council of ministers in Germany

council of ministers [kaunslɔfministəz] Ministerrat

Sentence patterns related to "council of ministers"

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2. What's up, the Council of Ministers?

3. Yingluck established her Council of Ministers on 9 August.

4. The Government was known officially as the Council of People's Commissars (1917–1946), Council of Ministers (1946–1978) and Council of Ministers–Government (1978–1991).

5. Important government decisions are vetted by the Council of Ministers.

6. Editor-in-Chief of 'Republika', newspaper of the Council of Ministers.

Chefredakteur der Zeitung des Ministerrates "Republika".

7. The Council of Ministers is composed of no more than fifteen members.

8. All bills and some decrees must be approved by the Council of Ministers.

9. On Dec. 19 the Council of Ministers approved a balanced budget for 19

10. 1958); Chancellor of the Exchequer and Chairman, Council of Ministers of the OEEC.

11. Head of the Administration of the Council of Ministers of the ‘Donetsk People's Republic’.

Leiter der „Verwaltung des Ministerrats“ der „Volksrepublik Donezk“.

12. The monarch retains largely formal prerogatives, exercising executive authority through the Council of Ministers.

13. However, the council of ministers, divided on every other issue, combined to thwart her.

14. Executive power is exercised by the Council of Ministers which is accountable to the President.

15. Former Head of the Administration of the Council of Ministers of the ‘Donetsk People's Republic’.

Ehemaliger Leiter der „Verwaltung des Ministerrates“ der „Volksrepublik Donezk“.

16. The Presidium of the Council of Ministers was the collective decision-making body of government.

17. Article 108: The organization and functioning of the Council of Ministers shall be determined by law.

18. Production of the attack helicopter was ordered by the Soviet Council of Ministers on 14 December 1987.

19. Kané was instead appointed as Minister of Planning and President of the Council of Ministers of AFRISTAT.

20. The Chairman of the Council of Ministers was not headed by the Prime Minister, but the King.

21. In 1952 he became Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the People's Republic of Poland.

22. In 1871, Rio Branco became the President of the Council of Ministers (Prime Minister) for the first time.

23. Is that what such a force would have done, acting at the behest of the Council of Ministers?

24. The Council of Ministers will take into account the summing up carried out under item 5 the agenda.

25. 11 Transportes Urbanos then brought an action for damages before the Council of Ministers against the Spanish State.

11 Transportes Urbanos erhob daraufhin beim spanischen Ministerrat eine Klage auf Schadensersatz unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Staatshaftung.

26. The UAE's Prime Minister chairs the Council of Ministers, which meets once a week in the capital, Abu Dhabi.

27. Article 19: The King appoints the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers as provided for in section 119.

28. The Council of Ministers' origins date to the production of the Albertine Statute by the Kingdom of Sardinia in 1848.

29. The Council of Ministers is responsible for the implementation of policy agreements authorized by the National Assembly of People’s Power.

30. Previously, the candidates to the cabinet Council of Ministers (Lhengye Zhungtshog) were nominated by the monarch, elected by the National Assembly.

31. The development started in 1967 according to the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union from July 4, 1967.

32. The supreme organ of Benelux is the Council of Ministers, whose decisions are made unanimously and are obligatory for all three members.

33. If agreed by the Council of Ministers it will form the basis for support to the maintenance of traditional agriculture without intensification.

34. The CIS Charter establishes the Council of Ministers of Defense, which is vested with the task of coordinating military cooperation of the CIS member states.

35. On March 3, the USSR Council of Ministers issued the corresponding decree, followed by an order of the Ministry of State Security of February 6.

36. The Council of Ministers is responsible to the Parliament for matters of national security and the adequate preparation of the armed forces to defend the country.

37. Candidates for the council of ministers are elected by the National Assembly for a fixed, five-year term, and must be a part of the legislative assembly.

38. The inaugural European Council, as it became known, was held in Dublin on 10 and 11 March 1975 during Ireland's first Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

39. In a reorganization of the council of ministers in March 1975, King Khalid named then-crown prince Fahd deputy prime minister and Prince Abdullah second deputy prime minister.

40. But it is the commitment of my administration, commitment of the Council of Ministers that we look forward to a strong, healthy, working relationship with the Indian enterprise.

41. Today, the Italian intelligence agencies are part of the Department of Security Informations (part of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers), and are: Aise (foreign intelligence) and

42. The Iraqi government's council of ministers has voted to approve a three-year military pact with the United States, despite the bitter opposition of several hardline Shi'ite leaders.

43. At present 70% of all legislation in the EU is adopted by officials in the Council's working parties, 15% is adopted by the ambassadorial musketeers in COREPER, while 15% reaches the Council of Ministers.

Das ist wirklich überfällig. Heute werden 70 % aller Gesetze der EU von Beamten in den Arbeitsgruppen des Rates beschlossen, 15 % vom Botschafterausschuss der Ständigen Vertreter und 15 % erreichen den Ministerrat.

44. In 2001, with a decision of the National Agency for Assessment and Accreditation to the Council of Ministers, it received full accreditation as a university, in accordance with the new Law on Higher Education.

45. After a Bill is passed by the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council , if any , it is presented to the Governor , presumably with the advice of the Council of Ministers , for his assent to the Bill as passed .

46. For the sake of conceptual clarification , therefore , the term ' Executive ' may be used to indicate the political executive , i . e . the Council of Ministers , while the terms ' administration ' or ' administrative ' may refer to the permanent services or the administrative machinery .

47. that of returning the Bill to the Government seeking certain clarifications or information in regard to the Bill and in effect suggesting reconsideration of the advice earlier given by the Council of Ministers for assenting to the Bill ( article 167 ) .

48. In this regard, while presiding over the meeting of the Council of Ministers held on 7 Muharram A.H. 1424 (corresponding to 10 March 2003), the Custodian of the Two Holy Places, King Fahd Bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud, stressed the importance of ridding the Middle East

49. Though it does not amount to voting the government out of office , it goes to show that a government which has failed to prevent an adverse vote on an adjournment motion , will not be able to survive a direct ' Motion of No - confidence ' in the Council of Ministers .

50. The plan was outlined in the Decree of the USSR Council of Ministers and All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) Central Committee of October 20, 1948: "On the plan for planting of shelterbelts, introduction of grassland crop rotation and construction of ponds and reservoirs to ensure high crop yields in steppe and forest-steppe areas of the European USSR."