cost of production in Germany

cost of production [kɔstɔfprədʌkʃən] Herstellungskoste

Sentence patterns related to "cost of production"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "cost of production" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "cost of production", or refer to the context using the word "cost of production" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Goods Captively consumed - 110% of cost of production

2. 4 We should try to diminish the cost of production.

3. Cotton accounts for over half the cost of production of cloth .

4. The cost of production submitted by this company is therefore definitively accepted.

Die von diesem Unternehmen ausgewiesenen Produktionskosten werden daher endgültig akzeptiert.

5. Production was on the whole inefficient and the cost of production high .

6. Due to the profit maximisation motive, Commercialisation is usually associated with high cost of production

7. The Tatas ' efforts to bring down the cost of production were on the whole successful .

8. Price fixation must have a basis in cost of production , of which little was known .

9. Therefore, these claims for adjustments taking into account the differences in cost of production are rejected.

Mithin werden diese Forderungen nach Berichtigungen zur Berücksichtigung der Unterschiede bei den Produktionskosten zurückgewiesen.

10. The adjustment claimed was the difference in the average cost of production between the two plants.

Die beantragte Berichtigung bezieht sich auf Unterschiede bei den durchschnittlichen Produktionskosten in den beiden Werken.

11. The cost of production of Indian sugar was high and , for exports , the quality was low .

12. Blowdown management can be the second largest cost of production, after natural gas usage to generate steam

13. You would be correct in thinking that the retail price does not cover the cost of production.

14. Even at this level , their cost of production was less than half the cost in America or England .

15. The Tatas ' cost of production was high and they found it hard to compete with low - priced imports .

16. The sales transactions were considered profitable where the unit price was equal or above the cost of production.

Die Verkäufe wurden als gewinnbringend angesehen, wenn der Preis je Einheit den Produktionskosten entsprach oder darüber lag.

17. Profits can be maximised when the marginal product of labour equals the wage rate (marginal cost of production).

18. Cost Accounting computes the cost of production/service in a rigorous manner and facilitates cost control and cost reduction.

19. However, in that particular year, prices of the Community industry actually increased somewhat more (# %) than the cost of production (# %

Jedoch stiegen in jenem Jahr die Preise des Wirtschaftszweigs der Gemeinschaft tatsächlich etwas stärker (# %) als die Produktionskosten (# %

20. The non-injurious price was obtained by adding the abovementioned profit margin of 8 % to the cost of production.

Der nicht schädigende Preis wurde durch Addition der Produktionskosten und der genannten Gewinnspanne von 8 % ermittelt.

21. Figure 7 [D] The proportion of the cost of production that is recovered through subscription and advertizing has varied.

22. Prices are based on the actual cost of production and an estimate of costs associated with the distribution of the product.

23. Wages form a part of the analysis of the cost of production as described in recitals # and # of the provisional Regulation

Die Prüfung der Lohnentwicklung ist Teil der unter den Randnummern # und # der vorläufigen Verordnung beschriebenen Analyse der Produktionskosten

24. However, in that particular year, prices of the Community industry actually increased somewhat more (33 %) than the cost of production (30 %).

Jedoch stiegen in jenem Jahr die Preise des Wirtschaftszweigs der Gemeinschaft tatsächlich etwas stärker (33 %) als die Produktionskosten (30 %).

25. Coke #+ was found to represent during the IP # %-# % of the total cost of production of the foundries included in the analysis

Auf Koks #+ entfielen den Untersuchungsergebnissen zufolge im UZ zwischen # % und # % der Gesamtproduktionskosten der in die Analyse einbezogenen Gießereien

26. -the gas price, judged to be too low, charged by the Russian gas supplier, resulting in an abnormally low cost of production.

27. - the gas price, judged to be too low, charged by the Russian gas supplier, resulting in an abnormally low cost of production.

28. Three other companies could not provide any verifiable accounting data concerning their cost of production, selling general and administrative expenses and profit.

Drei weitere Unternehmen konnten keine überprüfbaren Buchungsdaten über ihre Produktions -, Vertriebs -, Gemein - und Verwaltungskosten sowie ihre Gewinne angeben .

29. In order to establish the full cost of production of GOES, selling, general and administrative expenses (‘SG&A’) had to be determined.

Um die vollen Produktionskosten kornorientierter Elektrobleche zu bestimmen, mussten die Vertriebs-, Verwaltungs- und Gemeinkosten (nachstehend „VVG-Kosten“ abgekürzt) ermittelt werden.

30. the gas price, judged to be too low, charged by the Russian gas supplier, resulting in an abnormally low cost of production

den vom russischen Gaslieferanten in Rechnung gestellten Gaspreis, der als zu niedrig angesehen wurde und damit zu künstlich niedrigen Produktionskosten führte

31. The non-injurious price was obtained by adding the normal profit as calculated above to the cost of production of each product type.

