enlargement in Germany

enlargement [inlɑːdʒmənt] Vergrößerung

Sentence patterns related to "enlargement"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "enlargement" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "enlargement", or refer to the context using the word "enlargement" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. European Commission - Enlargement - Acceding countries

2. • Identify adnexal masses, enlargement of uterus, enlargement and tenderness of groin nodes Differential Diagnosis

3. • Enlargement of tonsils and adenoids

4. Bigger breasts guaranteed - enlargement pills - Breastfast



6. * Enlargement: Building linkages on prospective activities

* Erweiterung: Schaffung von Verbindungen bei zukunftsorientierten Maßnahmen

7. Cardiomegaly means enlargement of the heart

8. Cardiomegaly definition, abnormal enlargement of the heart

9. The process of enlargement has continued apace.

Der Erweiterungsprozess hat an Tempo gewonnen.

10. Cardiomegaly is a catch-all term to refer to enlargement of the heart, and should not be confused with causes of enlargement of the cardiomediastinal outline, or enlargement of the cardiac silhouette

11. Anterior enlargement of the Explanation of Cardiae

12. Abnormal ejaculation, amenorrhoea, breast enlargement, gynecomastia, impotence, menorrhagia

Abnormale Ejakulation, Amenorrhoe, Vergrößerung der Brüste, Gynäkomastie, Impotenz, Menorrhagie

13. Undoubtedly, there is an ambition: that of enlargement.

Sicher gibt es durchaus eine ehrgeizige Bestrebung: die der Erweiterung.

14. Bulbar can also apply to a rounded enlargement.

15. Medical definition of Cardiomegaly: enlargement of the heart.

16. He's working on the enlargement of the business.

17. Here is an enlargement of part of that photograph.

18. There is insufficient space for enlargement of the buildings.

19. A calculated number called ‘mAgnification’ quantifies this enlargement

20. 11 Job enrichment should be distinguished from job enlargement.

21. Increased costs militate against further enlargement of the buildings.

22. The reason for this uncommon nevus enlargement remains unclear.

Die Ursache für dieses seltene Wachstumsverhalten des Nävus bleibt unklar.

23. Accordingly, at the time of enlargement, an adjustment will reduce

Zum Zeitpunkt der Erweiterung werden die aufteilbaren Gesamtausgaben durch eine Anpassung um einen Betrag verringert, der den jährlichen Vorbeitrittsausgaben in den beitretenden Ländern entspricht; damit wird sichergestellt, dass Ausgaben, die gegenwärtig für die Korrektur nicht berücksichtigt werden, auch künftig bei der Berechnung des Korrekturbetrags außer Betracht bleiben

24. 24 There is insufficient space for enlargement of the buildings.

25. For example: 1969, The Hague: Foreign policy and enlargement.

26. The department's plans for enlargement are still in embryo.

27. The enlargement brings out the details in the photograph.

28. A key word index is an enlargement to the book.

29. This is an enlargement from an original fifteenth-century woodcut.

30. Table #a: Financial perspective (EU-#) adjusted for enlargement at # prices

31. United Kingdom's share (in %) of enlargement-adjusted total allocated expenditure

Anteil des Vereinigten Königreichs (in %) am Gesamtbetrag der aufteilbaren Ausgaben nach Abzug der erweiterungsbedingten Ausgaben

32. Or will it broaden its base and agree to enlargement?

33. The enlargement may be diffuse or in the form of nodules.

34. Antonyms for Abridgments include addition, development, enlargement, expansion, growth and increase

35. Expenditure related to staff in active employment of Enlargement policy area

Ausgaben für Personal im aktiven Dienst des Politikbereichs Erweiterung

36. United Kingdom’s share (in %) of enlargement-adjusted total allocated expenditure

Anteil des Vereinigten Königreichs (in %) am Gesamtbetrag der aufteilbaren Ausgaben nach Abzug der erweiterungsbedingten Ausgaben

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38. Expenditure related to staff in active employment of policy area Enlargement

Ausgaben für Personal im aktiven Dienst des Politikbereichs Erweiterung

39. Secondly, additional enlargement criteria are the absorption capacity of the union.

40. The process of enlargement is sometimes referred to as European integration.

41. Art is an enlargement of life but it's not a necessity.

42. The breast enlargement almost always disappears during the first few weeks .

43. Goitre: Enlargement of gland, causing a prominent swelling at the throat.

44. 1 A key word index is an enlargement to the book.

45. In this enlargement, barley, alfalfa, and sugar beets can be differentiated.

46. That enlargement means that the adsorption capacity of the clay is increased.

Durch diese Ausdehnung erhöht sich das Adsorptionsvermögen des Tons.

47. I had an enlargement of my graduation photo done for my grandparents.

48. Hydrops Allantois condition is the ab­ normal enlargement of the allantoic sac, while hydrops amnii should be restricted to fetal dropsy and enlargement of the amnionic sac

49. Ampulla: In anatomy, a sac-like enlargement of a canal or duct

50. Note: this is an enlargement from the previous image of Rahe Crater.