encrusting in Germany

encrusting [inkrʌstiŋ] überkrustend

Sentence patterns related to "encrusting"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "encrusting" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "encrusting", or refer to the context using the word "encrusting" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. EnCrustation definition, an encrusting or being encrusted

2. Encrusting Corals grow as a thin layer against a substrate

3. While Xenia grows from separated stalks, Anthelia forms an encrusting mat across a hard surface

4. Most of the mushroom-like leather corals belong to this genus, as do some encrusting species.

5. ID: Encrusting Ascidian that forms rounded and uneven lobes. Colors includes whites, pale yellows, and pale pink.

6. It occurs abundantly in washed residues and is frequently accompanied by other agglutinated foraminifera and encrusting miliolids.

Angepaßt an die speziellen Lebensbedingungen in den Schwamm-Algen-Riffen wächst sie auf Algenonkoiden, Ammonitengehäusen, Foraminiferenschalen und Schalenfragmenten oder bildet freie Gehäuse aus. Sie ist in Südwestdeutschland und Franken endemisch.

7. In these patch reefs bafflestones and framestones with corals, hydrozoans (Rötelstein:Ellipsactinia limestones), chaetetids, encrusting algae and foraminifera are developed.

Es entwickeln sich in den als “patch-reefs” zu bezeichnenden Riffstrukturen bafflestones und framestones mit Korallen, Hydrozoen (am Rötelstein: Ellipsactinienkalke), Chaetetiden, inkrustierenden Algen und Foraminiferen.

8. With precise beats of his punch, the artisan finishes encrusting the gold thread onto the etched steel surface.

9. Impact of Introduction: Bryozoans, in general, can easily become an economic nuisance due to their encrusting colonies (Ricciardi and Reiswig 1994)

10. Binding of coral by encrusting coralline algae imparts a more rigid and coherent structure to the reef crest and peripheral faces.

Der Verbund von Korallen durch inkrustierende koralline Algen gibt der Struktur an Ober- und Außenseiten Festigkeit und Zusammenhalt.

11. My guess is that either both of these Anthelia or that the xenia is some sort of encrusting/matting type that doesn't pulse.

12. It lives in leaf litter, under bark or in moss, and feeds on encrusting algae, detritus and sometimes fruit such as raspberries.

13. Bryozoan colonies range from small encrusting forms on shells of other invertebrates to branching, twig-like forms, to fan-shaped forms

14. What does Bryozoan mean? Any of various small aquatic animals of the phylum Bryozoa that form encrusting or branching colonies attached to surfac

15. Encrusting Coralline algae growth gives many saltwater aquariums a pinkish-red color, and most marine aquarists aim for a good covering of the algae

16. Any of various small aquatic animals of the phylum Bryozoa that form encrusting or branching colonies attached to surfaces such as rocks, pilings, and seaweed

17. Yo brosif, i was totally bejewelling that chicks ass last night so when she farted it looked like a sea urchin! #anus #sugar #encrusting #asshole #sphincter #Bejeweling

18. Reef facies are characterized by encrusting forms, such asRenalcis (a problematic alga),Sphaerocodium (=Rothpletzella) (a green or blue-green alga), andKeega (an “ancestral coralline“ red alga).

19. Between the autochthonous reef and the detritus facies a near-reef detritus-facies can be observed, which is characterized by abundant encrusting algae acting as sedimentbinding organisms.

20. Review the common forms of Bryozoa: Fan (screen like) shape with very small (< 1mm) aperatures; Twig-like branches with very small (< 1mm) aperatures; Bulbous or encrusting masses with very small (< 1 mm) aperatures

21. Bryozoans are filter feeding invertebrates and can be found in both freshwater and marine habitats, where they are often easy to miss because of their small size and cryptic lifestyle (e.g., encrusting seashells, rocks, or kelp).

22. Bryozoan: Spatiopora corticans (PRI 76725) by Digital Atlas of Ancient Life on Sketchfab Fossil specimen of the Bryozoan Spatiopora corticans encrusting the shell of a straight-shelled cephalopod; specimen is from the Ordovician Waynesville Formation of Butler County, Ohio.