drawing lots for in Germany

drawing lots for [drɔːiŋlɔtsfər] auslosend

Sentence patterns related to "drawing lots for"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "drawing lots for" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "drawing lots for", or refer to the context using the word "drawing lots for" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Where, for one of the subquotas, the result of applying the allocation coefficient would be to allocate licences for less than 20 tonnes per application, the corresponding quantities available shall be awarded by the Member State concerned by drawing lots for licences of 20 tonnes each amongst the applicants who would have been allocated less than 20 tonnes as a result of applying the allocation coefficient.

Sollte die Anwendung des Zuteilungskoeffizienten für eines der Unterkontingente dazu führen, dass Lizenzen für weniger als 20 Tonnen je Antrag zugeteilt würden, so teilt der betreffende Mitgliedstaat die verfügbaren Mengen durch Auslosung von Lizenzen zu je 20 Tonnen unter den Antragstellern auf, denen infolge der Anwendung des Zuteilungskoeffizienten weniger als 20 Tonnen zugeteilt worden wären.