court of justice in Germany

court of justice [kɔːtɔfdʒʌstis] Gerichtshof

Sentence patterns related to "court of justice"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "court of justice" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "court of justice", or refer to the context using the word "court of justice" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Kentucky Court of Justice Resources and Information

2. High Court of Justice (England & Wales), Queen's Bench Division (Administrative Court

High Court of Justice (England & Wales), Queen’s Bench Division (Administrative Court

3. 10 Portugal has lodged a complaint with the International Court of Justice.

4. Assize, in law, a session, or sitting, of a court of justice

5. Contingent liabilities relating to the judgements by the Court of Justice pending enforcement

Potenzielle Verbindlichkeiten im Zusammenhang mit noch umzusetzenden Urteilen des Gerichtshofes

6. Brustle v Greenpeace 1 concerns a referral from the Bundesgerichtshof (the Federal Court of Justice of Germany) to the European Court of Justice (ECJ) for an interpretation of three issues under the Biotechnology Directive

7. This obvious truth was noted by the International Court of Justice in its advisory opinion

8. According to the European Court of Justice, advance notification is a normal method of limitation.

Dem Europäischen Gerichtshof zufolge ist ein vorläufiger Bescheid eine übliche Begrenzungsmethode.

9. Thus, the server via which Court of Justice pages are retrieved has the IP address

So hat der Server, über den die Seiten des Gerichtshofs abgerufen werden, die IP-Adresse

10. Their right to propose criminal law was challenged in the European Court of Justice but upheld.

11. 7 As to the judiciary, the Court of Justice,( this is a more complicated matter.

12. Latvia has deposited its instrument of accession to the Protocol on interpretation by the Court of Justice

Lettland hat die Beitrittsurkunde zu dem Auslegungsprotokoll hinterlegt

13. The Court of Justice (Tenth Chamber) declared this appeal manifestly admissible by order of 7 September 2017.

Der Gerichtshof (Zehnte Kammer) hat dieses Rechtsmittel mit Beschluss vom 7. September 2017 für offensichtlich unzulässig erklärt.

14. We examined very closely the judgment of the Court of Justice in the first advertising directive case.

Wir haben uns sehr ausführlich mit dem Urteil des Gerichtshofs zur ersten Richtlinie über die Tabakwerbung befasst.

15. In the final analysis any breach of EU legislation must actually go the European Court of Justice.

Letztlich muß jede Verletzung von EU-Recht eine Klage beim Europäischen Gerichtshof zur Folge haben.

16. Latvia has deposited its instrument of accession to the Protocol on interpretation by the Court of Justice.

Lettland hat die Beitrittsurkunde zu dem Auslegungsprotokoll hinterlegt.

17. To Commence a suit is to demand something by the institution of process in a court of justice

18. A case shall be brought before the Court of Justice by a written application addressed to the Registrar

Die Klageerhebung bei dem Gerichtshof erfolgt durch Einreichung einer an den Kanzler zu richtenden Klageschrift

19. The process is described in English law as Characterisation, or classification within the English judgments of the European Court of Justice

20. i) The designation of ad hoc judges (Statute of the International Court of Justice, Article # ), not exceeding a total of # dollars

i) die Bestellung von Ad-hoc-Richtern (Artikel # des Statuts des Internationalen Gerichtshofs), bis zu einem Höchstbetrag von insgesamt # ollar

21. 4 Civil proceedings are also consensual when commenced by special agreement to submit to arbitration or the International Court of Justice.

22. The designation of ad hoc judges (Statute of the International Court of Justice, Article 31), not exceeding a total of 200,000 dollars;

die Bestellung von Ad-hoc-Richtern (Artikel 31 des Statuts des Internationalen Gerichtshofs), bis zu einem Höchstbetrag von insgesamt 200.000 Dollar;

23. The designation of ad hoc judges (Statute of the International Court of Justice, Article 31), not exceeding a total of 330,000 dollars;

die Bestellung von Ad-hoc-Richtern (Artikel 31 des Statuts des Internationalen Gerichtshofs), bis zu einem Höchstbetrag von insgesamt 330.000 Dollar;

24. At the Court of Justice, it is simultaneous interpretation which is predominantly used; however, the other two methods are also used, albeit more rarely.

25. Together with the Council and the Court of Justice, the Court is preparing to launch the new accrual accounting system based on SAP software.

26. China respects Serbia's sovereignty and territorial integrity and takes note of the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Kosovo issue.

27. The remuneration of the arbitrators shall be determined on the same basis as that for ad hoc judges of the International Court of Justice.

Die Vergütung der Schiedsrichter wird auf der gleichen Grundlage festgelegt wie diejenige von Ad-hoc-Richtern des Internationalen Gerichtshofs.

28. (a) Collections, as defined by the Court of Justice in its judgment in Case 252/84 (1), and specimens from zoological, botanical, mineralogical or anatomical collections;

a) Sammlungen im Sinne des Urteils des Gerichtshofes in der Rechtssache 252/84 (1) und Einzelexemplare aus zoologischen, botanischen, mineralogischen oder anatomischen Sammlungen

29. In an effort to resolve the dispute over Kosovo’s political status, the UN General Assembly is seeking “an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice.”

