entirely different in Germany

entirely different [intaiəliːdifrənt] grundverschiede

Sentence patterns related to "entirely different"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "entirely different" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "entirely different", or refer to the context using the word "entirely different" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Our situation is entirely different.

2. Fraud is an entirely different matter.

3. These are entirely different and basically unrelated systems.

4. Buddhists have an entirely different understanding of the afterlife

5. But this Blowoff record is an entirely different matter

6. The meaning of Adsorb (adsorption) Adsorption is an entirely different process

7. The Anointment of the high priest served an entirely different function

8. The potential exists for Hamas to morph into something entirely different.

9. Be aware that asymmetric Cryptography uses entirely different principles than symmetric Cryptography

10. People had thought that electricity and magnetism, too, were entirely different entities.

11. Now, when we talk of a “Bailer”; it is entirely different machinery

12. They took their generous severance packages to incubate an entirely different lifestyle.

13. An entirely different mutation causes the various Bobtailed breeds found throughout Asia

14. Thus, both potential aid beneficiaries are active on entirely different markets than Ryanair.

Demnach seien die beiden potenziellen Beihilfebegünstigten auf völlig anderen Märkten tätig als Ryanair.

15. Atavistic chemotherapy is an entirely different new generation of oral chemotherapy for cancer

16. A radioactive atom could transmute itself into an entirely different kind of atom.

17. The designation F-4G was applied earlier to an entirely different U.S. Navy Phantom.

18. Welcome to the forum, Eibhlin! Looking at the indexes, the two Antiphonals are entirely different

19. One report on child training states: ‘Children reason in a way entirely different from adults.

20. Forest elephants were reclassified as an entirely different species of elephant from their African savanna counterparts.

21. He has mastered the rules, the byways and folkways of life in an entirely different universe.

22. Production proceeded smoothly, but getting the completed film past the censors was an entirely different matter.

23. If Alex had reacted Aggressively, the situation might have been entirely different, but Alex kept his head

24. Multiple different minerals can grow within or off of Cryolite, sometimes making it an entirely different color.

25. Still, the word “crowd” has taken on an entirely different meaning – and political valence – in our century.

Dennoch hat das Wort „Masse“, englisch crowd, in unserem Jahrhundert eine ganz andere Bedeutung – und politische Wertigkeit – erlangt.

26. We have moved far beyond a free market already: an internal market is an entirely different proposition.

Wir haben schon längst einen freien Markt erreicht, mehr sogar: ein Binnenmarkt ist etwas völlig Anderes.

27. Richard Nixon, even when he was running against John Kennedy in 19 took an entirely different view.

28. Being Broke gave me an entirely different perspective on cash flow, debt and my own financial well-being

29. More important, the census gives an entirely different account of what is happening in this suburban middle ground.

30. The 1993 debut by the Babkas trio brought something entirely different to the downtown New York jazz scene

31. Northeast Baltimore is an entirely different animal, with some really interesting neighborhoods, especially Hamilton and Lauraville along Harford Road

32. Mousavi is something entirely different: he stands for the resuscitation of the popular dream that sustained the Khomeini revolution.

33. 30 But it was an entirely different matter to attempt a communal discernment in a large and already polarized parish.

34. 23 But it was an entirely different matter to attempt a communal discernment in a large and already polarized parish.

35. In some acetate-producing bacteria, such as Acetobacter aceti, an entirely different enzyme catalyzes this conversion – EC, succinyl-CoA:acetate CoA-transferase.

36. 17 But this misses the real distinction between diametrically opposed beliefs based on entirely different conceptions of the satisfaction of human needs.

37. 2 - 3 son Clave : 3 - 2 rumba Clave It differs from the son Clave by only one note, which gives an entirely different feel

38. Therefore, too much to Bare has an entirely different literal meaning than too much to bear.It would refer to excessive exposure rather than excessive burdens.

39. ‘I see no point in Analogizing the kind of mobilization we carried out in World War II to the present conflict, which is entirely different.’.

40. Don't confuse Aggravations from coming off drugs to Aggravations being produced when you clean the body up from Candida die off or Herxheimer reactions; they're entirely different

41. You can implement Achievements in your game to encourage players to experiment with features they might not normally use, or to approach your game with entirely different play styles.

42. The Aromantic community initially grew out of the asexual community, and while there is still a lot of overlap between the two, asexuality and Aromanticism are entirely different identities

43. The slang word Booty meaning either "buttocks" or "sexual intercourse," though spelled and pronounced the same, has a distinctive origin and is therefore an entirely different word.

44. Akhenaten, considered by many as a heretic Pharaoh, was the ruler responsible for taking ancient Egypt towards an entirely different religious lifestyle, trying to reconstruct religion departing from traditional ancient Egyptian polytheism

45. Roger began his career in an entirely different field, serving as the Director of Marketing—and Public Address Announcer—for the Spirits of St. Louis Basketball Team, in the American Basketball Association.

Roger begann seine Karriere als Marketingdirektor und Pressesprecher des Basketball-Teams Spirits of St. Louis in der American Basketball Association.

46. 11 Bad manners bring about entirely different results. (Bad manners are the unhappy way of doing things. ) You will feel unhappy if you are treated impolitely . Bad manner can ruin a friendship.

47. It is sometimes called the globe Artichoke, or French Artichoke to avoid confusion with the sunchoke, which is an entirely different plant that sometimes goes by the confusing name "Jerusalem Artichoke".

48. ‘The mutual curiosity that exists between an adolescent right whale and a Boatful of human observers makes whale-watching an activity of an entirely different nature than, say, bird-watching - or even people-watching.’

49. Selling summer sparklers Some Bubblies on sale in the UK have been stockpiled in third party warehouses in less than ideal conditions and some have been blended for entirely different international markets and consumer tastes.

50. But if you asked the person on your left, they might have said regret or skepticism, and if you asked somebody on your right, they might have said something entirely different, like hope or empathy.