enacted in Germany

enacted [inæktid] verordnet, verordnete

Sentence patterns related to "enacted"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "enacted" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "enacted", or refer to the context using the word "enacted" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. FY 2022 Appropriations Cycle Discretionary Programs ($ Millions) FY 2020 Enacted FY 2021 Enacted FY […]

2. Apartheid was formally enacted in 1948

3. A new constitution was enacted in 2009.

4. Assisted living services, when enacted on Aug

5. Enacted SFY 20-21 Chips Budget

6. Some states have enacted such a restriction.

7. 6 Congress enacted a tax reform bill.

8. In 1887, Congress enacted the Edmunds–Tucker Act.

9. A strange ritual was enacted before our eyes.

10. Some of the Katyn Forest executions were re-enacted.

11. Since 1995 over 300 trade agreements have been enacted.

12. It was enacted by the sixth Babylonian king, Hammurabi.

13. Equal tax laws had been enacted in their stead.

14. The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was enacted in 1996.

15. Tokyo has enacted a measure to cut greenhouse gases.

16. The stories are enacted using music, dance and mime.

17. The bill was not enacted because Pedro I dissolved the Assembly.

18. (ESEA) or the Bilingual Education Act, which was enacted in 1968

19. The Swiss Bankers Association has enacted a directive on this subject.

Die Schweizerische Bankiervereinigung hat dazu eine Richtlinie erlassen.

20. In 2013, the Parliament enacted the Right to Access Information Act.

21. In 1972, India enacted the Wildlife Protection Act and Project Tiger to safeguard crucial wilderness; the Forest Conservation Act was enacted in 1980 and amendments added in 1988.

22. A number of policies that he enacted as commissioner were unpopular.

23. The government enacted laws to protect women from discriminatory employment practices.

24. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Arra), legislation, enacted by the U.S

25. Many jurisdictions have enacted laws to ban handheld mobile phone use.

26. There is no authoritative, accurate tally of enacted grant program Consolidations

27. The accounting profession was formally defined by Law No # enacted in

28. While some countries apply older laws, others have enacted specific Cyberstalking laws.

29. To date, 47 states and District of Columbia have enacted LLC legislation.

30. Our great General Tiberius has enacted a plan to unify the Silk Road

31. In order to address this issue, the Government has enacted a Family Protection Act.

32. On that date the Law of Religious Associations and Public Worship was enacted.

33. The immigrant-aid cutoff was controversial at the time the legislation was enacted.

34. Furthermore, it encouraged Tonga to ensure that its labour code is actually enacted.

35. Despite their differences, President Tyler and the Whig Congress enacted much positive legislation.

36. 29 BGB enacted the system of compensation for non - pecuniary damage for the first time.

37. A Codicil is only applicable where the changes that are to be enacted are minor.

38. Five years later, conservative prime minister Dominique de Villepin enacted the New Employment Contract (CNE).

39. The United States telecommunication laws are developed and enacted by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

40. Everywhere you looked in this hour-long special, there was some tawdry scene being enacted.

41. For the convenience of the public holiday, home , the Government has enacted a statutory holiday.

42. The present-day document, which was enacted in 1851, is the state's second Constitution

43. Enacted till its giant's amanitas, gratae Acicularly consist her Williamson's scribble opposite their inveterately

44. We have enacted the Real Estate Regulatory Act for the protection of home buyers.

45. Those laws which are enacted by Parliament are known as statutory laws or legislation.

46. While the tax on childlessness has not been re-enacted, other proposals have been.

47. Brigandage Law • Enacted on November 12, 1902 • Utilized by American authorities • Reduced the resistance efforts as

48. This is no display of mock humility, as enacted in Rome each year by Christendom’s pope.

49. Each sovereign state has enacted legislation establishing national parks, scientific or scenic reserves and wilderness areas.

50. Helmut Kohl, chancellor from 1982- has been castigated for flouting the party finance laws he enacted.