electrophoresis in Germany

electrophoresis [ilektrəfɔːzis] Elektrophorese (Elektronenwanderung)

Sentence patterns related to "electrophoresis"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "electrophoresis" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "electrophoresis", or refer to the context using the word "electrophoresis" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Affinity co-electrophoresis

2. Agarose, white powder for electrophoresis

3. In disc electrophoresis, however, the actual analysis is derived from the second stage, which is zone electrophoresis.

In der Disc-Elektrophorese kommt jedoch das eigentliche analytische Ergebnis erst durch den zweiten Schritt, der „zonenelektrophoretisch“ ist, zustande.

4. Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Aim: To perform gel electrophoresis for DNA extracted from human blood sample

5. Gas chromatographs / Liquid chromatographs / Electrophoresis instruments

6. Autoradiography is commonly performed following ELECTROPHORESIS of …

7. A multiple column analytical zone electrophoresis apparatus is described.

Es wird eine Appratur für die Zonenelektrophorese auf mehreren Säulen beschrieben.

8. Disconnect the wires from the electrophoresis unit.

9. Okay, get an immunoglobulin level and electrophoresis.

10. Method for producing dense thin films by electrophoresis

11. Bromus, enzyme electrophoresis, population genetics, colonizing abilities, allopolyploidy.

12. Reduced artifact denaturing capillary electrophoresis of nucleic acids

13. No differences were seen when cellulose-acetate-electrophoresis was used.

Es muß allerdings bei dieser Zuordnung darauf hingewiesen werden, daß gerade die säulenchromatographische Untersuchung der F I noch weiterer Bearbeitung bedarf, wie sie derzeit auch vorgenommen wird, ehe hier sichere Deutungen möglich sein werden.

14. Agarose I has low electroendosmosis (EEO) and high electrophoresis mobility

15. An appliance for electrophoresis of proteins was purchased for US$

16. Electrophoresis-type electro-osmosis dehydrator for easily feeding and processing sludge

17. The following methods have been used to examine the purity and some physico-chemical properties: UV absorption-spectra, analytical ultracentrifugation, starchgel-electrophoresis and immuno-electrophoresis.

Dodekaeder erhalten. Zur Prüfung der Reinheit und einiger physiko-chemischer Eigenschaften wurden folgende Methoden angewandt: UV-Absorptionsspektren, analytische Ultrazentrifugierung, Stärkegel-Elekrophorese und Immuno-Elektrophorese.

18. This paper reports a comparison between brief microzone electrophoresis and agar gel electrophoresis of CSF proteins; 41 different CSFs were examined simultaneously by all three methods.

Berichtet wird über einen Vergleich der Kurzzeit-Mikrozonenelektrophorese und der Agargelelektrophorese im Liquor cerebrospinalis. 41 verschiedene Liquores wurden gleichzeitig mit allen drei Methoden untersucht.

19. Key words: celery, fusarium yellows, nitrate-nonutilizing mutants, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.

20. PI demonstrated three bands in agar gel electrophoresis at pH 5.6.

PI ergab in der Agargelelektrophorese bei pH 5,6 drei proteolytische Banden.

21. Free electrophoresis method for isolating ribosomes and natural membrane vesicles

22. Agarose gel electrophoresis separates DNA fragments according to their size

23. Sebia Capillary electrophoresis: the most used Capillary electrophoresis technique worldwide with fully automated protein separation at high resolution TECHNOLOGY PRESENTATION Protein electrophoresis is a well-established technique routinely used in clinical laboratories for screening of serum and other fluids for protein abnormalities.

24. Cellulose acetate electrophoresis or thin layer isoelectric focusing are currently the preferred screening tests, with citrate agar electrophoresis or high-performance liquid chromatography in a reference laboratory for confirmation.

25. Agar electrophoresis carried out on antigens ofCandida species studied yielded six fractions.

26. Scientists first performed two-dimensional (2D) electrophoresis of proteins from urinary samples.

Wissenschaftler führten zuerst eine zweidimensionale (2D) Elektrophorese von Proteinen aus Urinproben durch.

