endeavours in Germany

endeavours [indevəz] bemüht

Sentence patterns related to "endeavours"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "endeavours" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "endeavours", or refer to the context using the word "endeavours" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Despite her best endeavours, she couldn't persuade anyone to volunteer.

2. She always encourages her children in their artistic endeavours.

3. I wish you all success in your future endeavours.

4. Paul Ince escapes criticism for his usual wholehearted endeavours and determined talking.

5. My argument is that many endeavours are deemed unrealistic – until they actually happen.

6. Yet when it comes to price, Euravia still endeavours to undercut the market.

7. Yes, as you say, a Mamie is an Anticlimax to one's best endeavours

8. Antislavery, temperance and other favourite evangelical reform endeavours became an everyday part of evangelical activity.

9. In spite of our best endeavours, it has proven impossible to contact her.

10. The draft resolution was the result of endeavours to accommodate all the concerns expressed.

11. I wish the India – Arab Business Conclave successful deliberations and all success in its endeavours.

12. They' ve been funding various secret endeavours all aimed at controlling alien technology for their own purposes

13. Protestant endeavours to extinguish popular superstitions and the widespread belief in magical remedies also proved largely futile.

14. 21 Antislavery, temperance and other favourite evangelical reform endeavours became an everyday part of evangelical activity.

15. The Addax Petroleum Foundation endeavours to support professionals in the area of social development. Who are we?

16. Although the Government endeavours to improve the population's living conditions, the social indicators remain at alarming levels.

17. The Bops Collective is an arts publication dedicated to shine a spotlight upon those in pursuit of creative endeavours

18. Her work endeavours to understand the structure of geometric objects by investigation of their algebraic and topological properties.

19. 26 Protestant endeavours to extinguish popular superstitions and the widespread belief in magical remedies also proved largely futile.

20. THE ACCUMULATION OF CAPITAL ROSA LUXEMBURG The Accumulative process endeavours everywhere to substitute simple commodity economy for natural economy

21. I also thank the staff of the Canadian Biotechnology Secretariat who so ably supported the committee in its endeavours.

22. India-Bhutan relations are today characterised by maturity, trust, respect and understanding, and joint endeavours in ever-expanding areas of activity.

23. Foucault endeavours to excavate the origins of the human sciences, which have their root in "life, labour, and language", that is: biology, economics, and linguistics.

24. In fact, in a flatter world with greater uncertainties and less rigid structures, regional cooperative endeavours may now acquire greater credibility and salience.

25. Apace stands for products that help you in your fitness endeavours, whether it be a run, ride or a triathlon! We promise Quality, Functionality and Performance!

26. The continued impunity with which these terrorist elements are pursuing their criminal endeavours against Cuba makes that Government an abettor and accomplice of terrorism against our country

27. In addition, there are national, bilateral and plurilateral cooperative endeavours in play in the fields of maritime domain awareness, coastal surveillance and white shipping that contribute to larger oceanic security and safety.

28. The issue of modern art and Contemporaneity is the same — on the understanding that art is an ensemble of creative endeavours that encompass painting, architecture, dance and music.

29. I believe that following the state visit, Benin’s business community is also keen to discover India and to engage these and other Indian businesses in mutually rewarding endeavours.

30. The Commission presented, along with the preliminary draft budget for #, the successful results of its endeavours to examine all potentially abnormal RAL (PAR) cases by the end of

31. If we manage to find a solution to this issue which has Beleaguered the Union for many years, we will be making a notable contribution to our endeavours to regulate better

32. Through the Spanish possessions in the Low Countries, England had close economic ties with the Spanish Habsburgs, and it was the young Henry VIII's ambition to repeat the glorious martial endeavours of his predecessors.

33. Alongside human rights associations and organizations, the Committee endeavours to foster a culture of international humanitarian law, extend its reach and raise awareness of the relevant mechanisms, particularly in wars and armed conflict.

34. This last observation seems so heartfelt, so poignantly rendered, that one can only advise Mr de Botton himself to cease his solitary endeavours and take the plunge into the pleasures of office life.

35. Bleached When a black (African) woman has sex with a white (Caucasian) man, she is said to be Bleached. Also refers to a black woman that regularly endeavours in sexual intercourse with white men

36. Myanmar's traditions, culture and values, which abhor and prohibit the sexual exploitation of women, strongly contribute to the Government's endeavours to protect women and girls from human rights abuses, including sexual and gender-based violence

37. ‘The price of Appeasing the morbid fears of a society that cannot look death in the eye is a measure that will compound such fears, while setting back medical endeavours to combat the causes of diseases that result in premature death.’

38. Cotter wrote in 1817: “Their [Christians’] endeavours to reform the lives of mankind by their preaching, so far from making the people feel grateful, would, in reality, cause them to hate and persecute the disciples for exposing their vices.”

39. ‘The specter of killing the innocent to Appease some nameless fear disgusted even the hardened’ ‘The price of appeasing the morbid fears of a society that cannot look death in the eye is a measure that will compound such fears, while setting back medical endeavours to combat the causes of diseases that result in premature death.’

40. Other scientific endeavours and principles are named after Galileo including the Galileo spacecraft, the first spacecraft to enter orbit around Jupiter, the proposed Galileo global satellite navigation system, the transformation between inertial systems in classical mechanics denoted Galilean transformation and the Gal (unit), sometimes known as the Galileo, which is a non-SI unit of acceleration.

41. ‘The specter of killing the innocent to Appease some nameless fear disgusted even the hardened’ ‘The price of appeasing the morbid fears of a society that cannot look death in the eye is a measure that will compound such fears, while setting back medical endeavours to combat the causes of diseases that result in premature death.’

42. In that visit, Prime Minister Netanyahu and I promised each other and our people to build a strategic partnership: of hope and trust and progress of diverse and cutting-edge cooperation, and of joint endeavours and shared successes Such a promise flows as much from the natural affinity and friendship that have linked us for centuries as it does from the compelling win-win case for engagement in almost all spheres .