defences in Germany

defences [difensiz] verteidigt, Verteidigunge

Sentence patterns related to "defences"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "defences" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "defences", or refer to the context using the word "defences" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The enemy brushed aside our defences.

2. We must look to our defences.

3. 11 We burst through the enemy defences.

4. Our defences must be reinforced against attack.

5. Antibodies are the body's defences against infection.

6. 25 The country hastily rallied its defences.

7. The country must look to its defences.

8. Bacteria show how natural selection builds its defences.

9. 23 Their defences are proof against most weapons.

10. 8 The invading army easily overcame the town's defences.

11. Alternative ways of managing coastal erosion is needed, such as the use of ‘soft’ defences instead of high impact defences such as sea walls.

12. The Omnidroid's defences necessitate an air drop from 5000 feet.

Wir werfen Sie aus 1.500 Metern Höhe mit dem Fallschirm ab.

13. Such criticisms of Consociations have been met by equally robust defences

14. According to Rodric Braithwaite, "its defences had been carefully and intelligently organised".

15. These front-line defences are backed up by armoured units in reserve.

16. The main attack upon the RAF's defences was code-named Adlerangriff ("Eagle Attack").

17. How can measles virus escape the body's natural defences to wreak such havoc?

18. To the south-west, a deep moat, spanned by a drawbridge, completed defences.

19. The following day, Hitler sent Warlimont to inspect the German defences in Italy.

20. Her first operation involved suppressing enemy defences and communications at Chinnampo, among other locations.

21. Absolute liability offenses are very rare because there are no defences to such offenses.

22. We have tried to minimize the impact of such hostility by erecting certain defences.

23. The Luftwaffe consistently varied its tactics in its attempts to break through the RAF defences.

24. Hundreds of them were built in Canada, and Halifax’s early defences consisted of numerous Blockhouses

25. 19 Things waited till your defences were down, and then turned on you, all together.

26. Groynes are cost-effective, require little maintenance and are one of the most common defences.

27. But after a while he starts to show signs that his body's defences are struggling.

28. The right flank was less well defended and the nature of the terrain complicated defences.

29. A 1985 overhaul of the continent’s air defences further enhanced the outward and northern orientation.

30. 30 Any further cuts in the country's armed forces would leave its defences dangerously denuded.

31. Following attack by immune defences, they activated stress responses and adjusted their metabolism to local nutrients.

Nach einem Angriff des Immunsystems aktivierten sie Stressreaktionen und passten ihren Stoffwechsel an lokale Nährstoffe an.

32. Terri's personal space occupied an area roughly the size of Mull and therefore required vigorous defences.

33. There were also artillery batteries and thousands of yards of interlocking systems of barbed wire defences.

34. Good Armour is recommended when attacking enemies of a higher level, as the higher defences give the

35. One of the most important of the island's defences is against erosion or inundation by the sea.

36. According to the UK authorities, unlike clay, armour rock for sea defences is formed of aggregate.

Im Unterschied zu Ton bestehen Wasserbausteine für Küstenschutzanlagen dem Vereinigten Königreich zufolge aus Granulat.

37. Following the lodging of Defences, procedure is not massively dissimilar to that in the Sheriff Court.

38. Their piratical raids strike without warning[], smashing defences quickly and then disappearing before reinforcements arrive.

39. 9 Following the lodging of Defences, procedure is not massively dissimilar to that in the Sheriff Court.

40. A flooded ditch fed by water from the river protected the low-lying parts of the defences.

41. Since then, better defences for Black have been developed, and this line is considered to slightly favour Black.

42. On 11 February, the 11th Airborne Division captured the last Japanese outer defences, thus encircling the whole city.

43. Avalanche defences (eg, concrete sheds and wedges, earth mounds and dams) are sometimes placed in the runout-deposition zone.

44. The other option was to erect some sort of barrier across the river and raise the flood defences downstream.

45. 2: Brighton beach is closed to the public and mines, barbed wire and other defences are put into place.



47. Engineers looking at flood defences and modelling catchments, sewer systems and watercourses, have to take many factors into consideration.

48. Krak des Chevaliers' original defences included two moats, an outer castle and inner castle, much of which still stands

49. Defences such as duress or provocation may be analysed in the expectation of laying bare the rules which apply.

50. 16 Other plants such as maize may be susceptible to chilling stress because they have an inadequate antioxidant defences.