dredged in Germany

dredged [dredʒd] baggerte aus

Sentence patterns related to "dredged"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dredged" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dredged", or refer to the context using the word "dredged" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Great, heartfelt, gulping sobs, dredged from the pit of her stomach.

2. Mere tittle-tattle dredged up for purely prurient interest is another matter.

3. 5 He dredged a bottle up that swam on the water.

4. They dredged up some old toys from the bottom of the trunk.

5. The reclamation would involve dumping the dredged material on the estuary's Lappel bank.

6. Worst part is that this particular one dredged up the memory of your father.

7. Dredged material consisting of natural accumulated sediment infill typical of the loading site.

8. Dredged material comprised of naturally accumulated sediment infill typical of the loading site.

9. Both kinds of altered rock are also known from the study of dredged materials.

10. Experts say that if the lake is not dredged , it will soon become a playground .

11. These initial channels, canals, and coves were dredged and bulldozed from the mangrove swamps.

12. The principal rock types dredged are alkali-basalt pillow fragments and tuffaceous conglomerate and sandstone.

13. The access channel was dredged in the early 2010s, allowing easier access to Panamax size ships.

14. Ballotin dredged in vintage old linen and liberty capel mustard ribbon for baptism, wedding, first communion avenuedelapaix

15. It will be dredged by Van Oord, the same company used for The World, and the Palm Islands.

16. In 1998, the plant was closed and the creek dredged, although by 2000 lead levels were still considered unsafe.

17. The project features numerous skyscrapers located in an area where Dubai Creek has been dredged and extended.

18. The project features numerous skyscrapers located in an area where the Dubai Creek has been dredged and extended.

19. In support of our dredged material evaluation support, TestAmerica developed SW 846 Method 8082 in support of PCB Congeners

20. 25 Most of her life was spent pushing barges loaded with silt dredged from the narrow canals around Birmingham.

21. "Crab Island," was actually two islands made from sand that the Army Corps of Engineers dredged up from the East Pass.

22. Andesite, containing phenocrysts of plagioclase, clinopyroxene and olivine, was dredged from the Meander Reef on the Cagayan Ridge (Kudrass et al., 1986)

23. Nearly 30 kilometers (18 miles) of canals and seven hectares (17 acres) of lakes were dredged and connected to the drainage system.

24. Dredged material consisting of silt, sand, rock, broken concrete and steel piling, and other materials typical of the approved loading site except logs.

25. The epitome of Italian street food, Arancini are delicious risotto balls stuffed with Pecorino Romano, dredged in breadcrumbs, and deep fried.

26. Each day except Sunday, I was put to work on farms, where I cut wheat with a scythe, dredged ditches, and cleaned pigsties.

27. Later, several times rocks were dredged from the seamount and drill cores were taken; cores 873–877 of the Ocean Drilling Program are from Wōdejebato.

28. Just three letters, I, N, and Y, Counterpointed by a voluptuous red heart, a symbol dredged from Glaser's childhood memories of Cupid-arrowed hearts carved on trees

29. A 28,000-year-old fossil walrus was dredged up from the bottom of San Francisco Bay, indicating Pacific walruses ranged that far south during the last ice age.

30. This list includes the 26 PCB Congeners identified in the 1998 USACE/USEPA Inland Testing Manual and is required in many of the programs we support for dredged material evaluations.

31. Dubai has no natural river bodies or oases; however, Dubai does have a natural inlet, Dubai Creek, which has been dredged to make it deep enough for large vessels to pass through.

32. Anglerfishes are among the most diverse of all vertebrate taxa; there are hundreds of species, most of which may be known from only a few shriveled specimen dredged up by fishing vessels as deep-sea bycatch.

33. An ancient buried wood dredged out from the bed of the river Ganga, of about 30000 years of age, was investigated on its anatomical characteristics, its fine structure, its physical properties, and its chemical composition.

Eine im Flußbett des Ganga-River gefundene Holzprobe, mit einem Alter von etwa 30000 Jahren, wurde bezüglich ihres anatomischen Gefüges, ihres Feinbaues, ihrer physikalischen Eigenschaften sowie ihrer chemischen Zusammensetzung untersucht.

34. Friday night’s Crowning victory at The Hawthorns was the 25th in 30 league matches since Antonio Conte’s decisive re-gearing of his team in September, the tactical switches that have coaxed such a thrilling run from this team of bolt-ons and upcycled squad players, most notably Victor Moses, who was dredged out of the laundry bin in the autumn to become a key part of the title surge.