30. The need for positive action has already been addressed by the European Court of Justice both in the Kalanke [13] and in the Marshall cases [14].

Mit der Frage der Notwendigkeit positiver Maßnahmen hatte sich im Zusammenhang mit den Rechtssachen Kalanke [13] und Marshall [14] auch der Gerichtshof zu befassen.

31. Order of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 26 January 1989. - Ursula Godfroy, née Wagner, v Court of Justice of the European Communities. - Admissibility. - Case 259/88.


32. The High Court of Justice may rule on the dismissal, but the instance that can impose Afflictive and infamous sentences, it is the court of common law

33. Advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legal Consequences of the Construction of A wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory Note by the Secretary-General 1

34. Comminatory Menacing; threatening punishment.; Comminatory In law, coercive; threatening; imposing an unconscionable forfeiture or other hardship, in such sense as not to be enforcible in a court of justice.

35. Alcalde - a mayor or chief magistrate of a Spanish town judge, jurist, justice - a public official authorized to decide questions brought before a court of justice city manager, mayor - …

36. Recalling that the International Court of Justice as the principal judicial organ of the United Nations has played an important role in adjudicating disputes among States in accordance with international law, the Planning Group requested the Secretariat to make every effort to continue the publication “Summaries of Judgements, Advisory Opinions and Orders of the International Court of Justice”, in all the official languages of the United Nations

37. Elected officers – two Burgomasters, five schepens and a schout were to regulate the affairs of New Amsterdam and sit as a court of justice with both civil and criminal jurisdiction

38. The same argument is found in the Memorial of # ecember # submitted by the United States Government to the International Court of Justice in relation to another aerial incident: see I.C.J

39. Now on arrival in Chile, Baltra and Campusano presented themselves at the court of justice with the lawyers Enrique Krauss and Jaime Castillo Velasco, who claimed habeas corpus for the women.

40. He was appointed to sit as judge ad hoc on the International Court of Justice by the governments of Denmark and The Netherlands for North Sea Continental Shelf cases (1968-1969).

Von den Regierungen Dänemarks und der Niederlande wurde er als Ad-hoc-Richter am Internationalen Gerichtshof für die Streitsachen in Bezug auf den Festlandsockel unter der Nordsee (1968–1969) bestimmt.

41. International Court of Justice, Questions of Interpretation and Application of the # ontreal Convention Arising from the Aerial Incident at Lockerbie (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya v. United Kingdom), Provisional Measures, Order of # pril

42. Paul may well have been taken to a court of justice, perhaps assembled with a view of the impressive Acropolis and its famous Parthenon as well as other temples and statues.

43. Until now, European citizens had to refer to the European Court of Justice, which acknowledged the citizens' right to medical treatment in all cases and obliged Member States to reimburse their expenses.

Bislang mussten sich die europäischen Bürger an den Europäischen Gerichtshof wenden, der das Recht der Bürger auf medizinische Behandlungen in allen Fällen anerkannt und die Mitgliedstaaten verpflichtet hat, die ihnen entstandenen Kosten zu erstatten.

44. shall ensure that the Council adheres to the rules developed by the Court of Justice of the European Union requiring Parliament to be reconsulted if the Council substantially amends a Commission proposal.

dafür Sorge trägt, dass der Rat im Falle einer wesentlichen Änderung eines Vorschlags der Kommission durch den Rat die Grundsätze beachtet, die der Gerichtshof der Europäischen Union für die erneute Anhörung des Parlaments herausgearbeitet hat.

45. In the exercise of its jurisdiction in Contentious cases, the International Court of Justice settles disputes of a legal nature that are submitted to it by States in accordance with international law

46. 127 It is apparent from the file submitted to the Court of Justice that, in 1996, the German authorities sent Broncho-Air Medizintechnik a draft decision to prohibit the distribution of the Inhaler device.

127 Aus den dem Gerichtshof vorliegenden Akten ergibt sich, dass die deutschen Behörden im Jahr 1996 Broncho-Air Medizintechnik einen Entscheidungsentwurf für ein Vertriebsverbot des Produkts „Inhaler“ übermittelten.

47. Areopagus [N] [H] [S] the Latin form of the Greek word rendered "Mars' hill." But it denotes also the council or court of justice which met in the open air on the hill.

48. In European law, Acte clair is a doctrine which allows a domestic court to avoid referring a matter of interpretation to the Court of Justice of the European Union, if it considers its meaning sufficiently clear.

49. Local legislative reform did not exempt states from compliance with international treaties or with the standards of national oversight mechanisms, as noted by the Supreme Court of Justice in respect of abortion reform in the Federal District.

50. The period of limitation shall be interrupted if proceedings are instituted before the Court of Justice or if prior to such proceedings an application is made by the aggrieved party to the relevant institution of the Union.

Die Verjährung wird durch Einreichung der Klageschrift beim Gerichtshof oder dadurch unterbrochen, dass der Geschädigte seinen Anspruch vorher gegenüber dem zuständigen Unionsorgan geltend macht.