cross-talk in Germany

cross-talk [krɔstɔːk] Übersprechen (elektrisch)

Sentence patterns related to "cross-talk"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "cross-talk" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "cross-talk", or refer to the context using the word "cross-talk" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Advantageously, these mirrors have little or zero cross-talk between actuators

2. A recent identification of cross-talk between FASN and well-established cancer-controlling networks begins to delineate the oncogenic nature of FASN-driven lipogenesis.

3. But the extent of the improvement possible is limited: due to noise added during optical amplification and cross-talk between the different wavelength channels caused by non-linear optical interactions.

Aber das Ausmaß der realisierbaren Verbesserung ist aufgrund des während der optischen Verstärkung entstehenden Rauschens und des Übersprechens zwischen den verschiedenen Wellenlängenkanälen begrenzt, das durch nichtlineare optische Wechselwirkungen verursacht wird.

4. The Bytom Foundation aims to build a decentralized network where digital and physical assets can be registered and exchanged, allowing for “cross-talk” among real-world digital systems with the Bytom

5. In addition, they employed a mouse model of 21-OH deficiency to investigate the impact of the foetal adrenal-gonadal hormonal cross-talk on the development of testicular and ovarian adrenal rest tumours – the most common cause of infertility in 21-OH CAH.

Darüber hinaus wurde ein Mausmodell bezüglich eines 21-OH-Mangels angewandt, um die Auswirkungen der Hormonwechselwirkung zwischen fötaler Nebenniere und Keimdrüse auf die Entwicklung von ruhenden Hodenkrebs- und Eierstockkrebstumoren zu untersuchen – die gängigste Ursache für Unfruchtbarkeit bei 21-OH CAH.

6. ‘It's got sex, violence, Absurdism, politics (including a wicked parody of Western European and American leaders) and lots and lots of drugs.’ ‘Trading in a unique mix of Absurdism and knowingly ancient music hall puns and wheezes, slapstick, cross-talk and gentle …