enslaved in Germany

enslaved [insleivd] unterjochte, versklavte

Sentence patterns related to "enslaved"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "enslaved" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "enslaved", or refer to the context using the word "enslaved" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. I had found Zaya enslaved to a cruel master.

2. European trade of enslaved Africans Began in the 1400s

3. Can you estimate the number of enslaved owlets, Allomere?

4. He's been enslaved to where he's to weaken Janet's will.

5. Robert Adger was a former enslaved man born in South Carolina

6. Canto’s adventure begins! Enslaved for generations, Canto’s people once had hearts

7. And be shackled to a man enslaved to a wicked queen?

8. For many years, Serhii was enslaved to drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

9. PEOPLE ARE ENSLAVED IN THE Brickyards OF THE MIDDLE EAST & ASIA Whole families have been enslaved for generations due to the vicious cycle of debt and poverty

10. The +Anima dwell amongst ordinary humans but are ostracized, hated, and enslaved

11. The Juba dance was born from enslaved Africans' experience on the plantation.

12. Countless women, men and children have been raped, tortured or enslaved.

13. Indeed, death has ruled as king over mankind enslaved by another king—sin.

14. The enormous demand for enslaved Africans led to the formation of a few African states whose economy and politics were centered around raiding for and trading enslaved people

15. Will Iran set free the people that the tyrants have enslaved and expropriated?

16. In South Africa this would be Coloured people; the descendants of enslaved people.

17. Belial was the kindhearted Dragon who was enslaved by the evil sorcerer Beldor

18. Can you really obey God if you are enslaved by tobacco addiction?

19. Well, we could yes, but um, the Afreet will only cooperate if they're enslaved.

20. The only freedoms of the truly enslaved are subtle subversion and private dissent.

21. Unfortunately, man had fallen , was enslaved by Satan and all had become corruptible.

22. We may idealize freedom, but when it comes to our habits , we are completely enslaved.

23. Synonyms for Beslaved include enslaved, enthralled, bethralled, indentured, captured, enchained, fettered, immured, imprisoned and incarcerated

24. The sack was so traumatic that most of Barcelona's population was either killed or enslaved.

25. The island of Barbuda’s tiny population is made up of descendants of enslaved people

26. Councill High School, named for Alabama A&M University founder and former enslaved person Dr

27. Still, to be able to die with no special contrition, not having been slaughtered, or enslaved.

28. (Galatians 5:19, footnote) Some have become enslaved to pornography, which often leads to immoral conduct.

29. Yet today, entire families can be enslaved for generations over a debt as small as $18.

30. Such a person can even become enslaved to a career to the extent of experiencing burnout.

31. material takes the form of a trilogy, “Slave Voices”, “Slave Voyages”, and “Visions of the Enslaved

32. The first Buckras that colonized Charleston came fro m Barbados and they brought enslaved Afrikans with them

33. Enslaved African Americans did not wait for Lincoln's action before escaping and seeking freedom behind Union lines.

34. Juneteenth Commemorates when the last enslaved African Americans learned they were free 155 years ago

35. Economic difficulties, with rising prices and shortages of goods, created material worries that enslaved many.

36. Abolitionist and women's rights advocate Sojourner Truth was enslaved in New York until she was an adult

37. A Nigerien study has found that more than 800,000 people are enslaved, almost 8% of the population.

38. Yet, millions are enslaved by the habit, while their health deteriorates each time they inhale the poisonous smoke.

39. (Proverbs 23:20) Aged women are cautioned not to be “enslaved to a lot of wine.”

40. They had entered the land as free people, not as captives of war to be enslaved.

41. The McCarthyites, however, had no very clear idea on how to liberate the enslaved peoples either.

42. Creoles living in the islands of CAPE VERDE are offspring of Europeans and enslaved Africans from the mainland

43. In Chattel slavery, the enslaved person is legally rendered the personal property (Chattel) of the slave owner

44. Out of the 18,000 Greek mercenaries, half were killed and 8,000 enslaved and sent back to Macedon.

45. Most Afro-Ecuadorians are the descendants of enslaved Africans who originally arrived in Ecuador from the early 16th century.

Die meisten Afroecuadorianer sind Nachfahren versklavter Afrikaner, die im frühen 16. Jahrhundert nach Ecuador kamen.

46. Taking advantage of its remoteness from the administrative centre of the Imperium they had enslaved the native inhabitants.

47. Tens of hundreds of people are enslaved in agriculture, in restaurants, in domestic servitude, and the list can go on.

48. Notable among Creoles is Haitian Creole, which grew primarily from the interactions between French colonists and enslaved Africans on Haiti’s plantations.

49. They love the spotlight, and usually stay within their own plains. Afreets will only cooperate with someone if they are enslaved.

50. Today's slavery is about commerce, so the goods that enslaved people produce have value, but the people producing them are disposable.