consulted in Germany

consulted [kənsʌltid] konsultierte, um Rat gefragt, zugezoge

Sentence patterns related to "consulted"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "consulted" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "consulted", or refer to the context using the word "consulted" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Consulted stage effect , in Begrimming bis

2. We then consulted an independent gynecologist.

3. To refer to: Consulted the restaurant's

4. 22 No supervisor or manager is consulted.

5. Additionally, Moses may have consulted written records.

6. Three linguists from McGill University were consulted.

7. Furthermore, they had not consulted with her.

8. I always consulted him on matters of policy.

9. The women were never consulted in this process.

10. Foreign governments have been consulted about this decision.

11. The rubber-stamp legislature has not been consulted.

12. They felt slighted by not being adequately consulted.

13. Rehoboam consulted older men, who counseled gentleness and kindness.

14. I consulted on the cosmos choice with my family.

15. When I consulted with the CIA on the...

16. Again, the vet should be consulted on this matter.

17. He consulted Landers on all matters of importance

18. They consulted long(, but could not decide.

19. I consulted Uncle Mumford concerning this and cognate matters.

20. We have consulted all the wisest men and skilled doctors.

21. To refer to: Consulted the restaurant's website for directions

22. May I ask you, why Confucius consulted you so affably?

23. Non-governmental organisations active in this field may be consulted.

Die einschlägig tätigen nichtstaatlichen Organisationen können angehört werden.

24. Prior to implementation of fee increases, Pasture Advisory Committees are consulted.

25. To produce an accurate rendition, the translator had consulted Greek texts.

26. He consulted with communications director Donald A.. Baer about inaugural themes.

27. Interested parties should be consulted and cooperate actively in this analysis.

Die beteiligten Betroffenen sollten konsultiert werden und bei dieser Analyse aktiv mitwirken.

28. The agent put me on hold while she consulted a colleague.

29. Democratic president Bill Clinton reappointed Greenspan, and consulted him on economic matters.

30. For specific statements a previous compendium of Messrs. Gabo could be consulted.

31. Since 2000 he has consulted through his own company, Alluvial Software.

Seit 2000 arbeitet er als IT-Berater bei seiner eigenen Firma, Alluvial Software.

32. The director of the feast consulted with the bridegroom about the wine

33. The parents also complained they were not consulted in drafting the plan.

34. To determine whether the WTO-AGP is applicable, the Agreement must be consulted.

35. The right to be consulted about matters affecting their home or their tenancy.

36. Internally, national information databases and affiliated agencies in the country are consulted

37. The Commission must be consulted about the AAPs before they are implemented.

38. I consulted both old and young but listened only to the latter.

39. Dr Abush Ayalew has consulted several high-level business companies in Ethiopia.

40. Two young athletes consulted us for leg pain increasing with athletic activity.

41. The Commission has consulted with the Contact Committee on the Accounting Directives.

Die Kommission hat den Kontaktausschuss für die Rechnungslegungsrichtlinien konsultiert.

42. Or Luke may have consulted a sympathetic member of the high court.

43. The set of theses consulted here was in the main university library.



45. For the purposes of point (b), the group supervisor shall always be consulted.

Für die Zwecke des Buchstaben b wird stets die für die Gruppenaufsicht zuständige Behörde konsultiert.

46. General Electric and ACRO were consulted for their expertise in engines and related systems.

47. To make it an independent instrument, Shell consulted the London Tanker Brokers’ Panel (LTBP).

48. Every time she consulted her watch, she wondered if the batteries were wearing out.

49. Having consulted the European Registry for Internet domains designated by Commission Decision #/#/EC

nach Anhörung des Europäischen Registers für Internetdomänen (European Registry for Internet Domains, EURID), das durch die Entscheidung #/#/EG der Kommission benannt wurde

50. The Government has consulted all relevant organizations in addressing the issue of separation.