contrasting with in Germany

contrasting with [kɔntrɑːstiŋwið] abstechend

Sentence patterns related to "contrasting with"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "contrasting with" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "contrasting with", or refer to the context using the word "contrasting with" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The snow was icy and white, contrasting with the brilliant blue sky.

2. Contrasting with these complex burial procedures is disposal of the dead by the ancient Israelites.

Im krassen Gegensatz zu diesem komplizierten Bestattungsritual stand die Beisetzung der Toten im alten Israel.

3. That term is to be understood as contrasting with legislation governing either a group of substances or categories of uses, which are defined generally and abstractly.

Dieser Ausdruck ist als Gegenstück zu Rechtsvorschriften zu verstehen, die eine allgemein und abstrakt definierte Stoffgruppe oder Verwendungskategorie regeln.

4. Bill Whelan’s 'The Currach', depicting the voyage of a small rowing boat off the west coast of Ireland, showcases McHale’s sharp instincts as a storyteller, the joyful bobbing of the spray-tossed outer sections contrasting with a more contemplative central episode, flecked with delicate Arabesquerie.

5. This review emphasizes Adiposity and associated components of metabolism as a generic metabolic form of risk management, contrasting with behavioral risk management by the brain ().It is well established that Adiposity can fluctuate within individuals in response to a variety of life-course or ecological factors, in addition to accommodating genetic …

6. A grammatical term contrasting with predicative.The Attributive position is in front of a noun: the position of new in a new house and steel in steel bridge.It may imply a permanent attribute, as a result of which some adjectives and most nouns can only be Attributive: an atomic scientist but not *the scientist was atomic; the greenhouse effect but not *the effect is green-house.