dampened in Germany

dampened [dæmpənd] befeuchtet, entmutigte

Sentence patterns related to "dampened"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dampened" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dampened", or refer to the context using the word "dampened" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Her tears had dampened his immaculate waistcoat.

2. 3 Perspiration dampened her face and neck.

3. 11 Her tears had dampened his immaculate waistcoat.

4. Frequency converter having a dampened direct voltage intermediate circuit

Frequenzumrichter mit bedämpftem gleichspannungszwischenkreis

5. Profits were dampened by slower workstation sales and snags in disk-drive production.

6. My Ardour totally dampened as I remembered the warnings of that day's front page

7. Synonyms for Bedewed include dampened, moistened, damped, showered, soaked, sprayed, sprinkled, watered, wet and wetted

8. Years of deprivation and imprisonment had not dampened their determination to spread the “good news.”

9. Had they stung Bristol into raising a game dampened by unremitting drizzle they might have suffered more.

10. Yet, Antiascetic acts—those explicitly proscribed in a religious context—were dampened by peer religiosity only

11. 16 In the sense of ‘bearing all things,’ true love is not quickly thrust aside, dampened or abandoned.

12. Since dry salt won't adhere to dry pavement, it has to be dampened before it is spread.

13. Firm action by the army dampened the revolutionary Ardour of the mob and restored order in the streets.

14. 4 That drive for commonality took the zing out of the creative process and seriously dampened the competition of ideas.

15. Bupropion is one of the better tolerated antidepressants, but concerns about anxiety, insomnia, and seizures have dampened its popularity

16. In his polemic Philology of the Future, Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff dampened the book's reception and increased its notoriety.

17. That drive for commonality took the zing out of the creative process and seriously dampened the competition of ideas.

18. 30 The only way to ensure that the unwanted behaviour does not reappear is to keep it dampened down by more punishments.

19. While guncotton is dangerous to store, the hazards it presents can be reduced by storing it dampened with various liquids, such as alcohol.

20. Even the North/South divide which has been the cause of many a family Broigus, hasn’t dampened the spirit of the group

21. 25 Her legs sagged and a small trickle of urine dampened her inner thighs as the nun slowly turned to face her.

22. Her Ardor was a trifle dampened by his voice, but she found new thrills in the gas-stove, a most dramatic instrument to play

23. Wipe your infant 's eyes with a washcloth dampened with water only , starting with one eye and wiping from the inner corner to the outer corner .

24. 18 Cut out long thin strips for trimming around the top edge of the boat and fix on with a dampened paint brush.

25. The Claustrophobic EZX presents a fusion of conventional, organic drums with a selection of percussive elements, all recorded in a heavily dampened room and mixed through hi-end chains of outboard

26. Keep the outside clean. Wipe with a clean cloth lightly dampened with kitchen appliance wax or mild liquid dish detergent. Dry and polish with a clean, soft cloth.

27. The wing Adroiter than a sail Must lean away from such a gale, Abandoning its straight intent, Or else expose tough ligament And tender flesh to what before Meant dampened feathers, nothing more