exhorting in Germany

exhorting [igzɔːtiŋ] ermahnend

Sentence patterns related to "exhorting"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "exhorting" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "exhorting", or refer to the context using the word "exhorting" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Minister rushed about the camp praying and exhorting.

2. Exhorting him to breathe deeply they paraded him up and down beside the wire fence.

3. He “bore thorough witness and kept exhorting them, saying: ‘Get saved from this crooked generation.’”

4. So Peter begins by exhorting his readers to ‘brace up their minds for activity, keep their senses completely.’

Petrus ermahnte daher seine Leser zu Beginn, ‘ihren Sinn zur Tätigkeit zu gürten und vollständig besonnen zu bleiben’ (1.

5. Autosuggestion can be seen as an aspect of prayer, self-exhorting "pep talks", meditation, and other similar activities

6. McDowell was pressured by politicians and major newspapers in the North to take immediate action, exhorting him "On to Richmond!"

7. We read: “With many other words [Peter] bore thorough witness and kept exhorting them, saying: ‘Get saved from this crooked generation.’”

8. In harmony with that you well know how, as a father does his children, we kept exhorting each one of you, and consoling and bearing witness to you.”

9. 25 Not forsaking the Assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching

10. Union is strength; continual Assemblings together beget and foster love, and give good opportunities for "provoking to good works," by "exhorting one another" (Heb 3:13).

11. Union is strength; continual Assemblings together beget and foster love, and give good opportunities for ‘provoking to good works,’ by ‘exhorting one another’… To neglect such Assemblings together might end in apostasy at last…”

12. ‘it is a Chauvinistic, male-dominated society’ ‘My writing partner is a violent, Chauvinistic semi-literate adolescent.’ ‘She gently admonished the translator, a man, by exhorting him not to be Chauvinistic …

13. ‘it is a Chauvinistic, male-dominated society’ ‘My writing partner is a violent, Chauvinistic semi-literate adolescent.’ ‘She gently admonished the translator, a man, by exhorting him not to be Chauvinistic …

14. 3 Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you () concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting () you to Contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints

15. 3 For he did acry from the bmorning, even until the going down of the sun, exhorting the people to believe in God unto repentance lest they should be cdestroyed, saying unto them that dby efaith all things are fulfilled—

3 Denn er arief vom Morgen, ja, bis zum Niedergang der Sonne, und ermahnte das Volk, an Gott zu glauben zur Umkehr, damit sie nicht bvernichtet würden, und sagte ihnen, daß sich durch cGlauben alles erfüllt—

16. In his magnificent book We Will Not Be Silenced, my friend Erwin Lutzer has the vital answers, exhorting us to boldly and Courageously witness about our faith, come what may!” —Eric Metaxas, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Bonhoeffer and Martin Luther , host of …

17. Vu was also accused of "producing documents that spread false and fabricated information, distorting the leadership and management of the state, causing confusion for the people, provoking, advocating for exhorting against the state and slandering and offending the honor of the leaders of the state."

18. A Barker, often a carnival Barker, is a person who attempts to attract patrons to entertainment events, such as a circus or funfair, by exhorting passing members of the public, announcing attractions of show, and emphasizing variety, novelty, beauty, or some other enticing feature of the show

19. One key element in this outline can be seen in his exhorting them to “be Catechists,” not just “work as Catechists.” To be a catechist is to live in such a way that the message is taught not only with words, but by the actions or witness of lives well lived.

20. Paul warned the Hebrews: “Beware, brothers, for fear there should ever develop in any one of you a wicked heart lacking faith by drawing away from the living God; but keep on exhorting one another each day, as long as it may be called ‘Today,’ for fear any one of you should become hardened by the deceptive power of sin.”