day of prayer and repetance in Germany

Day of Prayer and Repetance [deiɔfpreiərændrepitəns] Buß- und Bettag

Sentence patterns related to "day of prayer and repetance"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "day of prayer and repetance" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "day of prayer and repetance", or refer to the context using the word "day of prayer and repetance" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Prayer Diary – Sent with Tear Times, containing prayer points for every day.

2. As cloistered Norbertine Canonesses, their principal duty and mission is prayer, and especially liturgical prayer, interceding throughout the day and night for the needs of the church and the world

3. In your prayer at the end of the day, give an accounting of your work.

4. The foundations of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are anchored in prayer.

Das Fundament der Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage ist im Gebet verankert.

5. Richard Baxter arranged a day of special prayer and fasting for her deliverance on New Year's Eve 16

6. The Day of Prayer for Peace does not in any way indulge in religious syncretism.

7. Just as the Divine Office is a progression of prayer throughout the day, and the Office is said on each day progressing through the Church Year, the Breviary's organization is, at base, chronological, like a Prayer Book lectionary.

8. He answers their prayer to “give us today our bread for this day.”

9. The Augustinian community at Our Mother of Good Counsel gathers for Common Prayer twice a day

10. Apophatic Prayer is prayer without words, thoughts, and images

11. Dan led us in a group prayer of penance, and said a prayer of absolution.

12. Arise, prayer-walk, and bring hope to your community this Spring Prayer Arise and cover Sheffield in prayer

13. As cloistered Norbertine Canonesses, their principal duty and mission is prayer, and especially liturgical prayer, interceding throughout the day and night for the needs of the Church and the world, serving as the “heart” of Christ's Mystical Body, pumping the sap of grace to all of His members through their hidden life of prayer and sacrifice.

14. The Ceaselessness of Prayer Prayer as Christian freedom, and prayer as Christian life--these are two points I would now expand

15. In a similar way, meaningful morning prayer is an important element in the spiritual creation of each day—and precedes the temporal creation or the actual execution of the day.

16. Ablution, washing before prayer, is one of the preliminaries of prayer, and its observance is necessary.

Die Waschung gehört zu den Vorbereitungen auf das Gebet und muss unbedingt beachtet werden.

17. Choose a principle such as prayer, tithing, fasting, repentance, or keeping the Sabbath day holy.

18. Prayer for Catechists, catechist prayer

19. Dad taught us a Sanskrit prayer, and we had to learn it off by heart and say it every day.

20. The Antifascists carried out several glitter bombings throughout the day, and members of the Patriot Prayer group, for example, seemed to seek …

21. With regard to the # eventh Day Adventist communities # have their own place of worship and # organize prayer meetings in their members' homes

22. Stress importance of advance study and prayer.

Er betont die Wichtigkeit des fortschreitenden Studiums und des Gebets.

23. Answered Prayers Prayer testimonials are true stories of the transformative power of prayer

24. Prayer and Our Witnessing

25. For instance, thousands of times a day, a Buddhist may repeat the prayer “I place my faith in Amida Buddha.”