comparisons in Germany

comparisons [kəmpærisnz] Vergleiche

Sentence patterns related to "comparisons"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "comparisons" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "comparisons", or refer to the context using the word "comparisons" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Comparisons are odious.

2. Police officers fear invidious comparisons.

3. * Brig will perform all BLAST comparisons

4. King: Comparisons with you are odorous.

5. As the saying goes, Comparisons are odious.

6. But they are Chagrined by close comparisons

7. Comparisons, development and Antiparallels are acceptable too

8. Keys received some comparisons to musician Prince.

9. You can now create advanced date range comparisons.

10. Accurate, reliable salary and compensation comparisons for Auckland…

11. 34 Allel reviews, price comparisons and special offers

12. Table 4 draws some comparisons between their liabilities.

13. He makes unfavourable comparisons between British and French cooking.

14. Effective economic planning calls for comparisons between alternative solutions.

Wirksame wirtschaftliche Planungsprozesse beruhen auf Vergleichen zwischen verschiedenen Lösungen.

15. Arranging exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes, price comparisons

Organisation von Ausstellungen für kommerzielle oder Werbezwecke, Preisvergleichsdienste

16. Experience in international remuneration comparisons would be an additional asset.

17. Several authors have performed experimental comparisons of bipartite matching algorithms.

18. Comparisons of cytochrome P450 Aromatases from Australian animals, 2020, Vol

19. This is because, as findings on downward comparisons show, Criticizing …

20. We can use Comparative adverbs to show change or make comparisons:

21. Comparisons between Tudjman and Tito, however, are undermined by anachronism.

Trotzdem sind Vergleiche zwischen Tudjman und Tito vom Anachronismus unterlaufen.

22. Comparisons let you evaluate subsets of your data side by side.

23. Comparisons with the effective school library media program are again inescapable.

24. Up to 75% cash back  · The course also covers working with inheritance, string comparisons, writing custom Comparers and equality Comparers, hash codes, and structural comparisons

25. You can also create comparisons based on conversion events in Analysis.

26. Furthermore, comparisons between the Coleopterans sequences with other insects and mammals, …

27. Between group comparisons were done with one-way analysis of variance.

Der Gruppenvergleich erfolgte über eine einfaktorielle Varianzanalyse (ANOVA).

28. SOME comparisons are stark enough to generate a national inferiority complex.

29. Conceits are used to create unique comparisons and to describe unlikely situations.

30. Edit the report name, add data comparisons, and choose your attribution model.

31. In the study as a whole there should be some comparisons with anti-anginal drugs of recognized value: these comparisons are useful for the future clinical use of the product.

In der gesamten Prüfung sind einige Vergleiche mit Angina-pectoris-Mitteln von anerkanntem Wert anzustellen; diese Vergleiche sind für den künftigen Gebrauch des Erzeugnisses nützlich.

32. Identification of Cardiids demands comparisons of a number of external and internal characters

33. They are also primarily based on comparisons between the specialist and generic teams.

34. In essence, the American weights continue to be acceptable for international comparisons.

Im Ergebnis erscheinen die amerikanischen Gewichte für internationale Vergleiche weiterhin akzeptabel.

35. It fails because it is usually based on fanciful or distorted comparisons.

36. I'll also sketch out some comparisons between existential psychotherapy and religious consolation.

37. It will carry out model inter-comparisons with other European aerosol modelling groups

38. Identification of Cardiids demands comparisons of a number of external and internal characters

39. Two additional risks related to social media are idealized reality and debilitating comparisons.

40. Where applicable, the p value was adjusted to take multiple comparisons into account.

41. National economic accounts > International comparisons Selected data tables Purchasing power parities Papers

42. Such feelings may be the result of making unfair comparisons of oneself with others.

Solche Gefühle können die Folge ungerechtfertigter Vergleiche mit anderen sein.

43. Translators for those languages did, however, make extensive comparisons with the original-language text.

44. The figures marked with * are comparisons with the Fujifilm Digital Betacam reference tape

45. Seeing the separate values allows for useful comparisons between two different conversion actions.

46. XL Comparator can not guarantee the service avalaibility and the accuracy of comparisons results

47. The comparisons between the frequency stabilities for atomic time and pulsar time are presented.

48. Variability in testing and data collection methods makes comparisons of prevalence and progression difficult.

49. 9 There will also be a number of analytic papers, some involving international comparisons.

50. You can make similar comparisons by any of the other dimensions, and allocate resources accordingly.