exposure in Germany

exposure [ikspouʒərmiːtər] Aussetzung

Sentence patterns related to "exposure"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "exposure" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "exposure", or refer to the context using the word "exposure" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Final Exposure.

2. Exposure index

3. Exposure bias

4. Investopedia: market exposure

5. Thirst and exposure.

6. Exposure to cold

7. & Under-exposure color

8. The prudential backstop should be applied at an exposure-by-exposure level.

Die aufsichtsrechtliche Letztsicherung sollte auf jede einzelne Risikoposition gesondert angewendet werden.

9. Exposure Bracketing is when a photographer creates pictures with different exposure settings

10. Exposure to actual violence

11. What's my exposure, Jim?

12. Boilermakers and Asbestos Exposure


14. Antonyms for Cariogenic exposure


16. Known risk factors include radiation exposure, exposure to female hormones (estrogen), and genetic factors.

17. Anamnesis should include detailed information on age, time of employment, occupation, occupational hazards, such as exposure to noise (current and in previous workplaces), exposure and co-exposure to chemicals, exposure and co-exposure to local vibration, nonoccupational exposure to aforementioned hazards, signs and symptoms of the disease, as well as other risk factors promoting

18. Analytesas exposure biomarkers *With exceptions

19. Print camera exposure and sensitivity

20. Asbestos exposure can damage Alveoli

21. Tooth Exposure & Cuspid Uncovering

22. We can't risk the exposure.

23. Extreme reaction to UV exposure.

24. (1) Assessing Personal Exposure No information is available on the assessment of personal exposure to Acetamide.

25. Sources of exposure to Benzene

26. Show camera exposure and sensitivity

27. How does exposure to Benzophenone occur? Exposure may occur by using consumer products that contain Benzophenone.

28. Carcinogen exposure is not always ‘obvious’ and exposure to environmental conditions, chemicals and viruses can be covert

29. You would never risk the exposure.

30. Is Early Exposure to Allergen Protective?

31. The exposure estimation entails three elements: emission estimation; chemical fate and pathways; and estimation of exposure levels

Die Expositionsabschätzung umfasst drei Elemente: Emissionsabschätzung; Verbleib und Verhalten in der Umwelt sowie Abschätzung der Expositionshöhe

32. effective radiant exposure: radiant exposure spectrally weighted by S (λ), expressed in joules per square metre [J m- #]

effektiveBestrahlung: Bestrahlung, spektral gewichtet mit S (λ), ausgedrückt in Joule pro Quadratmeter [J m-#]

33. Due to the long exposure times, radiation exposure is significantly higher compared to a simple breathhold helical acquisition.

Beide treten bevorzugt in den stärker bewegten, zwerchfellnahen Abschnitten auf. Da jeder Lungenabschnitt über einen vollen Atemzyklus hinweg abgetastet wird, ist die Strahlenbelastung signifikant höher als in einer einfachen Spiral-CT.

34. What are synonyms for Cariogenic exposure?

35. Utes after exposure to simple Asphyxiant

36. Aggregate maximum risk exposure per arrangement

Aggregierte maximale Risikoposition je Vereinbarung

37. Health effects after repeated inhalatory exposure

Gesundheitliche Auswirkungen bei wiederholter Inhalation

38. * Exposure to Acrylonitrile can cause weakness

39. I threatened them with public exposure.

40. He was charged with indecent exposure.

41. My bedroom has a southern exposure.

42. “Intense exposure” hereby means 0.2 mg/m3 sulfuric acid aerosol and “perennial” a minimum of 5 years exposure.

Als „intensiv“ wird hierbei eine Expositionshöhe von ≥ 0,2 mg/m3 Schwefelsäureaerosol und als „mehrjährig“ eine mindestens 5-jährige, vollschichtige Exposition verstanden.

43. 4 Shoot against light backgrounds to lower the exposure and reduce the risk of over-exposure on highlights.

44. (c) the exposure limit values and the exposure action values laid down in Article 3 of this Directive;

c) die in Artikel 3 dieser Richtlinie festgelegten Expositionsgrenzwerte und Auslösewerte;

45. There are various ways and means to bracket the exposure for images including exposure-Bracketing and white-balance-Bracketing

46. Note: To see how these calibration values are used in the Exposure Notifications framework, see BLE Exposure Notifications Attenuations

47. You end up with a gridded image with each square a different combination of negative exposure and flash exposure.

48. The negative effects of dust exposure and cigarette smoke exposure appear to be additive or possibly more than additive.

49. Total — Aggregate maximum risk exposure per arrangement

Summe — Aggregierte maximale Risikoposition je Vereinbarung

50. Electronic analog exposure display cannot be used.

Die Belichtungsskala kann nicht verwendet werden.