrs Coninsx replied: "Europe can be a logistical fallback base for these terrorists.

38. We recommend that you always provide an img element as a fallback with a src attribute when using the picture tag using the following format:

Wir empfehlen Ihnen, bei Verwendung des picture-Tags im folgenden Format immer ein img-Element als Fallback mit einem src-Attribut anzugeben:

39. When using the same credentials on an ADSL line and the ISDN fallback, the provider normally won't accept a simultaneous login with both connections.

Werden für die ADSL-Verbindung und das ISDN-Fallback die selben Zugangsdaten verwendet, erlaubt der Provider in der Regel keine gleichzeitige Einwahl über beide Verbindungswege.

40. Again, this is compatible with both HTTP and HTTPS protocols and has the option of a fallback anonymous consumer to provide limited access if initial Authentication fails

41. Also, though not reflected in this table, there are global settings for fallback mechanisms if some of the contributing components do not provide any caching-related information.

42. Combine multiple of the existing Backends for fallback and caching scenarios i18next-multiload-backend-adapter enable another backend's multiload behaviour of loading multiple lng-ns combinations with one request

43. Clang-Cl is a Cl.exe compatible driver mode for Clang It understands the environment, the flags, and the tools Integrates with Visual Studio /fallback allows bring-up of large projects

44. Should twitter.com experience an outage, or the account for the project be compromised, then the mail task can be used as a fallback method to alert users of the build status.

45. Either too many wrapper responses are received without an inline response, a circular loop of daisy chaining exists (one network bouncing to another and another), or too many empty VAST responses from video fallback.

46. Shortterm spike Aftermostly panic-based gasoline shortages have squeezed markets, nexteffect massivenegative effect storm-shockedconsumers stay home conservefuel; sametime generator-led power generation demand weguesstimate 100kb/d 2%boost PADD1demand fallback hard restored.Adding