diagonals in Germany

diagonals [daiægənlz] Diagonale, Diagonale

Sentence patterns related to "diagonals"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "diagonals" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "diagonals", or refer to the context using the word "diagonals" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The two diagonals and the two tangency chords are concurrent.

2. How many diagonals does this seven-sided polygon have?

3. Two Bimetallic strips are placed along the two diagonals of the bistable laminates

4. The tetrahedron is contained within the diagonals of its six faces.

5. The diagonals of a ( an ) isosceles [ trapezoid, trapezoid, parallelogram ] are congruent.

6. The bed linen is patterned in stylish checks, stripes, diagonals and triangles. Sentencedict.com

7. Preferably, the bristle field (12) is located approximately centrally on an axis defined by two diagonals (17) of the bristle holder. The diagonals (17) make an angle (alpha) of 75° to 105° with each other.

Das Borstenfeld (12) liegt vorzugsweise annähernd zentrisch an einer durch zwei Diagonalen (17) des Borstenhalters (5) definierten Achse, welche Diagonalen (17) miteinander einen Winkel (alpha) von 75° bis 105° einschliessen.

8. Key words: all-welded towers, communication towers, cross-bracing, effective length factors, solid round steel diagonals.

9. Using Congruent triangles, one can prove that the rhombus is symmetric across each of these diagonals

10. The algorithm uses a sixteen data element state matrix, and alternates between updating data elements in columns and diagonals.

11. Glue strongly the diagonals and the corner holding the connector a few centimeters/inches away from the square.

12. In a given Cyclic quadrilateral, d 1 / d 2 = sum of the product of opposite sides, which shares the diagonals endpoints

13. The results of a total of 31 all-welded lattice tower specimens with three types of cross-braced diagonals are presented.

14. In a concave quadrilateral, one interior angle is bigger than 180° and one of the two diagonals lies outside the quadrilateral.

15. A Cyclic pentagon with rational sides and area is known as a Robbins pentagon; in all known cases, its diagonals also have rational lengths

16. Non-stationary Autocorrelations can be modelled by using non-Toeplitz forms for the bases that allow the elements in the diagonals of Q i (1) to vary over observations

17. AC Bisects BD and BD Bisects AC ("Diagonals of a Parallogram bisect each other) Prove that the shortest distance between a point and a line is a perpendicular line segment

18. Designating a method of projection (Axonometric projection) in which a three-dimensional object is represented by a drawing (Axonometric drawing) having all axes drawn to exact scale, resulting in the optical distortion of diagonals and curves.Compare cabinet (def

19. Crisscrossed woven lines, hatching of all sorts, sets of radiating parallel diagonals, circular chains, blobs and dashes, oval repetitions (like fingerprints, vaginas, or targets), and more--mostly in reds and blues and ranging from delicate to deliberate--relentlessly cover page after page

20. (In all three of Cigoli's paintings, the two Adorations and the Deposition, "Cigoli, like Galileo, attributed secondary light to the earth and to whatever clouds clustered about the lunar body"[168].) In further emphasis the diagonals of the painting focus the viewer's eye on the moon, as does the gesture toward the moon of the turbaned figure of Nicodemus and the position of Christ's left arm

21. The relative positions of the R point and the H point and the relationship between the design seat-back angle and the actual seat-back angle shall be considered to be satisfactory for the seating position in question if the H point, as defined by its coordinates, lies within a longitudinal rectangle whose horizontal and vertical sides are 30 and 20 mm long respectively and whose diagonals intersect at the R point, and if the actual seat back angle is within 3o of the design seat-back angle.

Die Lage des R-Punktes relativ zum H-Punkt und das Verhältnis zwischen konstruktiv festgelegtem Rückenlehnenwinkel und tatsächlichem Rückenlehnenwinkel für den betreffenden S * atz gelten als befriedigend , wenn die Koordinaten des H-Punktes in einem längsgerichteten Re * teck liegen , dessen horizontale Seiten 30 mm und dessen vertikale Seiten 20 mm lang sind und dessen Diagonalen sich im R-Punkt schneiden , und wenn der tatsächliche Rückenlehnenwinkel um nicht mehr als 3 * vom konstruktiv festgelegten Rückenlehnenwinkel abweicht .