current account in Germany

current account [kʌrəntəkaunt] Girokonto

Sentence patterns related to "current account"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "current account" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "current account", or refer to the context using the word "current account" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. STABEX current account


2. Current account including official transfers

3. The current account, receivables, payables management.

4. 21 The current account, receivables, payables management.

5. Current account balance with Israel (% of GNI)

6. Answer:The current account deficit does worry me.

7. Bank charges levied on the Court's current account

Bankgebühren zulasten des laufenden Kontos des Hofes

8. Freely floating exchange rate, full current account convertibility.

Frei schwankender Wechselkurs, volle Konvertibilität für Leistungsbilanztransaktionen.

9. For this purpose, a current account has been opened.

Zu diesem Zweck wurde ein Sichtkonto eröffnet.

10. 25 The section dealing with the exchange rate, bilateral current account balances and the overall current account balance is a monument to economic illiteracy.

11. We often talk of current account deficit, export-import imbalance.

12. Mixed credit agreement with optional savings (advances to current account)

Kombinierter Kreditvertrag ohne obligatorische Bildung von Sparguthaben (Kontokorrent - Vorschüsse)

13. We have reduced inflation and current account and fiscal deficits.

14. Collection of savings from the public through a current account

Annahme von Spareinlagen von Kunden über ein Girokonto

15. Chart 6.3 Canada's current account balance per cent of GDP

16. 11 Press button "1", to enter you current account balance, "2", current account details, "3", account information, "4", outstanding item details and"5", savings account details.

17. One of the factors behind the weakness in rupee is the high current account deficit of India, while most other Asian countries have a current account surplus.

18. Portugal will probably have a small current-account surplus for 19

19. Current account Convertibility for the yuan already exists in all cities

20. And we are purposefully addressing the fiscal and current account deficits.

21. – Foreign investment is up and the Current Account Deficit is down.

22. The current account deficit increased somewhat to about # % of GDP in

Das Leistungsbilanzdefizit stieg # leicht auf rund # % des BIP

23. So the problem of current account imbalances is still with us.

24. * Foreign investment is up and the Current Account Deficit is down.

25. Few Australian economists lose sleep over its current account any more.

26. We add to world and Asian demand by running current account deficits.

27. Other structural and temporary factors have also affected the current account position.

28. The change in the current account implies a change in domestic investment.

29. Vietnam’s growth was accompanied by low inflation and widening current account surplus.

30. The interest rate disturbance reduces domestic absorption, generating a current account surplus.

31. For 2007 the current account deficit increased further to 7.3% of GDP.

Das Leistungsbilanzdefizit weitete sich 2007 weiter auf 7,3 % des BIP aus.

32. However, the main viewpoint undoubtedly remains that the causative factor is the current account and that the positive financial account reflects the need to finance the country's current account deficit.

33. Many countries run current account surpluses and hold high levels of international reserves.

34. The Office will then debit the current account upon receipt of such request.

35. The current account deficit stands at a high level of almost # % of GDP

Das Leistungsbilanzdefizit bewegt sich auf dem hohen Niveau von fast # % des BIP

36. (The eurozone’s aggregate current account with the rest of the world is balanced.)

(Die Leistungsbilanz der Eurozone insgesamt ist gegenüber dem Rest der Welt ausgeglichen.)

37. It shall also include “overdrafts” that are debit balances on current account balances;

Dieser Posten beinhaltet auch ‚Überziehungen‘, d. h. Sollsalden auf Kontokorrentsalden.

38. Full current account convertibility (Article VIII status at the IMF) since September 1996.

Volle Konvertierbarkeit von Leistungsbilanztransaktionen (Artikel VIII der IWF-Satzung) seit September 1996.

39. • Vietnam is expected to post its largest ever trade and current account surpluses.

40. And that change is consistent with trying to reduce the current account deficit.

41. The large current account surplus increased further in 2017 due to strong export growth.

Slowenien: Im März 2018 stellte die Kommission fest, dass in Slowenien keine makroökonomischen Ungleichgewichte mehr bestanden.

42. We have succeeded in containing the fiscal and current account deficits, and curbing inflation.

43. As the national saving rate has come down, so has the current-account surplus.

Gemeinsam mit einer rückläufigen nationalen Sparquote ist auch der Leistungsbilanzüberschuss gesunken.

44. • the elimination of current account deficits by stabilizing exchange rates and promoting exports; and

45. As a result, economies in the region recorded larger-than-expected current-account surpluses

46. In a global economy with deficient aggregate demand, current-account surpluses are a problem.

In einer globalen Wirtschaft mit einer unzureichenden gesamtwirtschaftlichen Nachfrage sind Leistungsbilanzüberschüsse ein Problem.

47. So, I expect that we will actually be able reduce the current account deficit.

48. The current account balance has improved, with small surpluses recorded in 2012 and 2013.

Die Leistungsbilanz hat sich mit kleinen Überschüssen in den Jahren 2012 und 2013 verbessert.

49. In India, oil price controls are bloating already large budget and current account deficits.

50. Countries with severe and persistent current account deficits were allowed to devalue their currency.