dilatation in Germany

dilatation [dilteiʃən] Ausdehnung, Erweiterung

Sentence patterns related to "dilatation"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dilatation" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dilatation", or refer to the context using the word "dilatation" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Pneumatic dilatation is an efficient treatment for achalasia.

2. Stable Aneurysmal dilatation of the ascending aorta

3. Dilatation can be repeated until satisfactory result is achieved.

4. These patients have progressive dilatation of the Aortic sinuses and, on occasion, dilatation and distortion of the annulus which results in valvar incompetence.1

5. As dilatation occurs, capillaries become abnormally permeable to proteins.

6. Stable Aneurysmal dilatation of the ascending aorta up to 4.8 cm

7. Interventional Cardiology Charger™ 0.035" Balloon Dilatation Catheter

8. Dilatation and myotomy are effective treatment options for achalasia.

Dilatation und Myotomie sind wirksame Behandlungsmethoden der Achalasie.

9. Acute dilatation of the stomach is a rare complication.

10. Under net volume absorption the dilatation begins in the luminal part of the mucosal layer, whereas net volume secretion is accompanied by dilatation in the basal parts of the intercellular spaces.

Die Erweiterungen beginnen bei Resorption apikal, bei Sekretion basal — wahrscheinlich bedingt durch die jeweilige Richtung des Nettostromes.

11. A major consideration is the difference between dilatation (ectasia) and proliferation.

Kernpunkt ist die Unterscheidung bloßer Erweiterung (Ektasie) von echter Wucherung (Proliferation).

12. Objective : To explore the necessity of cervixs dilatation in caesarean birth operation.

13. Among 990 urological malformations, 682 cases of isolated renal pelvis dilatation were identified.

Von 990 Fehlbildungen des Urogenitaltrakts entfielen 682 Fälle auf die isolierte Nierenbeckenkelchsystemerweiterung.

14. There is no change in blood flow, in dilatation of the blood vessels.

15. In this study, we report the long term results of dilatation in these patients.

16. Those patients who did not respond to dilatation treatment were advised to have surgery.

17. Bloat, also known as gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV) complex, is a medical and surgical emergency

18. We report the results obtained in four patients treated endoscopically by balloon dilatation (achalasia dilators).

19. A healthy patient underwent diagnostic dilatation and curettage and laparoscopy for lysis of peritoneal adhesions.

20. Aneurysm definition, a permanent cardiac or arterial dilatation usually caused by weakening of the vessel wall

21. Dacryocystographically assisted interventions, such as balloon dilatation or stenting of tear duct stenoses are technically feasible.

Zu den dakryozystographisch kontrollierten Interventionen zählen die Ballondilatation und die Stentimplantation.

22. 8 A plain supine abdominal radiograph showed gaseous dilatation of the transverse colon and small bowel.

23. 12 The ureteral obstruction and associated hydronephrosis resolved after percutaneous nephrostomy and balloon dilatation of the stenotic ureter.

24. Aneurysm definition, a permanent cardiac or arterial dilatation usually caused by weakening of the vessel wall

25. THESAURUS flatulence Barnumism, Aeriness, affectation, bedizenment, big talk, bloat, bloatedness, bloating, blowing up, convolution, diastole, dilatation, dilation

26. A score is calculated based upon the station of the presenting part and cervical dilatation, effacement , consistency, and position.

27. 19 We have reported that endoscopic dilatation is an effective and safe short term treatment for corrosive oesophageal strictures.

28. Ventricular dilatation was closely correlated with CBF-reduction, while the influence of arterial ectasia was much less pronounced.

Der Einfluß von Arterien-Ektasien auf die Hirndurchblutung war weniger stark ausgeprägt.

29. Bronchiectasis is a disorder characterized radiographically by irreversible bronchial dilatation and clinically by cough, sputum production, and recurrent respiratory tract infections

30. However, careful use of criteria for surgery could increase the value and reduce the incidence of dilatation and curettage.

