conserved in Germany

conserved [kənsəːvd] konserviert

Sentence patterns related to "conserved"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "conserved" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "conserved", or refer to the context using the word "conserved" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. It is only conserved.

2. 118'¿, is conserved in active molecules only.

3. Actin is a highly conserved protein.

4. Conserved Bulges regularly affect protein functionality

5. α-Actinins have been highly conserved throughout evolution and are largely collinear proteins that share three conserved functional domains.

6. Besides the conserved apical complex, Apicomplexa are morphologically diverse

7. The ICBN finally conserved the name Cardiopteris against Peripterygium.

8. The original Honor Roll is being conserved and restored.

9. " He who best conserved his cum, alas, has suc-cumbed. "

10. This is interesting because this sleeping machinery, it's perfectly conserved.

11. 1 In addition, affective experiences and feelings are now conserved.

12. Centrioles have a highly conserved nine-fold axis of symmetry (Fig

13. To study this type of basin may use the research thinking based on conserved unit. The reconstructing type and stacking style of conserved unit control oil-gas pool-formation and distribution.

14. Despite this conserved function, Centromeres differ significantly between and even within species

15. The most ancient and well conserved corner across the island of Mallorca.

Erholen Sie sich in Colonia Sant Jordi zwischen den einmaligen Stränden Es Trenc, Es Carbo, Els Estanys und Es Dolc, alle sind reine Naturstrände und stehen unter Naturschutz. Und dies alles nur 30 min.

16. Under these conditions, the total mechanical energy remains constant, or is conserved.

17. When the friction force acts alone, the total mechanical energy is not conserved.

18. Amphipathic beta-strand: The Amphipathic beta-strand clusters have a 1-3 pattern of conserved non-polar sidechains, followed by a different set of conserved residues for each individual cluster in the motif

19. The hedgerows protect against sudden changes in temperature and allow moisture to be conserved.

Die Hecken schützen vor plötzlichen Temperaturschwankungen und ermöglichen es, die Feuchtigkeit zu halten.

20. Arenae by hybridization with a conserved region from the actinorhodin PKS of S

21. Actin is a 43 kDa protein that is very highly conserved between species

22. The neural substrates for predatory hunting, an evolutionarily conserved Appetitive behavior, remain largely undefined

23. If the conserved person is indigent, the Conservator is paid from the Probate Court Administration Fund.

24. The cc at -1 and -2 are not as conserved, but contribute to the overall strength.

25. According to the Noether theorem, isospin is conserved with respect to the strong interaction.

26. Ricin A-chain is an N-glycosidase that attacks ribosomal RNA at a highly conserved adenine residue.

27. A new duck genome reveals conserved and Convergently evolved chromosome architectures of birds and mammals Gigascience

28. In the special case in which W'is zero, the mechanical energy remains constant or is conserved.

29. A conserved transcription factor mediates nuclear control of organelle biogenesis in Anciently diverged land plants Plant Cell

30. The Actin proteins are highly conserved and participate in more protein-protein interactions than any known protein.

31. Argonaute proteins are the central effectors of RNAi and are highly conserved among eukaryotes and some archaebacteria

32. The Axoneme genes, their encoded proteins, their functions and the structures they form are largely conserved across species

33. The inventory will provide a guide to collections of conserved genetic resources and associated activities in the Community.

Das Verzeichnis gibt einen Überblick über die Sammlungen von konservierten genetischen Ressourcen und verwandte Aktivitäten in der Gemeinschaft.

34. KAT5 Acetylates ATM on lysine residue K3016 in the highly conserved C-terminal FATC domain of ATM

35. Centrioles and basal bodies are highly ordered structures that are conserved in organisms ranging from protozoa to vertebrates

36. Determination of the absolute configuration of genomic feature and the coding regions with conserved polar asymmetry in genome

37. This paper gives an overview of the different and conserved features of fern spores and spermatophyte pollen germination.

38. The genetic maps of perennial ryegrass and the Triticeae cereals are highly conserved in terms of synteny and colinearity.

39. Additionally, the ICZN placed the taxon Canis lupus as a conserved name on the official list under this opinion.

40. Summary: Bleomycin hydrolase (BMH) is a cytoplasmic cysteine peptidase that is highly conserved through evolution; however, the only

41. Acyl carrier protein (ACP) is a universal and highly conserved carrier of Acyl intermediates during fatty acid synthesis

42. Thus, Actomyosin pulsing is a widely conserved mechanism for generating contractile force both in individual cells and tissues.

43. Actomyosin-mediated contractility is a highly conserved mechanism for generating mechanical stress in animal cells and underlies muscle contraction, cell …

44. A conserved protein binding domain of approximately 80 amino-acid alpha crystallins are known as small heat shock proteins (sHSP).

45. 5 It is axiomatic that traditional agricultural management of the uplands has maintained and conserved these landscapes and their wildlife.

46. The Collision of billiard balls is nearly elastic because the kinetic energy is conserved before and after the Collision

47. Two Carronades were found on the Storm Wreck, Cannons 1 and 6, and the latter was recovered and conserved

48. 24 It appears that the conserved basic residues, and not the zinc fingers,( are important for complex formation.

49. α-Actinins contain three conserved domains that include an N-terminal actin binding domain, four spectrin-like repeats in the central

50. The palace has been actively conserved since the early 19th century and is today managed and maintained by Historic Environment Scotland.