disgraced in Germany

disgraced [disgreist] blamierte, schändete

Sentence patterns related to "disgraced"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "disgraced" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "disgraced", or refer to the context using the word "disgraced" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. I'm disgraced.

2. He was disgraced by cowardice.

3. She was disgraced at court.

4. You disgraced yourself by your conduct.

5. The corrupt official was publicly disgraced.

6. The king disgraced the disloyal courtier.

7. They have disgraced the whole school.

8. I have disgraced my family's name.

9. Enough that I would be publicly disgraced.

10. The dishonest government official was publicly disgraced.

11. Testimony from a disgraced and disgruntled former president.

12. He was publicly disgraced and sent into exile.

13. Besides, labor disgraced itself in the Great Depression.

14. I've failed you and I've disgraced the corporation.

15. I've disgraced myself by the actions I've taken.

16. He was disgraced and stripped of his title.

17. The disgraced official was divested of all authority.

18. 24 The dishonest government official was publicly disgraced.

19. Don Salluste, you have been dismissed, disgraced exiled.

20. Dole had kind words for his disgraced contemporary.

21. After the defeat two generals were publicly disgraced.

22. I disgraced myself by drinking far too much.

23. You have disgraced us all with your behaviour.

24. Our disgraced teacher was publicly rehabilitated by school authorities.

25. He disgraced himself by passing out at the party.

26. Should she slink around as if she disgraced herself?

27. 22 He was disgraced and stripped of his title.

28. I'm not the one who disgraced herself at the wedding!

29. He got drunk and disgraced himself at the wedding.

30. Winston did not know why Withers had been disgraced.

31. I was wild with fear we would be disgraced.

32. What became of Gary Glitter mimics when Glitter got disgraced?

33. She disgraced herself by drinking too much at the banquet.

34. Disgraced financier Bernie Madoff has pled guilty to 11 felony counts.

35. This blow disgraced Hathor, Apis, and the cow-bodied sky-goddess Nut.

36. Disgraced in the press, serve hard time, lose every penny you've ever made.

37. The head of the section disgraced himself last night by drinking too much.

38. He breathed his last on the frigid steppe of eastern Siberia, vilified and disgraced.

39. Bourtzes was disgraced for his insubordination, and later joined the plot that killed Phokas.

40. Why should she slink about as if it were she who had disgraced herself?

41. Poor Tom lamentably disgraced himself at Sir Charles Mirable 's table, by premature inebriation.

42. The country is ridding itself of its disgraced prime minister in a veil of secrecy.

43. Antonyms for Apotheosized include belittled, castigated, condemned, criticised, criticized, debased, degraded, demoted, depressed and disgraced

44. Synonyms for Chastened include shamed, humbled, humiliated, disgraced, dishonoured, dishonored, embarrassed, demeaned, degraded and mortified

45. Synonyms for Abased include degraded, demeaned, debased, humbled, humiliated, lowered, disgraced, reduced, belittled and cheapened

46. They call themselves the Brethren: three disgraced former judges doing time in a Florida federal prison

47. In 19 it was allowed back into the region, like some disgraced aristocrat returning from exile.

48. The disgraced minister walked swiftly from the car to his house pursued by a whole posse of reporters.

49. 19, 2021, threw felony Convictions of nine more people framed by the disgraced former Chicago police sergeant

50. When he exalts himself and is then disgraced, he resembles Christendom, but he may have learned from the discipline.