dipping into in Germany

dipping into [dipiŋintə] eintauchend

Sentence patterns related to "dipping into"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dipping into" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dipping into", or refer to the context using the word "dipping into" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. She kept dipping into the bag of sweets.

2. He kept dipping into the bag of sweets.

3. On her lap was a bag of candy which she kept dipping into.

4. Escapism isn't just limited to dipping into science fiction or a romantic novel.

5. 24 Escapism isn't just limited to dipping into science fiction or a romantic novel.

6. Dougal flicked through the pages, dipping into the typed sections; the handwritten portions could wait.

7. 23 Dougal flicked through the pages, dipping into the typed sections; the handwritten portions could wait.

8. The risky technique involves vehicles dipping into the Martian atmosphere to slow down, rather than firing braking rockets.

9. Lymph nodes shall be surface de-contaminated before analysis by dipping into absolute alcohol and drying by air

Die Lymphknoten werden vor der Analyse einer Oberflächendekontamination unterzogen, indem sie in reines Ethanol eingetaucht und an der Luft getrocknet werden

10. Lymph nodes shall be surface de-contaminated before analysis by dipping into absolute alcohol and drying by air.

Die Lymphknoten werden vor der Analyse einer Oberflächendekontamination unterzogen, indem sie in reines Ethanol eingetaucht und an der Luft getrocknet werden.

11. Video on display shows Reagan heading a cabinet meeting with his hand perpetually dipping into a glass jelly bean jar.

12. With only 29 calories a dessertspoon for mayonnaise and a mere 15 calories for salad dressing they're well worth dipping into.

13. With only 29 calories a dessertspoon for mayonnaise and a mere 15 calories for salad dressing they're well worth dipping into. Sentencedict.com

14. If the ingredient you are going to fry has high water content, dredging the ingredient in a thin layer of flour before dipping into Batter …

15. I was Awestruck to discover this book - I thought I was the only one who experienced the world in this way, and it was like finding my 'tribe' and reading the story of my awe experiences! The science and psychology are fascinating and this is a book that I will be dipping into and re-reading on a regular basis - a true gem and jewel to have