debts of honour in Germany

debts of honour [detsɔfɔnər] Ehrenschulde

Sentence patterns related to "debts of honour"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "debts of honour" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "debts of honour", or refer to the context using the word "debts of honour" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. I always pay my debts punctually; it's a point of honour with me.

2. the acknowledgement of debts,

3. He that desires honour is not worthy of honour. 

4. Honour to whom honour is due. 

5. The provision for doubtful debts does not reflect the level of bad debts

Die Rückstellung für zweifelhafte Forderungen spiegelt nicht die Höhe der schwer einziehbaren Forderungen wider

6. Debts accumulated.

Die Schulden häuften sich.

7. I have heard tales of gaming debts!

8. Debts began to accumulate.

9. Bedizens Traveling Dungeon Hall of Honour

10. It's a Congressional Medal of Honour.


12. Family, justice, honour,

13. He was the guest of honour .

14. Give me your word of honour your word of honour that you're not in love with her memory.

15. Valour with honour.

16. Payment of tax debts as economic activity?

Bezahlung von Steuerschulden als wirtschaftliche Tätigkeit?

17. She has outstanding debts of over £400.

18. The firm had Accrued debts of over $6m

19. What about Wickham's debts?

20. He is the soul of honour/discretion.

21. Death pays all debts.

22. They faced mounting debts .

23. 7 He was the guest of honour .

24. You sullied the honour of your family.

25. 15 Your father’s honour is to you but a second-hand honour.