detections in Germany

detections [ditekʃənz] Entdeckunge

Sentence patterns related to "detections"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "detections" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "detections", or refer to the context using the word "detections" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. SeisComP enhanced to enable it to store additional features for hydro-acoustic detections, as well as pixels and pixel families for infrasound detections,

SeisComP wird verbessert, sodass es in der Lage ist, zusätzliche Merkmale für hydroakustische Erfassungen zu speichern, ebenso wie Pixel und Pixel-Familien für Infraschall-Erfassungen,

2. The GLM Bolides websiteprovides the data for those detections.

3. The GLM Bolides website provides the data for those detections.

4. The Batse Earth Occultation Monitoring results for various hard X-ray/gamma ray sources are given as a list of detections and non-detections in the full list of sources

5. Again, I'm putting your anterior cingulate cortex to the test here, causing you conflicting pattern detections.

6. The Batse instrument averaged one gamma ray burst event detection per day for a total of approximately 2700 detections

7. Integrate the IDC signal detector for hydro-acoustic data in NDC-in-a-Box, including determination of features specific to hydro-acoustic detections.

Integration des IDC-Signaldetektors für hydroakustische Daten in die NDC-in-a-box, einschließlich der Festlegung von für hydroakustische Erfassungen spezifischen Merkmalen.

8. The three detections localized the source to an area of 31 square degrees in the southern sky at 90% probability.

9. This can be used, for example, to track and navigate the ship, or to transmit information on acoustic detections, to a shore-based command center.

Diese Datenverbindung dient zum Beispiel zur Verfolgung der Schiffsroute von Land aus, zur Übermittlung neuer Wegpunkte zum Schiff, oder um Messdaten in Echtzeit zum Land oder einem bemannten Begleitschiff zu übertragen.

10. Binned The counts of detections have been Binned logarithmically, within mass bins covering factors-of-three (top axis, thick lines) and factors-of-two (bottom axis, thin lines)

11. Maintain coverage and efficiency of aerial surveillance and analyse strategically surveillance needs, inter alia based on an evaluation of existing data sets of detections of observed oil pollution and other substances.

Wahrung von Abdeckung und Effizienz der Luftüberwachung und Analyse des Bedarfs an strategischer Überwachung, unter anderem anhand der Auswertung bereits vorhandener Datensätze zu Feststellungen bei beobachteten Verschmutzungen durch Öl und sonstige Substanzen.

12. existing NDC-in-a-Box scdfx module integrated into SeisComP enhanced to allow it to process hydro-acoustic data and to store all features that hydro-acoustic detections at the IDC possess,

das in SeisComP integrierte bestehende scdfx-Modul der NDC-in-a-box wird verbessert, sodass es hydroakustische Daten verarbeiten und alle Merkmale speichern kann, die hydroakustische Erfassungen des IDC aufweisen,

13. The physical importance of the apparent discrepancy between the detections by pre-Batse missions of absorption lines in gamma-ray burst spectra and the absence of a Batse line detection necessitates a statistical analysis of this discrepancy