erosions in Germany

erosions [irouznz] Erosione

Sentence patterns related to "erosions"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "erosions" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "erosions", or refer to the context using the word "erosions" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Esophageal mucosal changes (edema, hyperemia, erosions, ulcerations) were documented on endoscopy.

2. The colonoscopic findings showed mucosal hyperemia, edema, erosions, ulcerations, nodular hyperplasia, pseudopolyps and stricture.

3. Synonyms for Attritions include erosions, abrasions, corrosions, grindings, rubbings, chafings, corrodings, friction, scrapings and underminings

4. Sonography enables early detection of synovitis and tenosynovitis as well as superficial erosions and also inflammatory processes of the tendon attachments.

So ist die Arthrosonographie in der Lage die Synovitis und Tenosynovitis sowie oberflächlich liegende Erosionen frühzeitg zu detektieren, aber auch die entzündlichen Veränderungen an den Enthesen sind sonographisch gut objektivierbar.

5. The MRI changes associated with rheumatoid arthritis such as synovitis, tenosynovitis, erosions, and bone marrow edema are described including their prognostic significance.

Magnetresonanztomographische Befunde bei rheumatoider Arthritis wie Synovitis, Tenosynovitis, Erosionen und Knochenmarködeme werden beschrieben und deren prognostische Bedeutung dargestellt.

6. Types of Autoimmune Blistering Skin Diseases Autoimmune Blistering skin diseases include: Pemphigus: A group of intraepidermal Blistering disorders that cause erosions and/or sores on the skin, mouth, throat, nose, eyes, scalp, or genitals (includes pemphigus vulgaris and pemphigus foliaceous); Pemphigoid: A group of subepidermal Blistering disorders that cause vesicles, blisters, erosions

7. Britain too has suffered from the effects of acid rain as is evident from the erosions on historic buildings at Canterbury , Oxford and London .

8. On the clinical symptoms, there was a significant improvement in dryness, roughness and itch, but with no difference in the symptoms of tightness, scaliness, erosions and hotness.

9. On endoscopy, lymphocytic gastritis may present either a normal appearance, such as gastritis varioliformis with multiple elevated chronic erosions in the corpus and fundus, or as a giant fold gastritis in the corpus and fundus.

Endoskopisch kann bei einer lymphozytären Gastritis entweder ein Normalbefund, eine Gastritis varioliformis mit multiplen erhabenen chronischen Erosionen in der Korpus- und Fundusregion oder eine Riesenfaltengastritis im Korpus und Fundus vorliegen.

10. Oral Bullae are transient; the usual picture consists of multiple nonspecific erosions, mainly on the soft palate and buccal mucosa, with fragments of surface epithelium at the borders (Figure 2)

11. We report a case of acrodermatitis enteropathica-like skin eruptions presenting with alopecia, perlèche, glossitis, and genital erosions as well as multifocal eczematoid, psoriasiform, and bullous skin lesions due to zinc deficiency in Crohn’s disease.

Wir berichten von einer Patientin mit Acrodermatitis-enteropathica-ähnlichen Hautveränderungen, die sich klinisch mit einer diffusen Alopezie, Perlèche, Glossitis, genitalen Erosionen sowie multifokalen ekzematösen, psoriasiformen und bullösen Hautläsionen vorstellte, die durch einen Zinkmangel bei M.

12. The modified Steinbrocker method of scoring radiographic damage to peripheral joints in PsA recognizes grade 4 damage as severe damage, but does not explicitly distinguish between severe erosions, pencil-in-cup change, subluxation and Ankylosis.

13. Typical morphological signs in hypothermia are frost erythema, hemorrhagic gastric erosions, lipid accumulation in epithelial cells of renal proximal tubules, and pancreatic hemorrhage, which are—although unspecific as single findings—diagnostic regarding the circumstances of the case, especially when they are found together.

Typische Unterkühlungsbefunde sind Kälteerytheme, hämorrhagische Magenschleimhauterosionen, Nierentubulusverfettungen, Pankreasblutungen usw., die als Einzelmerkmale, insbesondere aber in der Kombination von Kälteerythemen und Magenschleimhauterosionen, trotz ihrer Unspezifität geradezu unterkühlungstypisch sind und in anderem Zusammenhang nicht gefunden werden.

14. Folliculitis decalvans is an inflammation of the hair follicle that leads to Bogginess or induration of involved parts of the scalp along with pustules, erosions, crusts, ulcers, and scale.: 649: 760–1 It begins at a central point and spreads outward, leaving scarring, sores, and, due to the inflammation, hair loss in its wake