development aid volunteer in Germany

development aid volunteer [diveləpmənteidvɔləntiər] Entwicklungshelfe

Sentence patterns related to "development aid volunteer"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "development aid volunteer" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "development aid volunteer", or refer to the context using the word "development aid volunteer" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. As a volunteer aid worker I was a failure.

2. Accelerating progress towards attaining the Millennium Development Goals - Financing for Development and Aid Effectiveness

Stärkeres Engagement für die Verwirklichung der Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele – Entwicklungsfinanzierung und Wirksamkeit der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit

3. CONCACAF stated that the new format would aid development and competition.

4. Development aid must not be conditional on the implementation of Economic Partnership Agreements.

Die Implementierung von Wirtschaftspartnerschaftsabkommen darf nicht Voraussetzung für Entwicklungshilfe sein.

5. “The potential of aid for trade to accelerate growth and development in Africa”: Mr.

6. Efforts to improve nutrition are some of the most effective forms of development aid.

7. Source Grunning, J.W., 2000, ‘The Reform of Aid: Conditionality, Selectivity and Ownership’, Paper presented presented at the conference on “Aid and Development”, Stockholm

8. The International Development Association (IDA) is one of the world’s largest sources of aid.

9. Volunteer in Zambia: experiences achieved as volunteer for six months in Zambia.

10. The capacity of developing countries to absorb long-term development aid has begun to increase.

11. Official Development Aid (ODA) stood at $68.5 billion, or about 0.25% of aggregated national incomes.

12. Chief (or Designate) activates the CBWT to aid in the development of an Action Plan.

13. Blenheim Volunteer Fire Brigade

14. The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) is the federal agency directly responsible for delivering Canadian aid.

15. 17. Believes that the suspension of development aid will aggravate Haiti's already precarious socio-economic situation;

17. ist der Ansicht, dass die Aussetzung der Entwicklungshilfe zu einer Verschlechterung der ohnehin bereits instabilen sozio-ökonomischen Lage in Haiti führt;

16. Sailors who volunteer for the Aircrew program can also volunteer to become rescue swimmers.

17. Aid must be aligned on the national development strategies, institutions and procedures of the partner countries

18. University Advancement includes fund development, alumni relations, volunteer relations, and donor and alumni information and services for the university’s fifteen colleges, athletics, M.D

19. the aid must be proportional, i.e. the amount must be linked to the net development of traffic,

Die Beihilfe muss angemessen sein, d. h., ihre Höhe muss an die Nettoentwicklung des Verkehrs geknüpft sein.

20. Inadequacies in the accounting and internal control were observed in the Commission departments responsible for development aid.

In den Kommissionsdienststellen, die sich mit der Entwicklungshilfe befassen, wurden Mängel bei der Kontrolle der Rechnungsführung und der internen Kontrolle festgestellt.

21. OPTION 3 Chief (or Designate) activates the CBWT to aid in the development of an Action Plan.

22. The Basilian Volunteer Mission Program

23. For this aid programme for the economic development of the Turkish Cypriot community no such agreement exists.

Bei diesem Hilfsprogramm für die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung der türkisch-zyprischen Gemeinschaft existieren jedoch keinerlei Vereinbarungen dieser Art.

24. The aid must be proportional, i.e. the amount must be linked to the net development of traffic.

Die Beihilfe muss angemessen sein, d. h., ihre Höhe muss an die Nettoentwicklung des Verkehrs geknüpft sein.

25. Option 3 Chief (or Designate) activates the CBWT to aid in the development of an Action Plan.