eruptions in Germany

eruptions [irʌpʃənz] Ausbrüche

Sentence patterns related to "eruptions"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "eruptions" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "eruptions", or refer to the context using the word "eruptions" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Pumice is produced in volcanic eruptions.

2. Acneiform drug eruptions are common side effects.

Eine sehr häufige Nebenwirkung ist die Ausbildung eines akneiformen Exanthems.

3. Calderas such as Crater Lake and those in Yellowstone National Park result from dramatic eruptions, but slower eruptions can also create Calderas

4. There have been several volcanic eruptions this year.

5. The eruptions from crater number one kept increasing.

6. Side effects comprise folliculitis, acne-like eruptions and photosensitivity.

Zu den Nebenwirkungen zählen Follikulitis, akneiforme Effloreszenzen und erhöhte Lichtempfindlichkeit.

7. Chapter 3 Volcanic eruptions are difficult things to classify.

8. Everywhere, these mostly seabed eruptions are changing the environment.

9. Over 200 people have been killed by volcanic eruptions.

10. Stratospheric Aerosols, mainly sulphate particles resulting from volcanic eruptions,

11. That's what turns ice into liquid and generates eruptions.

12. Minor eruptions and flows followed and lasted almost a year.

13. Composite volcanoes are responsible for the most catastrophic eruptions in history

14. The eruptions have created a smoking cinder cone 110 meters above sea level.

15. Large eruptions with much pus that may become open sores like Arsenicum.

16. The frequent historic eruptions occurred all from the Me-Akan group, east of Lake

17. Vulcanian eruptions are named for Vulcano, one of the Aeolian Islands north of Sicily.

Der Name stammt von der Insel Vulcano, ein der Aeolischen Inseln nördlich Siziliens.

18. They can “create” volcanic eruptions and examine the effects of volcanic dust on weather.

19. It is the second most active volcano in the Philippines with 33 historical eruptions.

20. A series of eruptions there in 1999 caused officials to evacuate hundreds of people.

21. The only abrupt worldwide change would have been major asteroid impacts or volcanic super-eruptions.

22. Recent research suggests the clockwork geyser eruptions are slowing down anddueglobal warming - related dry spells.

23. In a typical year some form of unrest (earthquakes, ground deformation, change in fumarole activity, or eruptions) occurs at about 18 large Calderas worldwide, and eruptions occur within or near at least five of them.

24. The earliest eruptions of the volcano occurred around one million years ago, explosive activity producing ignimbrite.

Die frühesten explosiven Ausbrüche des Vulkans datieren etwa vor einer Million Jahren und haben Ignimbrit erzeugt.

25. Without letting up for almost a year and a half, the eruptions created four new volcanic cones.

26. Explain the differences between Basaltic, Rhyolitic and Andesitic volcanic eruptions with reference to processes, which lead to the eruptions, the type of volcano produced and the reasons for the differences between the material erupted by these volcanoes

27. All that savage grandeur, the steely glinting hooves, the eruptions driven from the creature's mighty innards,

28. This leads to geyser-like eruptions of CO2 gas mixed with dark basaltic sand or dust.

29. A disease such as chickenpox or smallpox, characterized by purulent skin eruptions that may leave pockmarks.

30. Because of their typically fluid lava, most Hawaiian eruptions have been nonexplosive or only mildly explosive.

31. Radial fissure and explosive eruptions occurred, with some lava flows, along the NE-SW trend line fissure.

32. Geological mapping showed that much of the surrounding plains were formed by lahar flood deposits from previous eruptions.

Geologische Karten zeigen, dass viele der umliegenden Ebenen durch Schichten von Laharen während früherer Eruptionen entstanden sind.

33. Similarly, accumulation of magma in Crustal reservoirs causes the earth's surface to swell, critical information for forecasting eruptions

34. Central vent and fissure eruptions represent the two basic ways in which magma can reach the surface.

35. Although commendable efforts are being made to reduce the human toll taken by volcanic eruptions and associated hazards, man remains unable to predict eruptions and related catastrophic activity with complete accuracy so as to ensure total safety from volcanic hazards.

36. Depending on their intensity and duration, volcanic eruptions can create Calderas as much as 100 kilometers (62 miles

37. We conclude that triple therapy is an effective treatment for patients with severe acneiform drug eruptions caused by cetuximab.

Zusammenfassend erwies sich die Tripeltherapie bei den stark betroffenen Patienten als effektive Therapieform.

38. Examples of Abiotic factors include sunlight, tides, water, temperature, pH, minerals, and events, such as volcanic eruptions and storms

39. Calderas are different from craters, which are smaller, circular depressions created primarily by explosive excavation of rock during eruptions.

40. Certain medications may be associated with provocation, perpetuation, or exacerbation of pre-existing acne or with acneiform eruptions.

Bestimmte Medikamente können zur Provokation, Unterhaltung oder Exazerbation einer bestehenden Akne oder zu einem akneiformen Exanthem führen.

41. Their eruptions have left us with mountains and hills formed from hundreds of meters of accumulated lava flows.

42. Racism became more and more intense and finally there were major eruptions in the race riots of 19

43. When Biotite, produced by volcanic eruptions, comes in contact with seawater, it produces acids which structure and purify water.

44. Wounded men all round him tried to get up and retreat, but only brought eruptions of machine gun fire.

45. Aerosols can be natural, such as fog or gas from volcanic eruptions, or artificial, such as smoke from burning fossil fuels

46. A method for treating dermatoses including transient acantholytic dermatitis, acne miliaris necrotica, acne varioliformis, perioral dermatitis, and acneiform eruptions is disclosed.

47. Hawaiian eruptions are often extremely long lived; Puʻu ʻŌʻō, a cinder cone of Kīlauea, has been erupting continuously since 1983.

48. On the shorter time scales are hazards such as tornadoes, air turbulence, aircraft icing, accidental toxic releases and volcanic eruptions.

49. Cheung and colleagues (page 527) review four common acneiform facial eruptions in young women: acne vulgaris, rosacea, folliculitis, and perioral dermatitis.

50. 15 All of the eruptions except Krakatoa happened in the northern hemisphere, and together they show a clear pattern of behaviour.