demonstrable in Germany

demonstrable [demənstrəbl] beweisba

Sentence patterns related to "demonstrable"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "demonstrable" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "demonstrable", or refer to the context using the word "demonstrable" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The report contains numerous demonstrable errors.

2. 4 Du Bois's victory is demonstrable today.

3. Du Bois's victory is demonstrable today.

4. We must provide demonstrable improvements in health services.

5. No cavity is demonstrable ( planigrams are usually required ).

6. A demonstrable proposition is comprehended when known by demonstration.

7. There is a demonstrable link between smoking and lung cancer.

8. 6 We must provide demonstrable improvements in health services.

9. It has achieved demonstrable results, but not yet enough.

10. There is no demonstrable link between the two events.

11. A large majority of these women will have demonstrable insulin resistance.

12. In 2/22 patients, after adenotomy, SDB was no longer demonstrable.

Bei zwei Patienten waren nach Adenotomie keine SBAS mehr nachweisbar.

13. Testing becomes a high priority given continuous integration of demonstrable capabilities.

14. We held these groups to high standards and insisted on demonstrable results.

15. However, there is a demonstrable lack of systematic information in this area.

16. Despite its demonstrable speed and safety, the boat failed to become popular.

17. Polarization crosses with distorted axes are demonstrable in the basophilic granules.

In den Basophilen Granula lassen sich Polarisationskreuze nachweisen, deren Achsen verzerrt sind.

18. Phagocytes of clostridia were demonstrable neither before nor after hyperbaric therapy.

Eine Phagocytose von Clostridien war weder vor und nach der hyperbaren O2-Therapie nachzuweisen.

19. Hackerspace culture may have more demonstrable challenges than the spaces themselves.

20. Apodictic definition, incontestable because of having been demonstrated or proved to be demonstrable

21. After completing the pulmonary circulation an increase of the Angiotensin activity is demonstrable.

Nach Passage des Lungenkreislaufes ist ein Anstieg der Angiotensinaktivität nachweisbar.

22. Tetracycline has no demonstrable effects on the central nervous system, neither has chloromycetin.

23. The road safety programme is having a demonstrable effect on road users.

24. Even the most primitive peoples known to history provide no demonstrable instance of it.

25. Thewa head fails to accumulate demonstrable amounts of any of the analysed metabolites.

Die Mutantewa enthält im Kopf keinen der analysierten Tryptophanmetaboliten.

26. According to the rules of empirical , testable , demonstrable protocol , science says your God doesn't exist.

27. Why is there no such urgency about demonstrable, multiplying failures in the criminal justice system?

28. Interestingly enough, caffeine does have some demonstrable effects that, at least theoretically, could help dieters.

29. There would be a demonstrable shift from promises to actual and concrete delivery on commitments.

30. These results indicate that Ginkgo Biloba extract has a demonstrable positive influence on vertigo and gait instability.

Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse lassen den Schluß zu, daß Extractum Ginkgo biloba einen nachweisbar positiven Einfluß auf Schwindel und Gangunsicherheit erkennen läßt.

31. Withdrawals after bid depository closing times are permitted only on the basis of substantial demonstrable error.

32. Each higher level has a clear and demonstrable function of holding together the level beneath it.

33. Acid hydrolases were mostly increased at areas around plaques and encephalitogenic protein was not demonstrable at plaque areas.

Saure Hydrolysen waren vornehmlich in der Umgebung der Plaques vermehrt, encephalitogenes Protein war im Bereich der Plaques nicht nachzuweisen.

34. Each concluded that there was no demonstrable basis for concern about independence and therefore they recommended no special action.

35. As soon as the economy downshifted, information age companies without demonstrable links to other business enterprises were the first to decline.

36. In conclusion, our study confirms that perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies are indeed demonstrable in the large majority of ulcerative colitis patients.

37. In this approach the taxonomist studies the demonstrable differences and similarities in the biochemical compositions of the organisms to be identified.

38. 21 In conclusion, our study confirms that perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies are indeed demonstrable in the large majority of ulcerative colitis patients.

39. However, no statistically demonstrable differences were obtained. Our findings indicate that the listeric aetiology of habitual abortions can not be serologically clarified.

Es ergaben sich jedoch keine statistisch nachweisbaren Unterschiede, so daß nach unseren Befunden die listerische Ätiologie habitueller Aborte serologisch nicht zu klären ist.

40. Based on empirical signals such as aggregate publisher activity and demonstrable user interest, we steadily identify topics and subjects that are generating attention.

Auf der Basis empirischer Signale wie den zusammengefassten Verlags- und Webpublisher-Aktivitäten und dem nachweisbaren Nutzerinteresse ermitteln wir Themen und Inhalte, die Aufmerksamkeit erzeugen.

41. The key concept of non-equivalence has been defined as evidence of a scientifically demonstrable difference which goes beyond the natural admissible variations.

Der Schlüsselbegriff der Nicht-Gleichwertigkeit wurde definiert als der Nachweis eines wissenschaftlich überprüfbaren Unterschieds, der über die zulässigen normalen Abweichungen hinausgeht.

42. After intermediate incubation times with Actinomycin new proteins appear in the ovary and their synthesis is demonstrable in part even after treatment for 48 hours.

Nach mittleren Inkubationszeiten mit Actinomycin treten dagegen neue Proteine im Ovar auf, deren Synthese in begrenztem Umfang auch noch nach 48 Std nachweisbar ist.

43. He rejects inductive reasoning, arguing that the results of contrived experiments carried out by a few scientists can never be universally demonstrable outside of the laboratory.

44. When a wound, such as a burn, is present, and copper enters this wound, the metalization is demonstrable up to one week afterwards; as is the elongation of the epithelial cells.

Ist aber eine Wunde vorhanden, z.B. eine Brandwunde, und kommt in diese Wunde Kupfer, so ist die Metallisation noch bis zu einer Woche nachweisbar; ebensolange fand sich auch das histologische Bild der Ausziehung der Epithelzellen.

45. It is the one tool that has had a demonstrable effect on discrimination Affirmative action, by all statistical measures, has been the central ingredient to the creation of the black middle class.

46. These results suggest that the chronically diabetic state in the BB rat produces cardiac changes similar to those demonstrable after chemical diabetes induced by alloxan or STZ, or that seen during human diabetes mellitus.

47. Acquisitive Entrepreneurship; This type of entrepreneurship learns from the collection of demonstrable features and skills that allows as well as improves the efficiency of the business and other related competencies is known as Acquisitive Entrepreneurship

48. Countering Cyber Sabotage: Introducing Consequence-Driven, Cyber-Informed Engineering (CCE) introduces a new methodology to help critical infrastructure owners, operators and their security practitioners make demonstrable improvements in securing their most important functions and processes

49. In a series of studies, Reynolds first established moral Attentiveness as a demonstrable personality trait—along the lines of extroversion or pragmatism—that can be rated on a seven-point scale with a simple, non-judgmental self-assessment

50. Alterations of the dNTP concentrations and demonstrable or absent inhibition of the ribonucleotide reduction with application of fluoruracil, amethopterine, cytosine arabinoside, hydroxyurea, trisethylen iminobenzochinone and daunomycin confirm and supplement our knowledge of the cytostatic action mechanism of these substances.

Änderungen der dNTP-Konzentrationen und nachweisbare oder fehlende Hemmung der Ribonucleotid-Reduktion bei Applikation von Fluoruracil, Amethopterin, Cytosinarabinosid, Hydroxyharnstoff, Trisäthyleniminobenzochinon und Daunomycin bestätigen und ergänzen die Kenntnisse über den cytostatischen Wirkungsmechanismus dieser Substanzen.