31. Bloat, also known as gastric dilatation volvulus or GDV, is a life-threatening condition that can affect all dogs

32. After tracheal stenosis was treated with cryoresection, Acusection, argon plasma coagulation, balloon dilatation properly, the membrane-covered metal stents (Micro-Tech Co

33. Actually, it appears that highly trained athletes develop a left ventricular fair combination of cavity dilatation and increased wall thickness.

Tatsächlich scheinen hochtrainierte Athleten eine typische linksventrikuläre Kombination aus kavitärer Erweiterung und erhöhter Wanddicke zu entwickeln.

34. Aging alone was associated with an increase in mesangial matrix and some degree of capillary dilatation and thickening of the basement membrane.

Zunehmendes Alter führte zur Zunahme der mesangialen Matrix mit einiger Erweiterung der Kapillaren und Verdickung der Basalmembran.

35. ANOKRYO®- by combining low temperature with dilatation offers an effective mode of treatment to safely and rapidly alleviate the patient's symptoms and accelerate healing This is achieved by cold application at temperatures of minus 15°C and dilatation to 15 mm with the ANOKRYO®-rod.

Mit der Kombination von Kälte und Dehnung durch ANOKRYO steht eine wirksame Therapie zur Verfügung, um die Beschwerden der Patienten schnell und nebenwirkungsfrei zu lindern und den Heilungsprozess zu fördern. Dies geschieht durch Kälteanwendung bis minus 15 °C und leichte Dehnung auf 15 mm mittels des ANOKRYO-Stabes.

36. A dilatation and Curettage (D&C) is an operation performed on women to scrape away the uterus (womb) lining

37. 22 Endoscopic dilatation is safe and effective for short and long term relief of dysphagia in patients with corrosive oesophageal strictures.

38. Fecal impaction is a common condition, which may lead to dilatation of bowel loop and perforation of colon in rare cases.

39. In addition, myocardium not directly affected by ischemia may undergo adaptive processes like hypertrophy and dilatation, which may result in chronic left heart failure.

Darüber hinaus kommt es jedoch bei nicht direkt von der Ischämie betroffenem Myokard zu Anpassungsvorgängen, insbesondere Hypertrophie und Dilatation, die zur chronischen Linksherzinsuffizienz führen können.

40. Bile Canaliculi (BC) dilatation induced by cholestatic drugs was increased by co-treatment with IL-6 and IL-1β but not with TNF-α

41. What is a dilatation and Curette (D&C)? A D&C is an operation to lightly scrape the inside of the uterus (womb)

42. A. Labor is characterized by uterine contractions of sufficient frequency, intensity, and duration to result in effacement and dilatation of the cervix.

43. The article corrected the inexactitude conceptions of gravitational shock, swoon by low blood pressure when standing and swoon by blood vessel dilatation.

44. Aneurysm [an´u-rizm] a sac formed by the localized dilatation of the wall of an artery, a vein, or the heart

45. Ampul´lae) (L.) a flasklike dilatation of a tubular structure, especially of the expanded ends of the semicircular canals of the ear

46. 18 The introduction of the root replacement technique 19 seems to ameliorate this early Autograft failure, however reports of progressive Autograft dilatation 3,7,20,21 and subsequent

47. Thee water level in deep well can reflect variant stress-strain variations which are caused by tidal dilatation, air-pressure, seismic waves and so. on.

48. Suction Curettage (vacuum Curettage) a method of induced abortion, consisting of removal of the uterine contents, after dilatation, by means of a hollow curette introduced into …

49. Suction Curettage (vacuum Curettage) a method of induced abortion, consisting of removal of the uterine contents, after dilatation, by means of a hollow curette introduced into …

50. Aneurysma, a widening] Localized abnormal dilatation of a blood vessel, usually an artery, due to a congenital defect or weakness in the wall of the vessel