corrective maintenance in Germany

corrective maintenance [kərektivmeintənəns] vorbeugende Wartung

Sentence patterns related to "corrective maintenance"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "corrective maintenance" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "corrective maintenance", or refer to the context using the word "corrective maintenance" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Planned Corrective maintenance

2. Corrective maintenance is separated into planned and unplanned tasks

3. There are two ways that Corrective maintenance can be planned

4. Corrective maintenance is planned when a run-to-failure maintenance strategy is used

5. Unscheduled Corrective maintenance refers to repair actions that are taken immediately after an asset fails

6. Planned Corrective maintenance refers to repair actions that are needed but can be deferred to a later date

7. take corrective maintenance action when the friction characteristics for either the entire runway or a portion thereof, when uncontaminated, are below a minimum friction level.

Abhilfemaßnahmen zu ergreifen, wenn die Reibungscharakteristika entweder für die gesamte Piste oder einen Teil davon in einem nicht verschmutzten Zustand einen Mindestreibwert unterschreiten.

8. (3) take corrective maintenance action when the friction characteristics for either the entire runway or a portion thereof, when uncontaminated, are below a minimum friction level.

3. Abhilfemaßnahmen zu ergreifen, wenn die Reibungscharakteristika entweder für die gesamte Piste oder einen Teil davon in einem nicht verschmutzten Zustand einen Mindestreibwert unterschreiten.

9. The Corrective maintenance definition is as follows: A maintenance need that is detected prior to failure and is scheduled, addressed and corrected in a just-in-time, non-emergency manner — preventing or vastly reducing downtime.