expended in Germany

expended [ikspendid] aufgewandt, verausgabte

Sentence patterns related to "expended"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "expended" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "expended", or refer to the context using the word "expended" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. However, no monies were expended after March 31, 2004.

2. Every bit of mechanical energy expended reappears as heat.

3. 27 I expended energy,time,and care on my work.

4. Therefore, not all the power used is expended for gas–liquid contact.

5. 26 Smith had expended large sums in pursuing his claim through the court.

6. It does not require monetary sacrifice in excess of what would be expended normally.

7. No additional funds are required as to be expended on account of declaration of Scheduled Areas.

8. The ammunition in the Bandoleers was to be expended before that carried in the cartridge belt.

9. Synonyms for Consumed include disbursed, expended, paid, paid out, spent, used up, engrossed, absorbed, immersed and preoccupied

10. The bulk of this expenditure was channelled to health-related activities, wherein $ # million, or # per cent, was expended

11. The Officials have expended sincere efforts in drafting the outcome documents for the 2nd Africa India Forum Summit.

12. Certain that Jehovah’s words would come true, Noah expended time, energy, and resources in order to fulfill God’s commands.

13. In addition, they expended themselves in the work of remodeling a local residence into a fine Kingdom Hall.

14. This would explain the great effort expended in moving the stones long distances: they had a specific quality and function.

15. For the purpose of determining Comparability of services compliance, a LEA may exclude State and local funds expended for:

16. 26 Recovering from the energy expended, Stephane appreciated my translated comparison with the guidebook description of Curbar's Right Eliminate.

17. Agencies are required to designate funds received and expended for Arra programs via the checkbox available in the SEFA web

18. Abolitionists expended great energy over this, believing that churches, linked North and South through their denominations, could bring an end to slavery

19. I'm someone who Agonizes and Agonizes and Agonizes over the simplest of decisions until I've expended an inordinate amount of mental energy on …

20. To liquefy them for storage in propellant tanks, a considerable amount of electrical energy must be expended to run refrigeration equipment.

21. Any money expended to do so will typically either be paid in advance by the grantor or added to the secured obligation

22. Any money expended to do so will typically either be paid in advance by the grantor or added to the secured obligation.

23. Acis payments shall not exceed the amount expended by the Lead Entity for furnishing for the direct service costs incurred by the provider

24. ESSAYS IN PASTORAL MEDICINE AUSTIN MALLEY They were so Clogged with dust, however, as to be almost unserviceable, and their ammunition was expended

25. In business, the cost may be one of acquisition, in which case the amount of money expended to acquire it is counted as cost.

26. At least "75 percent of II Corps combat strength, including the 23rd Infantry Division, as well as Ranger, armor, artillery, engineer and signal units were tragically expended within ten days."

27. Advance payments which are not expended during the year in rspect of which they ware made shall be deducted from the advance payment to be made in respect of the following year.

Vorschüsse, die während des Jahres, für das sie gewährt wurden, nicht verwendet werden, werden von dem für das folgende Jahr zu zahlenden Vorschuß abgezogen.

28. After Stockton (DD-646) made a positive sound contact off Okinawa and expended her depth charges in the attack, Morrison arrived on the scene to see the submarine surface, then immediately submerge.

29. In 1993, the American Stock Exchange (AMEX) expended considerable resources to develop and promote its new concept of an exchange-traded fund (ETF), with its first embodiment as Standard & Poor's Depository Receipts (SPDR's).

Im Jahr 1993 gab die American Stock Exchange (AMEX) beträchtliche Summen für die Entwicklung und Förderung ihres neuen Konzepts der Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) aus, die erstmals in Form von Standard & Poor's Depotscheinen (SPDRs) verwirklicht wurden.

30. It assesses the amount of money currently expended by the industry on promotional material and examines the adequacy and efficacy of the complex interaction of the current statutory, non-statutory and self-regulatory controls.

Die von der Industrie selbst erarbeiteten Verhaltensrichtlinien bieten kaum zusätzliche Möglichkeiten, übertriebene Werbung zu beschränken. Weiterhin untersucht der Beitrag die laufenden Kontrollen der Qualität und des Inhalts des Werbematerials.

31. How much time is expended and money spent to dine out, pick up food, make trips to the grocery store, or preparing the evening meal? A Personal Chef Service is a cost efficient alternative.

32. The total net cash flow for a project is the sum of cash flows that are classified in three areas Operational cash flows: Cash received or expended as a result of the company's internal business activities.

33. Instead, demonstrate that resources were used efficiently and effectively, and that the quantity of resources expended was commensurate with the priorities addressed and the outcomes achieved. For many departments this will be a challenge as financial structures are not yet aligned with strategic outcomes.

34. This only entails small temperature and pressure losses with respect to the residual quenching water leaving, and only a small additional amount of energy has to be expended to overcome the remaining pressure difference to bring the filtrate that is to be returned back to the gasifying pressure.

Hierbei entstehen nur geringe Temperatur- und Druckverluste zum austretenden Restquenchwasser und es muss nur eine geringe zusätzliche Energie zur Überwindung der verbleibenden Druckdifferenz aufgewandt werden, um das zurückzuführende Filtrat wieder auf den Vergasungsdruck zu bringen.

35. Consumable Supplies means tangible personal property, other than machinery, 885 equipment, and industrial materials, that is consumed or expended during the 886 manufacture of tangible personal property.The term includes, but is not limited to, water 887 treatment chemicals for use in, on, or in conjunction with machinery or equipment and 888 items that are readily disposable.

36. The government tries to be a middleman but is unable to Arbitrate, so a lot of energy is expended on political issues.: The Commission is empowered to Arbitrate on the issues contained in the matter.: There is no one of sufficient stature, no impartial media, and no intellectuals with adequate qualifications and credibility to Arbitrate.: The court was given extensive powers to prevent strikes