danger zone in Germany

danger zone [deindʒərzoun] Gefahrenzone

Sentence patterns related to "danger zone"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "danger zone" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "danger zone", or refer to the context using the word "danger zone" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Enter a foe's danger zone AKA Aggro bubble.

2. Rescuers saved 28 people from the "danger zone".

3. We were told to move out of the danger zone.

4. Thousands of residents were forced to flee from the danger zone.

5. Another danger zone is shadow banking, which is attracting a lot of riskier activity.

6. It is positioned so that it becomes visible before the danger zone is actually reached.

Es ist so positioniert, dass es vor dem tatsächlichen Erreichen der Gefahrenzone gesehen werden kann.

7. At the same time, the safety of workers within the suspended load's danger zone is guaranteed.

Gleichzeitig wird die Sicherheit der Werker im Gefahrenbereich der hängenden Last gewährleistet.

8. Technically, the entire metropolitan area, with its population of 20 million, is outside the danger zone.

9. Officials have extended the danger zone , warning residents within 30km ( 18 miles ) to evacuate or stay indoors .

10. In fact, there's a fence quite upstream of this threshold, beyond which you are in a danger zone.

11. In this patch, we'll be lowering the damage amplification from being in the Danger Zone as well as reducing the damage of Flamespitter.

Mit diesem Patch verringern wir die Verstärkung des Schadens von " Gefahrenbereich " ebenso wie die Schadenszahlen von " Flammenspeier ".

12. The compass displays a white translucent circle, the Danger Zone (also called "Aggro bubble" or "Aggro circle"), that surrounds your character

13. So if you linger in a danger zone, or cause trouble, we can identify you, and transmit radio waves that trigger an alarm and boom!

Wenn ihr also in einer Gefahrenzone verweilt, oder ärger macht, können wir euch identifizieren, und ein Signal übermitteln, das den Alarm auslöst und " Boom "!

14. 30 "That's when we made the serendipitous discovery that there is a danger zone for the cells exposed to antioxidants to develop genetic abnormalities that predispose to cancer, " he said.

15. Now is the time to act wisely to get out of the danger zone and into a safe place —into a condition approved by God in active association with his true worshipers.