Der nicht schädigende Preis wurde anhand der Produktionskosten für jeden Warentyp zuzüglich der vorgenannten normalen Gewinnspanne von 5 % ermittelt.

32. The cost of production of steel , which was competitive before 1916 - increased upto 1925 , while imported steel was becoming cheaper all this while .

33. About two - thirds of the cost of production was accounted for by the price of cane , which was beyond the industry ' s control .

34. The non-injurious price was obtained by adding the normal profit as calculated above to the cost of production of each product type

Der nicht schädigende Preis wurde anhand der Produktionskosten für jeden Warentyp zuzüglich der vorgenannten normalen Gewinnspanne von # % ermittelt

35. Certain exporters requested corrections to the provisional cost of production calculations for items such as selling, general and administrative expenses and financial costs.

Einige Ausführer beantragten eine Berichtigung der vorläufigen Berechnung der Produktionskosten für Verkaufs-, Verwaltungs- und sonstige Gemeinkosten und für Kreditkosten.

36. (357) The non-injurious price was obtained by adding the normal profit as calculated above to the cost of production of each product type.

(357) Der nicht schädigende Preis wurde anhand der Produktionskosten für jeden Warentyp zuzüglich der vorgenannten normalen Gewinnspanne von 5 % ermittelt.

37. As a result, no reasons were found to exclude any company from the underselling calculation on the basis of the absolute level of its cost of production.

Daher gibt es keinen Grund dafür, ein Unternehmen aufgrund der absoluten Höhe seiner Produktionskosten aus der Berechnung der Zielpreisunterbietungsspannen auszuklammern.

38. As a result, no reasons were found to exclude any company from the underselling calculation on the basis of the absolute level of its cost of production

Daher gibt es keinen Grund dafür, ein Unternehmen aufgrund der absoluten Höhe seiner Produktionskosten aus der Berechnung der Zielpreisunterbietungsspannen auszuklammern

39. The normal value was estimated to be the average of the cash prices in the periods in which sales were found to be profitable (i.e. above the average cost of production).

40. Curled Metal Company to reduce sales, but has developed a new product (Curled metal pads Koper), in field tests, to deliver customer benefits, which are many times the cost of production CMI

41. The paper discusses the results in relation to Knoop hardness, Amsler wear, deep abrasion and petrography and concludes that the texture of the rock has the most important influence on the cost of production of polished slabs.

42. Therefore, the continuous three-dimensional metal film and the continuous thin film mirror are easily mass-produced, the thickness is easily adjusted by the electroforming process, uniform and stable products are manufactured by repetitive production through a master, and the cost of production is lowered.

43. The producer in Trinidad and Tobago requested that amortization and depreciation be excluded from the cost of production on the grounds that it had recently started production of the product concerned and, therefore, that these costs should not be considered as being incurred in the ordinary course of trade.

Der Hersteller in Trinidad und Tobago beantragte, Abschreibung und Wertminderung aus den Produktionskosten auszuklammern, mit der Begründung, daß die Produktion der betreffenden Ware erst vor kurzem angelaufen sei, und daß folglich diese Kosten nicht als im normalen Handelsverkehr angefallen gelten könnten.

44. The producer in Trinidad and Tobago asked the Commission to exclude amortization and depreciation from the cost of production on the grounds that it had recently started production of the product concerned and, therefore, that these costs should not be considered as being in the ordinary course of trade.

Der Hersteller in Trinidad und Tobago beantragte bei der Kommission, Abschreibung und Wertminderung aus den Produktionskosten auszuklammern, mit der Begründung, daß die Produktion der betreffenden Ware erst vor kurzem angelaufen sei und daß folglich diese Kosten nicht als im normalen Handelsverkehr angefallen gelten könnten.

45. The Iron and Steel ( major ) Panel , 1946 , suggested that the steel prices , instead of being related to prices of imported steel , should be based on internal cost of production , including a liberal allowance for depreciation , and an adequate return on investment to enable the industry to be efficient and to attract sufficient capital for expansion .

46. CACP, which is an expert body, takes into account the cost of production, overall demand-supply, domestic and international prices, inter-crop price parity, terms of trade between agricultural and non-agricultural sectors, the likely effect of the Price Policy on the rest of economy, besides ensuring rational utilization of production resources like land and water, while recommending MSPs.

47. An Antimatter weapon is a theoretically possible device using Antimatter as a power source, a propellant, or an explosive for a weapon.Antimatter weapons cannot yet be produced due to the current cost of production of Antimatter (estimated at 62 trillion dollars per gram) given the extremely limited technology available to create it in sufficient masses to be viable in a weapon, and the fact