digestion in Germany

digestion [didʒestʃən] Verdauung

Sentence patterns related to "digestion"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "digestion" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "digestion", or refer to the context using the word "digestion" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Digestion of organic sludge



3. Aerobic digestion (aeration) of slurry.

Aerobe Vergärung (Belüftung) von Gülle.

4. A gentle digestion aid, KAL Betaine HCL+ is formulated to help support healthy digestion.

5. He has a good digestion.

6. She's had very poor digestion.

7. Composting and anaerobic digestion of manure

Kompostierung und anaerobe Vergärung von Wirtschaftsdünger

8. This food is easy of digestion.

9. Photoenhanced anaerobic digestion of organic acids

10. An improved process for sludge treatment includes anaerobic digestion followed by post-mesophilic aerobic and/or anoxic digestion.

11. Spleen to aid digestion, porridge Tim Hawthorn.

12. Chewing is the first step of digestion

13. Probiotics have been reported to enhance digestion.

14. Vegetables are usually cooked to aid digestion.

15. In Italy the most common treatments are aerobic digestion (including composting), anaerobic digestion, mechanical dewatering, thermal drying, chemical treatment with alkali.

In Italien gehören der aerobe Abbau (einschließlich der Kompostierung), der anaerobe Abbau, die mechanische Entwässerung, die thermische Trocknung und die chemische Behandlung mit Alkali zu den gängigsten Behandlungsmethoden.

16. Bistort is used for digestion problems, particularly diarrhea

17. Key words: autothermal, thermophilic, aerobic, digestion, sludge, biosolids.

18. Treatment of landfill sites to promote aerobic digestion

Behandlung von Deponien zur Förderung anaerober Zersetzung

19. Anaerobic digestion of sludge and optimal energy recovery40

Anaerobe Verstoffwechselung von Schlamm und optimale Rückgewinnung von Energie

20. Spock has total vulcan control over his digestion.

21. Bistort is used for digestion problems, particularly diarrhea.

22. Anaerobic digestion of manure in a biogas installation.

Anaerobe Vergärung des Wirtschaftsdüngers in einer Biogasanlage.

23. Too much tea is bad for your digestion.

24. Anaerobic digestion can take place off-site

Die anaerobe Vergärung kann außerhalb des Betriebs stattfinden.

25. Aerobic digestion (aeration) of liquid manure/slurry.

Aerobe Vergärung (Belüftung) von Flüssigmist/Gülle.

26. Overindulgence could lead to problems with digestion.

27. The segregated process streams may be sent to respective separate treatments selected from anaerobic digestion, aerobic digestion, physical separation and chemical treatment.

28. 15 Probiotics have been reported to enhance digestion.

29. What does Apepsy mean? (medicine, archaic) Defective digestion; indigestion

30. N Autolysis Self-dissolution; in physiology, self-digestion; autodigestion

31. Amylase is an enzyme that helps in food digestion

32. treatment and energy recovery by anaerobic digestion or incineration.

Behandlung und energetische Verwertung durch anaerobe Vergärung oder Verbrennung.

33. Laughter at breakfast is bad for the digestion.

34. Astringent to the intestine and relieve diarrhea; invigorate digestion .

35. Anaerobic digestion produced Biogas is an environmentally friendly, renewable fuel

36. Autolysis is the "self-digestion" of the cell

37. What does Alimentary mean? Concerned with food, nutrition, or digestion

38. You should know that my son has extremely delicate digestion.

39. Betaine HCl Dosage for Acid Reflux and Poor Digestion

40. anaerobic digestion or composting of organic waste wherever possible;

soweit möglich anaerobe Vergärung oder Kompostierung organischer Abfälle;

41. Waste sludge digestion process by sequential intermittent ozone dosing

42. Key words: aerobic, autothermal, biosolids, digestion, fermentation, pasteurization, thermophilic.

43. Alternative form of Apepsy··(medicine) Apepsy (defective digestion)

44. Digestion of your dietary intake of carbohydrates and fat relies on the action of Amylase, found in the saliva, to begin the digestion of starches

45. Autophagia definition, controlled digestion of damaged organelles within a cell

46. Key words: sewage sludge, stabilization, digestion, acid treatment, sulphuric acid.

47. To read without reflection is like eating without digestion

48. The Anaerobic digestion process must have a constant source of the raw materials (animal or human wastes) for the Anaerobic digestion plant to be successful

49. After a process of anaerobic digestion of 15 days, such sludge was dried using centrifugal (filter) presses and was transferred to the composting area for aerobic digestion.

Nach einem Vergärungsprozess von 15 Tagen wird dieser Klärschlamm mit Hilfe von (Filter‐)Zentrifugen entwässert und zum aeroben Abbau in die Kompostierungsanlage verbracht.

50. Bile salts help with the digestion of fats in our bodies