embraces in Germany

embraces [imbreisiz] umarmt

Sentence patterns related to "embraces"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "embraces" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "embraces", or refer to the context using the word "embraces" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The tears flowed; embraces followed.

2. Jehovah’s name embraces his reputation.

3. Love embraces all mankind.

Liebe schließt alle Menschen mit ein.

4. SOAR embraces an Appreciative inquiry approach

5. Beth embraces Daryl as he cries.

6. The cat family embraces lions and tigers.

7. My Bolognese sauce embraces the classical …

8. It embraces and permeates all creation.

Sie umfaßt und erfüllt alles Geschaffene.

9. The truth embraces the Kingdom and its blessings

10. Consider all those whom their love embraces.

11. Our Clinic embraces clients of all backgrounds

12. 5 This vital prophecy embraces several enigmas.

13. ‘Spiritualism embraces all religions, really it is Areligious.’.

14. An encyclopedia embraces a great number of subjects.

15. His Atonement is infinite and embraces us all.

Sein Sühnopfer ist unbegrenzt und schließt uns alle ein.

16. As a discipline, task management embraces several key activities.

17. 11 This course embraces several different aspects of psychology.

18. Like IJ, Coxcombs embraces the idea of freedom from genre

19. Yeah, and he embraces that, Boyd, with all his might.

Ja, und das heißt er auch aus vollem Herzen gut, Boyd.

20. Crossfire embraces the single adult with the love of God

21. It embraces all groups and seeks to bring about equity

22. Having this broadened understanding of what the Christian ministry embraces is beneficial.

23. To fulfill its mission, College of the Canyons embraces diversity, fosters

24. Aether embraces an entrepreneurial culture and employs a focused business model

25. The Antietam School District embraces its motto of Mounts Climb Together

26. In this sense Assyriology embraces Sumerology, Urartology, Hittitology, Hurritology, and Elamitology.

27. The article embraces many important points of the government reconstruction plan.

28. Accordant embraces a “best practice meets bespoke” approach in all we do

29. The stock/consumption ratio embraces all stocks including the accumulated surplus stocks.

Das Verhältnis zwischen Beständen und Verbrauch berücksichtigt die in den vergangenen Jahren aufgelaufenen Überhänge und auch den angestiegenen allgemeinen Bedarf.

30. The Advertising Standards Authority embraces press, poster, cinema advertising and direct mail.

31. From the Latin word embrace, Amplexus means to truly embraces each client …

32. Maintaining a warm love embraces the thought of caring for Jehovah’s sheep.

Wer seine warme Liebe bewahrt, erfaßt den Gedanken, daß er für Jehovas Schafe sorgen muß.

33. Constellate embraces its space theme fully in both visuals and sound effects

34. 12 Linguistics embraces a diverse range of subjects such as phonetics and stylistics.

35. What does Abrazos mean? The definition of Abrazos is Spanish for hugs or embraces

36. (Romans 13:7) The word “all” embraces every secular authority that is God’s public servant.

37. Perhaps with tears in her eyes, she embraces her child and expresses her heartfelt appreciation.

38. Jeff Brittain is a certified Functional Medicine Practitioner who wholeheartedly embraces Functional Medicine concepts

39. Cuffs Ladies Boutique embraces the same quality and relaxed comfort as our men’s collections

40. In the parable of the neighborly Samaritan, Jesus showed that true justice embraces all people

41. Why do we need to understand that the gospel of Jesus Christ embraces all truth?

Warum müssen wir wissen, daß das Evangelium Jesu Christi alle Wahrheit einschließt?

42. The Chinese language embraces many unique politeness features, such as self- denigration and affirmative propensity.

43. Shandao often used imagery such as the "Light and Name of Amitābha" which "embraces" all beings.

44. It embraces impurity of any kind —in sexual matters, in speech, in action, and in spiritual relationships.

45. Though the group is called the Affrilachian Poets, it embraces different cultures and types of artists

46. Cinderella never tries to ground its story in realism but rather embraces the magic of Disney

47. Blameless and Forever Free Ministries 501(c)(3) embraces that today's offender will be tomorrow's neighbor

48. At Avance, our cabinetry embraces each of these characteristics and fuses them with a unique approach.

49. The resolution of 32x allows for greatly increased Clarity and detail over standard Minecraft, yet it embraces

50. As in the first pavilion, the conservatory recedes into the background and the rain forest embraces visitors.