27. You let me know what comes back from the... electrophoresis gel.

28. When analysing gene fragments , scientists usually use a technique called electrophoresis .

29. Cellulose acetate electrophoresis or thin layer isoelectric focusing, citrate agar electrophoresis liquid chromatography for confirmation (high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) offers higher resolution) Tests sensitive and highly specific for Hb Sickle.

30. The enzymes are separated by ultrathinlayer isoelectric focusing or ultrathinlayer gradient gel electrophoresis.

Die Enzyme werden durch ultradünnschicht-isoelektrische Focussierung bzw. ultradünnschicht Gradientengelelektrophorese getrennt.

31. Key words: capillary electrophoresis, surfactant, acid hydrolysis, tetradecanedisulfate, activation energy, entropy of activation.

32. Full line of equipment and apparatus for protein and nucleic acid electrophoresis

Vollständiges Sortiment von Ausrüstungen und Apparaten für die Protein- und Nukleinsäure-Elektrophorese

33. 13 The double-stranded oligonucleotide was then purified by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.

34. From the Cambridge English Corpus The samples were submitted to electrophoresis and protein Blotting analysis.

35. Enumeration spread plate method using bile esculin azide agar and pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE)

Auszählung nach dem Ausstrichverfahren unter Verwendung von Galle-Esculin-Azid-Agar und Pulsfeldgelelektrophorese (PFGE)

36. Five isoenzymes of alanine dehydrogenase were detected histochemically in S. avermitilis after native gel electrophoresis.

37. A detergent used to denature proteins and cover them in uniform charge before gel electrophoresis.

38. The pancreatic enzymes may be separated by electrophoresis on gelatinized cellulose acetate foils (“Cellogel”).

Elektrophoretische Trennversuche auf gelatinierten CelluloseacetatFolien („Cellogel“) ergaben, daß sich die einzelnen Pankreasenzyme verschiedener Säuger im elektrischen Feld unterschiedlich verhielten, was auf einen unterschiedlichen Aufbau der Enzymproteine hindeutet.

39. LDH isoenzymes were separated after homogenization by agar gel electrophoresis according to Wieme's method.

Nach Homogenisierung wurden die LDH-Isoenzyme mittels Agargelelektrophorese nach Wieme und Enzymfärbung nach van der Helm identifiziert.

40. They can be separated by agar gel electrophoresis or chromatography on CM-cellulose.

Beim Rhesusaffen findet sich zudem ein drittes Isoenzym in anderen Organen.

41. Agarose gel electrophoresis is a method of gel electrophoresis used in biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, and clinical chemistry to separate a mixed population of macromolecules such as DNA or proteins in a matrix of Agarose, one of the two main components of agar.The proteins may be separated by charge and/or size (isoelectric focusing Agarose electrophoresis is essentially size

42. Seven components were separated by means of disc-electrophoresis; their amylase activity was not exactly determinable.

Sie ließ sich diskelektrophoretisch in 7 Komponenten auftrennen; eine eindeutige Festlegung ihrer Amylaseaktivität gelang nicht.

43. Capillary electrophoresis is the technique of moving molecules through a tube structure using electric current

44. Agarose is the natural polysaccharide polymer that is used in the Agarose gel electrophoresis (AGE)

45. The present invention relates to the segmentation of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis images (2D images).

46. Principle Agarose gel electrophoresis is the most commonly used method for separating DNA molecules according to size

47. Cresol Red is used as a tracking dye in DNA, RNA (agarose) and protein (polyacrylamide) electrophoresis

48. Enumeration: spread plate method using bile esculin azide agar and identification: pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE)

Auszählung: Ausstrichverfahren unter Verwendung von Galle-Esculin-Azid-Agar und Identifikation: Pulsfeldgelelektrophorese (PFGE)

49. Plasma and lymph of Rana esculenta and Rana temporaria were investigated by electrophoresis in agar-gel.

Bei Rana esculenta und Rana temporaria wurden Plasma und Lymphe mittels Elektrophorese im Agar-Gel untersucht.

50. Cresol Red is used as a tracking dye in DNA, RNA (agarose) and protein (polyacrylamide) electrophoresis