commercial settlement of a dispute in Germany

[kəməːʃlsetlməntɔfədispjuːt] Streitfallregelung

Sentence patterns related to "commercial settlement of a dispute"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "commercial settlement of a dispute" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "commercial settlement of a dispute", or refer to the context using the word "commercial settlement of a dispute" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. They hope for a peaceful settlement of the dispute.

2. Such hasty words conduce to a settlement of the dispute.

3. Such hasty words will not conduce to a settlement of the dispute.

4. - membership of a code of conduct and an alternative dispute settlement scheme, if applicable;

- Angabe, ob der Händler sich zur Einhaltung eines Verhaltenscodex verpflichtet hat und/oder bereit ist, bei Streitigkeiten auf ein außergerichtliches, alternatives Streitbeilegungsverfahrens zurückzugreifen.

5. You should consider seeking legal advice before agreeing to a settlement of your dispute.

6. Dispute settlement features are only incorporated in some European countries.

7. the possibility of having recourse to an amicable dispute settlement, where applicable ;

die Möglichkeit der gütlichen Beilegung von Streitigkeiten;

8. • The need for obtaining legal advice and dispute settlement options

9. Allow me to say something on the dispute settlement procedure.

Lassen Sie mich etwas zum Streitschlichtungsverfahren sagen.

10. ABI SAAB (Appellate Body of the WTO Dispute Settlement Body), replying to Mr.

11. (e) the possibility of having recourse to an amicable dispute settlement, where applicable;

e) die Möglichkeit der gütlichen Beilegung von Streitigkeiten;

12. • The need for obtaining legal advice, and related dispute settlement options

13. Upon adoption of the mutually agreed solution, the dispute settlement procedure shall be terminated

Bei Annahme der einvernehmlichen Lösung wird das Streitbeilegungsverfahren eingestellt

14. h) alternative dispute-settlement possibilities, with an indication of the national information and advice centres of the Network for the settlement of consumer disputes;

h) Möglichkeiten für eine außergerichtliche Streitbeilegung und Angabe der nationalen Informations- und Unterstützungsstellen des europäischen außer gerichtlichen Netzes für die Beilegung von Verbraucherrechtsstreitigkeiten;

15. Should a local court act in accordance with European law whenever the settlement of this dispute is involved?

Muss ein lokales Gericht nach europäischen Vorschriften urteilen, wenn es darum geht, diesen Konflikt zu lösen?

16. · The provision of alternative means for dispute settlement in a community setting, through “law houses” focusing on reconciliation.

17. These talks were not successful, with the dispute becoming more acrimonious rather than approaching a settlement.

18. Phase 3 shall begin upon a notification to the WTO Dispute Settlement Body to this effect.

19. 08/02/2006 See the new series of Settlement Examples in the Alternative Dispute Resolution section.

20. Officials – Actions – Amicable settlement of the dispute before the Civil Service Tribunal – Removal from the register

Beamte – Klage – Gütliche Beilegung des Rechtsstreits vor dem Gericht für den öffentlichen Dienst – Streichung im Register

21. The Tribunal may also, at any time, attempt to facilitate the amicable settlement of the dispute.

Das Gericht kann auch jederzeit versuchen, die gütliche Beilegung des Rechtsstreits zu erleichtern.

22. The parties may agree to the settlement of the dispute by conciliation within a specific time limit by a third party after the amicable settlement procedure adopted has failed.

Die Parteien können vereinbaren, daß die Streitigkeit nach einem Scheitern des zunächst gewählten Verfahrens der gütlichen Regelung im Wege der Schlichtung durch einen Dritten innerhalb einer vorgegebenen Frist geregelt wird.

23. The dispute settlement mechanisms require the provision of impartial advice, accurate information, and timely administrative support.

24. Alternative dispute resolution in civil, commercial and family matters (short presentation)

Alternative Streitbeilegung in Zivil-, Handels- und Familiensachen (kurze Darstellung)

25. 6. Establishment of fast track dispute resolution mechanisms for settlement of disputes through adjudicating officers and Appellate Tribunal.